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Arm Warrior: How to use Ayala's proc in 7.3?

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Hi everyone,

First of all I'm sorry for the eventual mistakes: my english is far away to be perfect..


So I droped my Ayala's ring as my second legendary BiS in mono but I'm not sure I use the proc properly.

What I'm doing now is that I use Colosus Smash, then Mortal Strike, I use my Ayala's proc (to buff my next MS) and so I use again my CS and my MS that is buffed. Why I'm doing is that is that I feel is the more logical way to use it as we buff our MS with 2 Exec when the boss is under 20%.


But I don't know if it's not better to use the Ayala's proc just after a CS, so it would be: CS -> MS -> CS -> Ayala's proc -> CS -> MS. Like this you buff your Ayala's proc with CS and it's the next MS that would be buff by your Ayala's proc; but you loose a MS.


So can somebody tell me if the option 1 that I'm doing is the best or if the option 2 that you loose a MS buffed but you win a Ayala's proc buffed is better?  

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Under ideal circumstances you would:

  • Ring Proc -> CS / Warbreaker (to maintain IFTK / gain SD buff) -> Mortal Strike

Sometimes it can proc and you don't have a way to gain your SD buff. In this case, just cast MS and continue on.

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If there's a way to determine when you're going to get a proc off the ring, I'd like to know about it. If not, then you just maintain your standard priority until the proc happens and judge from there.

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When the ring procs, use it to prioritize a buffed Mortal Strike. It's just a free execute in your rotation; I wouldn't try to do anything prior to using it unless you have CS and WB both available.

If CS and WB are both available and the ring procs you could have a sequence like this:

  • *Ring procs* -> WB -> Execute (empowered from SD and you gain EP) -> CS -> MS (empowered by both EP and SD)

If CS and WB are not both up, you can prioritize the empowered MS:

  • *Ring procs* -> Execute -> CS / WB (whichever is up) -> MS (empowered from EP and SD)

There is a third and rare occasion that you may get two consecutive procs from the ring. In this case you would want to set up a double EP + SD buffed MS

  • *Ring procs* -> Execute -> CS / WB (which causes the rare 2nd proc) -> Execute (empowered by your gained SD and gives you 2nd stack of EP) -> CS / WB (whichever is available. If neither are available, cast Slam until you get CS / WB available) -> MS (empowered by x2 EP and SD)


If this is too wordy / hard to understand, the bottom line is to use the Execute proc to set up a buffed Mortal Strike. The Execute will give you 1 stack of Executioner's Precision (EP). You'll want to gain Shattered Defenses (SD) and then cast the buffed Mortal Strike (MS). In the circumstance that you cannot gain a SD buff in your next GCD after the proc, just cast MS with the 1 stack of EP forgoing the SD buff and continue the rotation. You don't want to hold onto the proc to avoid losing another potential proc, if that makes sense.

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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8 hours ago, Sajakain said:

If CS and WB are both available and the ring procs you could have a sequence like this:

  • *Ring procs* -> WB -> Execute (empowered from SD and you gain EP) -> CS -> MS (empowered by both EP and SD)

If CS and WB are not both up, you can prioritize the empowered MS:

  • *Ring procs* -> Execute -> CS / WB (whichever is up) -> MS (empowered from EP and SD)



You perfectly answer my question here, so I'm doing good :)
Thanks a lot for your answers!

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