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[Zul'Jin][H] <Iron Genesis> 6/7 M EN, 3/3 H ToV

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Iron Genesis is recruiting Horde on Zul'jin for Mythic raiding. We are currently 6/7M EN & 3/3H ToV.


Openings: Warlocks, Mages, Rogues, and Resto Shaman


We will get 7/7M before Nighthold, and expect frequent attendance, flask/food/pots, knowledge of fights, etc. However, we are understanding, like to have a good time, and are pretty laid back for a Mythic raiding guild. We have weekly heroic EN clears for alts. We also run an excessive amount of mythic pluses all week long.


If you are interested, please submit an application on our discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/jjaRJNM


In your application include: battle tag/armory link/recent logs/prior guild info with reason for switch/bit of a bio and what you want from raiding. If you have any questions, feel free to include them in your application, or reach out to one of our recruiters:


Wildoer – Wildoer#1724 / Akeldama - Archon#1123 / Taaveren - Taveren#1397


Raid Times: 8:00PM EST - 11:30PM EST Raid Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday


Here are our logs if you would like to take a look: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/reportslist/30922/


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