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Matchmaking and Multoclass

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I want to talk about multiclass. We have only 1 multiclass in the game and that is Varian. New class caused only matchmaking issues and really unbalanced games, like when Varian was consideret as an assasin by matchmaking but he was only warrior on team so he decidet to go tank build an enemy team ended without any tank

I want to see now existing heroes to be transfered into multiclass. 





But that will bring another problem that everybody is overlooking. MATCHMAKING PROBLEMS are now geting even worse with no mirror heroes alowed (not like I dont like that I just think that it makes a lot more problems). I think that matchmaking could work on class points. Each hero would have points in rolea that they can do and game will not allov to have team with 1 tank point (Varian) and other without. Its not like teams would need to be evenly balanced, just so one team doesnt have somethink that the onther dont have. Class point examples: 

Zarya: 1 point tank

             1 point sustain

Murradin 2 point tank


I know it is not perfect but I think that matchmaking need some changes.

Please leave your toughts on matchmaking and multiclass in coments.


Edited by Player12

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Tyrande is an assassin, Sylvanas is specialist, only Kha I see as a multiclass.

The matchmaking to me seems pretty balanced, say if you have a Sonya tank, you won't play against a Muradin but rather against an Artanis or Zarya.

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On 20/08/2017 at 8:59 AM, Fransoa said:

Tyrande is an assassin, Sylvanas is specialist, only Kha I see as a multiclass.

The matchmaking to me seems pretty balanced, say if you have a Sonya tank, you won't play against a Muradin but rather against an Artanis or Zarya.

Yes, matchmaking is perfectly balanced now. For example, if you queue without a Support, the game will try to pair you against a team without a Support as well.

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