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New to DK need help with general knowledge

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So as the title says I'm new to the class and I have no idea how to properly paly it. I see a lot of people talking about "MG" build and "OBRA" build, but I don't know what those are. Also I would appreciate if someone could help me with the acronyms you guys use(still haven't figured out what FP is). Here is my armory as well. feel free to tell me which are the best single target and AoE specs for me.

Thank you in advance guys :)

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50 minutes ago, acidoxyde said:

So as the title says I'm new to the class and I have no idea how to properly paly it. I see a lot of people talking about "MG" build and "OBRA" build, but I don't know what those are. Also I would appreciate if someone could help me with the acronyms you guys use(still haven't figured out what FP is). Here is my armory as well. feel free to tell me which are the best single target and AoE specs for me.

Thank you in advance guys :)

Haha yeah i was new to frost not to long ago.

OBRA refers to a build that takes obliteration and runic attenuation.  Generally the single target (ST) build of choice.

MG (aka Machine Gun) is a build that centers around FrostScythe. (Or FSc which is distinguishable from Frost Strike "FS") which is a cleave (AoE) build that was a popular legion build before obliterate got a 20% buff (patch 7.1).

FP is frozen pulse.

Edited by Sniz
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14 hours ago, Sniz said:

Haha yeah i was new to frost not to long ago.

OBRA refers to a build that takes obliteration and runic attenuation.  Generally the single target (ST) build of choice.

MG (aka Machine Gun) is a build that centers around FrostScythe. (Or FSc which is distinguishable from Frost Strike "FS") which is a cleave (AoE) build that was a popular legion build before obliterate got a 20% buff (patch 7.1).

FP is frozen pulse.

Actually with coining OBRA the intent was Obliterate and Runic attenuation, not obliteration. True machinegun was about not using obliterate at all hence with obra it was saying nah bro use obliterate now with runic atten as the talent. Now obliteration does sim higher with OBRA but it wasn't necessarily the goal backbone, more to say, take runic atten, and now spam obliterate. But, that's neither here nor there at this point XD

IT = icy talons

FP - frozen pulse

FsC - Frost scythe

FS- frost strike

GA- glacial advance

Timmy - nickname for ghoul pet if playing unholy

RW- remorseless winter

DS- death strike

DnD - death and decay

SS- scourge strike

FS- festering strike

HB- howling blast

BB- blood boil

HS- heart strike

that's a few acs for now :)

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As a DK that got back in at Legion after skipping WoD and MoP, I am appreciative of this list.  So much has changed since I had to spend point to dual wield in frost ;)

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