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I've got rimeheart in the cube and I'm using the cold variations of corpse explosion, grim scythe, golem and land of the dead. Gems so far are gogoks swiftness and bane of the trapped. Also wearing frostburns of course. General idea is to freeze enemies to utilize rimeheart and bane of the trapped. I know Necro gear is currently missing so please make suggestions on what is currently available. My other skills are the death Nova that heals and aura of frailty for the insta kill which works on bosses and goblins as well as lesser minions.  

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Probably because it's a clopsed beta and not many here on Icy Veins can play it yet?

There will probably be more discussions up for the Necro once it's released but until then I wouldn't count on Icy Veisn forums to contribute to much, you should check some of the more official beta forums.

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While I'd love to retro-actively contribute, I haven't touched Necro other than testing at Blizzcon, so I still can't help much with this. Hope you found your answer though on the beta forums chrtylee :)

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