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I always catch myself not using berserking. And after thinking about it, using it with Soul of the Forest would provide 120% haste WG every 3 minutes which would be nice and convenient. So my problem is i made a macro to /cast swiftmend then /cast berserking. i also tried /use berserking and a cast sequence macro. im also using healbot so i just write out the macro name in healbot spells. the thing is.. it works sometimes.. but other times it doesnt. Some times i can cast swiftmend no problem. then other times it wont even cast. Im guessing i messed up the macro some how.

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Beserking isn't on GCD so you should be able to chain it together with swiftmend



/cast Swiftmend

/cast Beserking


The only problem I can think of is that possibly the 1.5sec GCD from swiftmend could cause problems, but if anything that should cause beserking to fail, not swiftmend.


Also make sure you're using #showtooltip that way you will know when swiftmend is off cooldown. If you haven't done that then it's possible you're hitting it when its still on cooldown.


If you want to go with the cast sequence route then make sure you add some sort of reset to the macro so you don't get stuck on beserking while its on cooldown for 3 minutes.



/castsequence reset=15 Swiftmend, Beserking

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Still wasnt working.. i had the tool tip in already and i have tmw on that so i know when its of cd. but it was just working on some people in raid..but not others. and they were mismatched raid members too. (not in the same group.) idk what to do...

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I'm not sure then. on the macro end of things that should work. It may be a problem with the way healbot handles the macro.


try changing your macro to just /cast swiftmend and see if it works correctly through healbot.


if that works then try 

/cast swiftmend

/cast beserking


but use it from your action bar instead of through healbot and see if it works right that way.

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