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Off-spec denied!

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I just got my ilvl 600 cloak, which is great. I went for the dps version, thinking I could buy the tank version after. But no. Denied by blizz- cape of virtue is unique and only one can be in your possession at a time.

I'm extremely pissed off about this. No such restrictions are on the meta gem, so why the freaking cloak?

It's bad enough how crap this expansion is for alts, but now off-specs are being punished. Why not just remove hybrid classes from the game and be done with it?

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I guess it's becouse the cloak is only a placeholder for the upgraded legendary quality cloak u'll change it in for in 5.4 =) Would just be wired to be able to craft 2 legendary quality cloaks.

But on another subject, blizz should have made sure everyone knew when they turned in the quest that they could only choose either.

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seems you can buy a new one.

You can buy replacements if, say, I dunno, you get really drunk one night and DE/destroy it for some reason. Presumably this indicates that if one were to ticket it, a GM would say "go buy another."

But the real issue is that if you wanted to have the healing cape and the caster DPS cape, you cannot have both. This is the real issue here, which, for the sake of people who can do more than pew-pew, I would hope is fixed at some point (and, because I'm an ass, I hope it's fixed so I can buy one and taunt someone with it who still needs like 8 runestones).

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