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Room for improvement - Unholy DK?

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I like to think to myself I'm doing quite alright at playing unholy deathknight but I want to see where I can improve. Below are some logs from mythic emerald nightmare - all seven bosses. 

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/J7gyk9jtncBMhmvZ - First 5 bosses

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/gRQLYq2DkzTc8Hb7 - Cenarius

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/8rxX1yW639JhZPMa - Xavius

Thanks to any and all for replying.


Edited by lethality

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Checking out ursoc log. Main problems I see is your not multi dotting add, and your not preparing your wounds before the add comes out either so you could proc a bunch right after comes out etc and kill it. Lot of runic caping (not that it's not expected you have bracers) but you could be runic capped less. Those are the main problems I see.

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I only cap a lot because when I dump runic I tend to have a lot runes up so I feel like I am wasting dps by letting 3+ runes stay off cooldown also when I get scourge of worlds proc I tend to try and use scourge strike more to do more damage.

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More or less the same I generally base it on a lot of factors like do i have a trinket proc and is it about to fall off and some other min maxy stuff like that. With that said if you don't wnana go full min max just do 5 or more unless you have other reason to cast it like scourge of the world. (with that said don't care SS if it's like 1 or even 2 really, 3 min)

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It's a good idea to track the memento procs but gotta use it properly and stuff hard to explain on the mastery proc thing on how to use properly. Buy on the runic power thing I generally only use dc when i have 3 runes on CD, don't have 8 wounds, and don't have scourge of the worlds.

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I currently track dark transformation, apoc, gargoyle, soul reaper, wounds, outbreak/virulent plague, runic power and just added memento. Is there anything else I could possibly track? Btw is there a chance you could talk me through how to min max with memento? Would be appreciated - just trying to improve my dps :P


Edited by lethality

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Nothing really more to track, i mean for the min maxing it's more or less small things like okay I got a mastery proc i have 3 wounds on boss, and I have 1 second left on mastery proc should I cast a SS or a DC well SS obviously.  Because you'll get more shadow damage done. This extends to a lot of other cases like look at all your abilities, figure out which ones do the most shadow damage and then think about which ones you should prioritize casting during mastery procs if suitable. I wouldn't suggest 1 wound being worth of SSing with a mastery proc but 2 wounds could be.

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Thanks for the help lately but I've encountered a problem with trinkets. 

My current stats with Eye of Command 865 and Memento of Angerboda 865 with 200 strength gem.

Crit: 26.60%

Haste: 19.38%

Mastery: 55.67%


Stats with Eye of Command 865 and Chains of the Valorous 875.

Crit: 29.59%

Haste: 19.38%

Mastery: 55.67%


Stats with Chains of the Valorous 875 and Memento of Angerboda 865 with 200 strength gem.

Crit: 29.59%

Haste: 19.38%

Mastery: 55.67%


I'm really unsure what trinkets to use and these are the simulation results for each of the combinations with a trinket comparison.

Comparison: http://prnt.sc/dphc3k



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For progression, on ST bosses use EoC+ Memento, on multiple target progression use Chains and memento, on non-progression use Chains+ EoC Unless there is heavy target swapping. I say this because there is a glitch with memento currently where if you have an allt die it auto procs. So assuming most first kills you'll have a death or two it'll really help out in theory at least.

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