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Help with healing

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There's times I shine, but it still feels like I could be doing better healing overall.  I'm thinking of switching to a crit priority and going more single target vs aoe healing.  Lately I've been letting the monk heal and just dealing damage conserving my mana as the damage taken isn't really that bad.  https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/BJTMKkmvdrNYj8wP  Thanks for the help folks.

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Hai there!

Couple of things I noticed while reading your log, first you've got some really bad rng for legendaries I would say all things considered. The helm isn't really bad but it's only beneficial through times where you don't really need to heal a lot on many bosses since BL is mostly used for the dps benefit in terms of timing.

The Pretorian bracers are fantastic, but only in Mythic raids where that 1 extra tick of healing tide or that 1 second extra on spirit link really matters but in heroic it really doesn't change anything.

For Nighthold I consider the best legendaries to look for is the boots (10% extra heal on targets in healing rain) and the Velen trinket because on most bosses you can keep a substantial amount of players within the healing rain area.

You mentioned you were considering switching up stat priority and playstyle and that is very much up to you because Resto shamans can do a whole lot more than just crit Chain Heals all day long which is exactly what I got sick and tired of and changed how I heal.

I removed ALL crit and replaced it with Haste up to 20% and everything else in mastery (got roughly 110%+) and I also completely removed the spell Chain Heal from my hotbars and haven't been used in months.

Playing like that you can have a playstyle which is similar to that of a Disc-priest because you will then base most of your healing on single-target with Healing Wave as primary spell while juggling CDs to fill the CBT. So you get great spothealing while always having massive burst aoe for encounter specific moments. Here are mo logs to compare with without a single Chain Heal ever being cast.

Both works fine, you can go massive Crit and have really good sustained raid healing with decent CBT charges but I've chain-healed since Wrath of the Lich King so I had to come up with something new ^_^

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I was considering it because doing some reading, I read how when you're really not doing progression spot healing is more beneficial.  Tried it last night and besides not being use to ignoring chain heal my HPS was higher then last week same bosses different comp.  My concern is the gap between our druid and I.  Part of that is I will ignore healing and dps if I don't have to cast heals.  Plus who doesn't like being on top.

I don't mind chain healing, but I'm always behind by a significant amount.  Thanks for the reply ill browse through you logs.

Edited by Ashtodd

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I get beat by our resto druid all the time. I also use the healing wave build and love it.  I dont think you should worry about being top on heals.  if the boss is dead, and the tanks lived, then you did your job.  Meters do have a place.  I just dont think you should worry too much about being on top.  I have found that as we do more farm and people take less damage, resto sinks on the meter.  This doesnt bother me.   Now if youre 300k behind other healers, then you might need to study meters/logs.  This is just my opinion.  To each their own. =)

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