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What current deck is best? (at least to start?)

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I just started the new expansion and I don't have all the cards for the current year/ungoro yet. I'm looking for the best deck to just grind wins for gold with (I have enough dust to make one or two new legendary decks).


I know there is no "best" deck of course, but I'm wondering:

Which hero and type of deck is currently doing best in the meta?

And which of the current decks are easiest to play while still being viable? (I'm unfamiliar with the new cards so I'd like to avoid complicated strategies until I get a better grasp of everything)


Thank you

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Pirate Warrior is arguably one of the best deck at the moment, having been tier 1 for multiple seasons in a row; along with Midrange Paladin

The full versions of those decks are quite expensive as they require multiple legendaries, so if you want something with a little less punch but A LOT cheaper dust-wise; have a look at Midrange Hunter.  

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Paladin as a class is really strong, murloc synergy is powerful, and mirange paladin is perhaps the most balanced deck, meaning it has  good chance to win against aggro with a good start, while it is naturally good against slower decks, thanks to amazing value Tirion Fordring brings. Aggro paladin is another option, using hand buffs earlier in the game, and make a gigantic board around turn 5-6. It is cheaper than both other paladin decks. And probably easier to pilot correctly.

Warrior is again at a good spot. Taunt warrior is a common deck, it has good matchups, but can be considered as expensive. Pirate warrior is stil strong and also fairly easy to play, I hate the deck, but it is a good choice for those who look for an easy and relatively cheap deck.

Midrange hunter is another common deck, and it is a curve to deck to some extent, also it is so cheap, Decklist you can found here includes two copy of one card from Karazhan, and rest of the deck is at 1000 dust, give or take. And if you see so many control decks, it is definitely a good choice. 

Quest rogue is another common deck, and it is definitely cheap (not the expensive version here though, nobody plays that list anymore) with only 2 legendaries and 2 epics (except tech choices). 

Aggro druid is a Tier 1 deck as well, you can find a list in tempostorm. It is common, especially at high legend (not that I reached there, but as I saw in streams)

@Keizoku You probably wrote you post while I was finishing mine. And we wrote pretty much the same thing. I am not correcting you or anything, just so you know.

Edited by FanOfValeera

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If you can play it well, Gunther (control) mage is definitely a tier 1 deck, so is both mid range and aggro paladin.  Quest warrior is tier 1 if you are seeing a ton of aggro, but it has an abysmal match up vs mid range paladin, and miracle rogue, if you can dodge those match ups, your golden though.  Mid range hunter is the best deck *cheap* deck you can play but it is very susceptible to getting high rolled by aggro druid and generally doesn't do well vs the meta aggro decks (except quest rogue).  Pirate warrior is still really strong, but the meta is HEAVILY teched to beat you, so you will have a lot of frustrating matches and in general, I think it is a somewhat poor deck to climb fast with anymore, Golakka Crawlers can ruin your day and more importantly your win streaks.  That is to say, it is still an exceptionally strong deck, it is just a lot harder to streak from say 15 to 5 anymore.  Aggro druid is also really strong, but it can have very inconsistent starts and get blown out by crawlers once in a while as well, so it is really susceptible to getting its win streak ruined like pirate warrior.  Personally, I think the two most consistent decks to climb with are Gunther Mage and Mid Ranged Murloc Paladin.  Gunther mage is a very very hard deck to pilot optimally so if you are not comfortable with that sort of deck, don't play it (assuming your goal is to climb as fast and efficiently as possible, if you are just their to have fun and like the challenge of learning an intricate deck like that or miracle rogue then I can't recommend it enough), mid range murloc paly is fairly easy and straight forward though, as well as being broken strong.

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any news here since may? would you recommend mid range Saladin over evolve shaman or secrets mage?

(note: my first post here,but been reading the page for a while, awesome stuff! keep up the great work!)

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25 minutes ago, Klaist said:


any news here since may? would you recommend mid range Saladin over evolve shaman or secrets mage?

(note: my first post here,but been reading the page for a while, awesome stuff! keep up the great work!)

All three decks you mention are floating around the same power level right now. Play the deck you like the most.

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9 hours ago, Klaist said:


any news here since may? would you recommend mid range Saladin over evolve shaman or secrets mage?

(note: my first post here,but been reading the page for a while, awesome stuff! keep up the great work!)

Uhm, like positiv said, all three are strong viable decks, I personally feel secret mage is slightly weaker then the other two, mainly because it has a weak match up vs most the top tier aggro decks and that has been mainly what I have been seeing on ladder (that is aggro murloc paladin, token/evolve shaman, and pirate warrior), and its one very strong match up, quest rogue, is getting nerfed, so I feel it is on a down hill slide.  Between token shaman and mid range paladin, both are very good, I feel mid range paladin is slightly easier to pilot optimally, devolve and evolve are strikingly hard cards to play at the correct times. Token shaman has the better match ups vs aggro decks though and mid range paladin has the better match up vs the rest of the meta, so really it just depends on what you are seeing.

Edited by VaraTreledees
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thank you for the kind replies!

I derive from your comments that midrange Paladin would be a good pick, I will see if I can afford building a set and give it a spin!

i have seen that you greatly updated the jade druid guides, where would you place this deck between the above mentioned?

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7 minutes ago, Klaist said:

thank you for the kind replies!

I derive from your comments that midrange Paladin would be a good pick, I will see if I can afford building a set and give it a spin!

i have seen that you greatly updated the jade druid guides, where would you place this deck between the above mentioned?

Jade druid is definitely below those mentioned above. It struggles against the popular aggro decks and quest rogue.

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16 hours ago, PaasHaaS said:

Jade druid is definitely below those mentioned above. It struggles against the popular aggro decks and quest rogue.

However, it could be one of the big winners of the quest rogue nerf.  Theoretically, quest rogue should be out of the meta, without quest rogue, there should be more control decks, and less aggro since they lost one of their best match ups, which could mean jade druid, as a strong anti control deck, could be a big winner. 



As a side note, it might be worth your time to wait about a week after the quest rogue nerf goes live to see how the meta shakes out, there are bound to be some shifts in the power rankings, if I had to guess, aggro decks, particularly token shaman, will probably take a bit of a hit, and control style decks, particularly priest and paladin, will probably be on the upswing, which should also make jade druid and mid range paladin better as well.  Gunther mage will lose on of its best match ups, on top of three of the stronger decks to play into it (control paladin, control priest and especially jade druid) all getting stronger probably signals that it will decrease in power.  Taunt warrior will probably be less good, but good ol' control warrior might get a bit better, mid range hunter will also probably improve a bit as well, and also probably pirate warrior since its worst match ups are actually against digressive decks, namely token shaman and egg druid, as well as gunther mage getting weaker, HOWEVER, pirate warrior has a surprisingly bad match up against jade druid, which seems weird at first, but pirate warrior is a deck all about dealing a bunch of minion damage then when you lose the board finishing you off with weapons, however, jade druid has enough armor gain, that it makes that last part particularly difficult, and pirate warrior can have trouble winning through board alone, unlike the other two common aggressive decks.  Also, I am probably fairly off in some of these predictions, so take them with a grain of salt (since for instance, the rise of jade druid will have a negative impact on the amount of control we see, and a positive impact on the numbers of token shamans and aggro druids, however, I feel these will be somewhat less then expected since jade druid is an abnormally popular deck already for being relatively weak)

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Thanks for the further Feedback!

I believe jade druid is so popular because it is so cheap to get going! that's what got me trying it.

that cannot be said for midrange murloc Paladin... I have put that on hold till after the weekend due to all the high cost cards you need to make it take off... even though I already have tirion and can live without ragnaros and the un goro guy... those epic and rare cards alone cost a fortune ...

I 've played elemental jade shaman on a budget version i  could patch together from packs with some success. that got me interested in going evolve maybe ...

I am only rank 19 so my impression might be off but:

I 've seen only few quest rogues this week. maybe after the mere announcement the meta has shifted.

all in all I might just wait what next week brings. would you mind keeping me posted on you educated impression? I am a just casual, 'plays on mobile' hearthstoner and lack experience on this stuff  :)


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4 hours ago, Klaist said:

Thanks for the further Feedback!

I believe jade druid is so popular because it is so cheap to get going! that's what got me trying it.

that cannot be said for midrange murloc Paladin... I have put that on hold till after the weekend due to all the high cost cards you need to make it take off... even though I already have tirion and can live without ragnaros and the un goro guy... those epic and rare cards alone cost a fortune ...

I 've played elemental jade shaman on a budget version i  could patch together from packs with some success. that got me interested in going evolve maybe ...

I am only rank 19 so my impression might be off but:

I 've seen only few quest rogues this week. maybe after the mere announcement the meta has shifted.

all in all I might just wait what next week brings. would you mind keeping me posted on you educated impression? I am a just casual, 'plays on mobile' hearthstoner and lack experience on this stuff  :)


Evolve Shaman is the cheapest to build out of the original set that you mentioned and, from the lists that I have looked at, is the highest rated one. It might take a little practice and getting used to but once you have figured it out it has the ability to carry as far as you are willing to push. 

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