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Resto looking for some advice

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Hello! I am Syanah. :) 

Anyway onto the details. I'm at 904 equipped currently. My weapon is at 919 with two of the ones that makes Living Seed do more healing, and the one that increases mana regeneration. As of writing this I have 48 traits. My talents are Cenarion Ward, Displacer, Guardian Affinity, Typhoon, Cultivation, Germination, and Flourish. My haste is at 26%, my crit is at 17%, mastery at 11%, and (somehow even though I just kinda ignore it) versatility at 12%. 

Ok. My rotation for large amounts of burst is normally wild growth, swiftmend the lowest, cenarion ward on the next lowest, then throwing rejuvs as much as i can before florishing.

My tank rotation is just keep as many hots on them as i can, use Ironbark when it's off and when they need it a lot, and keep Cenarion on the tank taking the most damage.

For large damage on people i immediately hit Ironbark, regrowth to stabilise if it's very bad, then other hots to get a better Swiftmend. 

For my mana issues I first like to use what I call "manaburst". It's pretty much just a macro binding Innervate and Essence of G'hanir to work together. I also have Leytorrent potions. 

For legendaries I currently use Essence of Infusion and Velen's Future Sight. I have The Dark Titans Advice, Pyrdaz, and X'oni's Caress. Trinkets I have Ephemeral Paradox, Etraeus' Celestial Map, and the Flask of Solemn night. I use Solemn night and Velen's.  I have my four piece in the form of cape, head, pants, and shoulders. 

Soooo.. pretty much it'd seem like I'd be doing ok but honestly I feel like I don't do enough. (These aren't 100% accurate numbers, so be warned.) I usually seem to be around 400-600k, but it drops to mostly 200-400k at the end of fights. I raid in a heroic guild, so it's a little less important that I be the very elite of the elite, but still. There's 3 healers in all. Myself, another Resto, and a Holy priest. We have another healer, a resto shaman, who doesn't heal all that much anymore but still. Pretty much I'm always behind them the holy and the other resto. (They are really good though, so /shrug)

Anyway I'm going to post my armory, and warcraftlogs. (I have no idea how to use logs so... here goes!) 



annnd hoping it worrrrks

Log I think if this works:



think I got it to show my healing from on of our runs... I think. 


This is the most recent I can find. 

So basically I just wanna know from some other restos how it looks, how to improve, and what I should look to do. Been worried that my healing isn't up to par with what a 904 should be so that's what mostly made me post this and because I wanna be the best i can be for my guild and our progression for Tomb. :)

(Also I apologize if I this wrong. I have no idea what I'm doing.)

Edited by Syanah

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Okay, so let’s start with legendary selection. Essence of Infusion is generally considered one of the worst resto legendaries that you can take due to the fact that it is so situational to the point of being obsolete. It requires damage to be very heavy to get the full benefit from it and in general it’s just going to be wasted. On your Krosus parse it added 0.6% to your TOTAL healing over a 3 and a half minute fight which is TERRIBLE compared to the other legendaries that you have available to you. I would recommend Prydaz for progression and Belt for heavy tank damage (e.g. Krosus, Augar). Our BiS legendaries are Aman’thul’s Wisdom and Velen’s (One of which you already have) and they are generally used for every fight with a germ build, but since you don’t have the shoulders I’ll skip the discussion of them.

You seem to have the correct idea about gemming haste into your gear and in most cases this will be the best option for you. However, you should re-enchant your cloak to have +200 intel instead of +150 and change Mark of the Ancient Priestess to Mark of the Trained Solider. The +50 intel increase may seem trivial, but every little bit counts. In regards to the neck enchant, consistent throughput items are almost always preferred over proc items/enchants for healing as we generally want consistent, dependable increases to our healing instead of procs that could get wasted during transition phases or when no damage is going out.  You also didn’t include the ilvl of the trinkets that you listed so it’s not possible for me to give you a good answer on which one to take.

There are multiple healing issues that I spotted throughout your parses, the most pressing is your efflo uptime. You cast efflo once during your krosus, augar and spellblade kills and 0 times during your tich kill. This cannot happen or your HPS will suffer GREATLY. Efflo can account for up to 10% of our heals during some fights and it should not be neglected. I would recommend making a HUGE weak aura for efflo that will blink/flash/cover your entire screen whenever it is not placed on the ground in order to make sure that you have as close to 100% uptime on it as possible. It’s okay to not have it down when you know your group is going to move, as this will just waste mana due to repositioning, but not having efflo up for 90% of a fight is a big big no no.

Another issue is your innervate usage. There is no inherent benefit to using innervate during G’hanir as G’hanir has no direct effect on your mana and thus I recommend deleting that macro and using innervate as follows: Innervate should be used as early in a fight as possible in order to guarantee more uses throughout the fight. In general I try to pop it around 85% mana at the beginning of a fight to ensure that I don’t cap on mana while it is still running. It should also be used with hero in order to maximize its usage. If you used innervate within the first 38 seconds of your Krosus kill you would have had it up a second time. You didn’t use innervate at all for your Augar or botanist kill. You should aim to run out of mana as soon as the boss dies. Leytorrent > ancient mana pot is a general rule as there is a time to drink during every fight, you just need to learn damage patterns and communicate with your other healers to determine the best time for you to drink.

LB uptime also needs to improve. It’s not one of our top healing spells if you’re not taking the belt, but it helps mastery stacking on the tank and give us those nice clear casting procs. ~20% uptime is too low and you should be aiming for 80%+.

Remove Healing Touch from your bars. It doesn’t exist. There is no viable situation in which you would want to cast HT over a rejuv or regrowth.

You have a really bad habit of canceling your tranq on the 4th tick. Tranq has 5 ticks and you need to make sure you don’t accidentally cancel it by casting another spell. Your tranq usage is questionable on a lot of fights. I don’t know how your guild handles healing CDs, but if you have free reign over it you need to pick points in the fight where you know there is heavy damage.

I noticed you are using Velen’s with your tranq. This isn’t a terrible idea but tranq is usually sufficient on its own and the CD of Velen’s lines up much better with G’hanir + Flourish allowing you more consistent uses of it. Create a macro for Velen’s and G’hanir. This is the macro I use:

#showtooltip Velen's Future Sight

/use 13

/cast Essence of G'hanir

I usually try to get 4-5 rejuvs out after I cast G’hanir before I flourish to ensure that wild growth doesn’t fall off and I get as many rejuvs out as possible out so that they too can benefit from the flourish. Flourish should never be cast without WGs rolling on your raid.

Also, you should cast G’hanir immediately after you cast WG as WG is front loaded and you want G’hanir to benefit the strongest ticks of the cast.

Although this is not directly related to healing, I noticed you do 0 damage during most of your fights. For progression, healer dps can be indispensable on tight dps checks and you should get into the habit of casting solar wrath during healing downtime. On some of your fights you do nothing for 10-15 seconds. This should not happen. The goal should be to have every global filled with something.

I hope this was helpful, there are a lot of other little things that I could mention, but you should focus on the bigger ones to greatly improve your HPS. Good luck!

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First thing, thanks for writing a detailed description of you issue.

1/ HPS means sh**t. Having a "low" HPS may not indicate that you're doing wrong (until a certain point)

2/ HPS is highly dependant on the raid cfg. It seems you raid with 10 ppl, not very HPS friendly.

3/ A better option to evaluate, or ponder the HPS, is the %ilevel perf. From the logs you've linked, you are in the 50-60% ish zone. Which is fine, especialy on guldan heroic which is farmed by a better pool of players than Guldan normal.

4/ A holy priest will always be in front, HPS wise. It's ok, healers fills different roles have different mechanics.

5/ Why don't you discuss with the other resto druid ? He may have some insights

6/ If you raid with few ppl, 10 to 12, you may want to switch to a mythic+ build focus on mastery instead of crit. You're using germination which is also mastery friendly.


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Thank you both for replying! Had a run tonight, and I was pretty much doing second heals the entire time! Healers were a Disc, a Mistweaver, and the Shammy. :D We ended up getting a burst of people who wanted to raid ToS, which was great! 

I ended up making an efflo weak aura, and it's actually working great! I just need to fix lifebloom now. Weakaura is being difficult, since I don't manually target people since I use healbot. Anyway it's going a lot better! I've fixed my enchants, and I even got a better haste/mastery ring. Planning to get it a new enchant so it'll be even better. 

Plus! By putting on Pyrdaz I got up to 905. I switched out Essence with some random boots I had in my bags. :P Anyway thank you both so much!! :)

Also to the thing with other resto lol. @bobifle As much as I love 'em to death, he doesn't exactly help me out lol. Did a bunch when I joined the guild since my healing was waywayway worse, but now I guess he didn't find much he needed to advise on. :P 

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Also since I forgot,

Ephemeral Paradox - 890

Etraeus' Celestial Map - 895

Solemn Night - 900.

And Velen's is obvious. :P

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