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not sure to go stomp or dire

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hi all with the gear that i have would it be better for stomp or dire frenzy i have all legos for bm


also when i simmed my gear its saying




















Edited by casperhoward19

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Swap some gear sets around to get high mastery and see what DF offers, or swap some around and get 2pc T19 and high crit and see what the Zoo build offers.

If you don't have 2pc T19 you may find that DF sims higher.

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Looking at all your kills, you should have plenty of gear to set up for either build. 

Like Luthixx said, sim yourself on raidbots with various and gear and specs, and it will give you a theoretical dps. DF will probably be higher (4pt20 w/ legendary belt and chest is my guess - stack mastery). For Stomp you will probably get the best results with 4pt20 (+2pt19 if possible) with legendary belt and huntermaster ring -stack crit ish. HOWEVER, play what you like playing. Assuming you are equally good at playing both builds, they are close enough that if you get some good RNG, stomp will be better. That is why most all the top BM parses are stomp. For example, you run the sims and it says DF is 1 million dps but Stomp is only 985k. That alone is close enough for me to say play what you enjoy. In game though, DF will consistently deliver the 1 million. Stomp on the other hand will have passes that are bad luck 900k or good luck and hit 1.1 million or normal passes at the 985k. 

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Instead of thinking about Stomp or Dire Frenzy you should switch Aspect of the Beast to Killer Cobra.

As far as I know, Aspect of the Beast is only viable when wearing Qa'pla, which you are not. Therefore, change that talent or swap legendaries. The rotation is very different when using Qa'pla though, and it pushes the stat weights more heavily towards crit.

Edited by Khallid

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23 hours ago, Khallid said:

Instead of thinking about Stomp or Dire Frenzy you should switch Aspect of the Beast to Killer Cobra.

As far as I know, Aspect of the Beast is only viable when wearing Qa'pla, which you are not. Therefore, change that talent or swap legendaries. The rotation is very different when using Qa'pla though, and it pushes the stat weights more heavily towards crit.

AotB is still viable without boots, but dependent on stats then KC might be better. I was running AotB for a few weeks until I got some upgrades that's now pushed KC ahead again. Always worth simming to see the difference. AotB is a lot harder to stuff up and lets you focus more on ensuring you get every Kill Command and enjoy using your DB procs.

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Dire Frenzy for single target encounters. Zoo build for aoe encounters.  To maximize DPS you would want to switch gear around using the Equipment Manager.  Even though you can keep up with the raid just by switching to Dire Stable, you wont be topping any meters with that setup unfortunately.  But single target is a whole different story.  I strongly believe that a Dire Frenzy build stacked with enough haste and mastery can beat out most specs/classes single target.

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6 hours ago, Tru said:

Dire Frenzy for single target encounters. Zoo build for aoe encounters. 

Every encounter shows stomp hunters putting up higher numbers than DF, ST or AoE. The only argument for DF is that the dps is more predictable because it is less RNG.

6 hours ago, Tru said:

 I strongly believe that a Dire Frenzy build stacked with enough haste and mastery can beat out most specs/classes single target.

That may be possible theoretically but the gear does not exist or people would be doing it. The best DF builds arent even beating stomp hunters at the moment let alone other classes.

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9 hours ago, Tru said:

Dire Frenzy for single target encounters. Zoo build for aoe encounters.  To maximize DPS you would want to switch gear around using the Equipment Manager.  Even though you can keep up with the raid just by switching to Dire Stable, you wont be topping any meters with that setup unfortunately.  But single target is a whole different story.  I strongly believe that a Dire Frenzy build stacked with enough haste and mastery can beat out most specs/classes single target.

Do you have logs to back up that claim? I've yet to see any BM hunter even touch a Dire Frenzy build since Nighthold. It's an outdated build and if you really want to get the most out of it you need a lot of Dire Frenzy procs, which you don't normally get unless you've got high crit, which isn't a focus point for the DF build.

Zoo build is the best build for everything this tier, there is no reason to go Dire Frenzy whatsoever.

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On 03/08/2017 at 11:37 AM, Khallid said:


As far as I know, Aspect of the Beast is only viable when wearing Qa'pla, which you are not. 

This is wrong. Aspect of the Beast is dependent on the ilevel of your weapon. It starts to win out when your weapon is 940+. It is not depended on the boots. 

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21 hours ago, Tru said:

Dire Frenzy for single target encounters. Zoo build for aoe encounters. 





@Tru please stop spreading wrong useless information. Every thing you said in your post is wrong and needs to be ignored.  Please read this websites guide, click on the names of the hunters in the above to teach yourself. Stop spreading misinformation. 

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58 minutes ago, Banard said:

This is wrong. Aspect of the Beast is dependent on the ilevel of your weapon. It starts to win out when your weapon is 940+. It is not depended on the boots. 

I swear last time I read the guide it said that AotB was best for low mastery but didn't define "low". I thought unless you have the boots or what I considered "low" mastery you use killer cobra. Rereading it now I see that AoTB is the default unless mastery is higher than 80%. IDK how I missread it or missed the update but am glad you have pointed this out to me Banard. Thank you.


EDIT: though it doesn't line up with the guide, i see that most of the top hunters that using AoTB also use boots. most of the hunters not using boots are using Killer Cobra. Surely their weapon lvl is higher than 940. guess it all depends on what sims better for you?

Edited by Sisco

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1 hour ago, Sisco said:

EDIT: though it doesn't line up with the guide, i see that most of the top hunters that using AoTB also use boots. most of the hunters not using boots are using Killer Cobra. Surely their weapon lvl is higher than 940. guess it all depends on what sims better for you?

The difference between AoTB and Kill Cobra without the boots is marginal (1-2%). AOTB should be better in the majority of cases to the point where you shouldn't even care about siming again and again. 

I tried to compare some of the hunters that had good logs with killer cobra but they have since went MM or moved too AOTB (at least the random ones i tried to find)

I also do not agree with your statement " most of the hunters not using boots are using killer cobra" The majority of mythic hunters are using AOTB boots or not.  

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3 hours ago, Banard said:


I also do not agree with your statement " most of the hunters not using boots are using killer cobra" The majority of mythic hunters are using AOTB boots or not.  

yea ill rephrase that. "the hunters that are using Killer Cobra are not using boots" for the most part at least. Seems that AotB is a definite advantage with the boots and is potentially marginally better without

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