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Absolutely had to share these.

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I already knew them and even though they are very entertaining to watch they are just funny because of many broken things in the game.

I think the fact that ppl are go as far as spending time to make such videos shows that the devs of HS did a lot of bad work.

Even though it might look like the vids are showing all a bit exaggerated, it is not. 

Edited by Caldyrvan

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4 hours ago, Caldyrvan said:

I already knew them and even though they are very entertaining to watch they are just funny because of many broken things in the game.

I think the fact that ppl are go as far as spending time to make such videos shows that the devs of HS did a lot of bad work.

Even though it might look like the vids are showing all a bit exaggerated, it is not. 

It is a little exaggerated.  But Blizzards balance philosophy has always been, broken things are fine, as long as it isn't just one thing being broken.  That is, they balance their games with the intention of heroes (in hots) or decks in hearthstone being able to do obtuse and unfair things, but there are always multiple decks or heroes who all do this sort of thing so its "okay".  Like just compare HotS to league of legends.  There are so many more heroes in HoTS that do "unique" things that absolutely break the game in one way or another.  Sylvanas being able to stun structures, murky having a 5 second respawn timer, lost vikings being 3 separate heroes.  Blizzards design philosophy has always been more around fun then actual balance.  I am absolutely positive that they intentionally unbalance some DPS classes in wow by overbuffing under preforming specs so they get there time in the spot light and the people who are dedicated to playing them have high points in raiding and such.

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I would agree if it would not be the case that this "balancing" leads to a meta where are some classes (at least at the top tier) are unplayable, some are just average and a few being top. It just kills variety and every player who want to wins games will care less about the potential fun and will play one of the 2 or 3 viable decks.

You worded it very nice but it's not as you said, maybe in theory :D

Edited by Caldyrvan

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