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920 Frost Mage doing low dmg

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Try to direct compare your mage with others. 

In warcraftlogs you have an option to compare the complete fight and spell rotation in a timeline.

Maybe that helps if you see witch rotation other mages in your raid are using

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On 2017-07-08 at 4:50 AM, Luis said:

Try to direct compare your mage with others. 

In warcraftlogs you have an option to compare the complete fight and spell rotation in a timeline.

Maybe that helps if you see witch rotation other mages in your raid are using

I've tried looking at them and from what i can see they are not doing anything different from me.

i seem to have a stronger opener but they catch-up pretty quick and i slowly get pushed down the board.

which has been strange since in NH i used to be low on the charts most of fight but by the end i was top 10 in dmg done.

other than some talent changes for cleave fights

Edited by Anastian

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Well tbh i just started to raid ToS with 910 ilvl and i had way more dps than you had, but with the GS build. Also your stats are not quite optimal for IV build. I got to pretty stable 900k+ dps on pure single target, whenever there was a chance to cleave i was far above 1kk. So with your build try to reduce the amount of mastery and get more hase, also you should get to 33,3% crit, you will notice it. Or just try a new mastery focussed build with GS.

Sorry for my english me no englando ;P

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So from looking at your logs, it looks like you're only using pure single target talents. This setup should pretty much only be used on Goroth and Maiden, as they're the only pure single target fights in the entire raid. It might not seem like a lot, but Arctic Gale makes your Blizzard with casting with even ONE additional target, and the bigger AoE allows you to hit more targets to reset your Frozen Orb cooldown faster. I haven't looked at your buff/cast timelines side by side, but it's possible that you're crunching too many procs, or not taking advantage of the Frozen Orb 2 piece 20% increased crit damage on your Ebonbolt shatter combo.

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