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[Bloodhoof] [A] <Never Say Wipe> are Recruiting

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All that being said I do have some more detailed information for you! I mean if you have made it this far I sense you are the kind of person that belongs with us! :)

Never Say Wipe is a new guild formed by old friends who have played the game as far back as TBC. We are looking to get back to raiding as soon as possible. 
Prior to the founding of Never Say Wipe we were 3/7 heroic and the majority of this team has stuck together. We understand that 3/7 in the first raid of the tier is nothing special and we aspire for much more. It is our aim to clear EN heroic then move on to NH.
Our long term goals are to get the guild to a point where we are ready for new content as it launches instead of playing catch up and to develop a medium size guild with the ability to clear all heroic content, dabble in the dark arts of mythic and see how we progress. 
We did get a slow start to legion and have been playing catch up since launch but our core members are up to speed now and we want to grow our roster with able players that share similar goals to ours. We aren’t going to be bleeding edge but what we will offer is a solid social guild with friendly members that clears content in an enjoyable way.
We do a lot of mythic + dungeons with our best to date being +12, this is an area we too want to improve on and have guild mythic runs every night.
With the guild in its infancy, yet having an active core of players, we are looking to recruit decent, like minded players. We are not into cherry picking classes, we are more interested in you as a player than the character you play. There will come a time where we will consider certain roles full from a progress point of view fulfilled but we are happy to have members join us on a social level too.
What we offer you
• A friendly social arena to level, gear and complete end game content in.
• Raid nights currently twice a week (Friday 8pm-10pm min and Tuesday 8pm-10pm min)
• Helpful guild members, who understand the importance of teamwork to reach our common goals. If you are genuinely unsure how to progress in a quest or gearing or don’t understand a mechanic we will be happy to help
• An active guild calendar with varied events. (This will grow as the guild does)
What we ask of you
• Ideally we want to get back on the raid scene as soon as possible so being at least level 100 will cut down the time between you joining and becoming a part of our raid time.
• Be social. I don’t mean talk everyone’s ears off just take part in a casual chat here and there, be polite and join in activities and if you need help ask!

• Have a general understanding of the classes’ specs and roles you enjoy playing 

• Please give as much notice as possible if you cannot make something you committed to. Despite this game sucking up everyone’s free time we know real life issues come first (just don’t ditch us for the pub unless you’re buying us one!)

• Research… Research bosses research you class. Just have the desire and will to improve essentially. No one in the guild is the best player on the planet but if we see something isn’t quite working we will offer ideas and ways to help you improve as we hope you will for us

• Patience… we are a new guild and it will take a while to get everything running smoothly. Most of us are in our late 20’s at least, have partner’s/kids etc. So as much as we want to focus on the game sometimes real life is going to take precedence and people will be unavailable at short notice. In turn we too are very accepting over issues that crop up unexpectedly. We all know real life comes before the game. With this in mind we would rather all people who would like to join us be over 21.
The bonus of joining a new guild is you get to help it grow! You won’t just be a name on the roster no one knows, you will be valued for everything you bring to our guild.
If we sound like we could be the guild you are looking for please add my btag MightyCro0w#2404, McLovin#2963, FreeReaper#2933 or ElChapo#21235 or whisper an officer on Never Say Wipe
We hope to hear from you soon!

Edited by positiv2

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Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! We are still looking for members to join our ranks and have a crack at whatever tests the Legion want to throw our way. Please just friend one of us for a chat to see what we are about!

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Ladies and gentlemen we are still looking for some new adventurers! We are now looking to assemble our night hold team and still looking for tanks and healers. Please drop in for a chat.

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Still looking for at least a tank and a healer. We are now 5/10 night hold normal. We are getting things done without a full raid team but would be nice to go full guild! Add me for a chat.

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Good morning folks,

Still need tank and healers. We dont need you to be geared rady for NH straight off the bat we can help with gear. Just need people who want to play these rolls.

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Good morning Guys and Girls.

We are still recruiting some casual raiders. Mainly DPS melee or ranged is fine and a warlock would be great. We are at a point where we are managing guild runs without any pugs. The formation isn't quite there as we are a little low on DPS. It hasn't stopped us we are moving forward. We are 7/10 normal and 3/10 heroic. Yep its not the quickest but that has been down to setting up the guild recruiting and gearing up the odd new comer. Raid ready is preferred but absolutely not essential. If we can get a couple more good DPS we can really start pushing on. We raid Wednesday and Monday around 8 pm GMT to 10 pm. If we were close to a kill on progress or feel it required we will look at extending hours and adding days. If you look higher up the chain you will see several btags you can get in touch with should you be interested in joining us.

Thanks for reading

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