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Healing Tier

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Hey, I just wanted to see what you guys think the healing tier list is for 10m normal mode siege. My guild is trying to find healers and just want some opinions, since I've heard different things. Maybe Druid,Shaman,Paladin? But yeah, give a list like... Tier 1 - Druid,Pally etc etc. Would be helpful, thanks.

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Hi Heaven,


I myself am a Druid Raid Healer. From my Class stand point, if you don't get all healing Gear at first round, or week, you can as a Resto Druid use some Balance Gear, till you get the item your looking for. A druid Is great for group heals, makes it easier for Main Tank / Off Tank healers/ heals a lot more easier. If you like you can look up Toon on WoW Armory : Havensraven, Whisperwind alliance side. If you have more question lemme know. Just remember Balance Druids are equal stats as the Shadow Priest, via Spirit equal Hit.

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I know this is not the answer you're looking for, but it's the right one:

Tier 1: Druid = Shaman = Monk = Paladin = Priest


They all have the ability to perform great, in different situations, and by utilizing different playstyles.

When it comes to healing, above all else, you should play what you enjoy, as this will allow you to perform at your best.

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At the moment the tiers are as follows:


Tier 1: Monk and Priest

Tier 2: Paladin and Shaman

Tier 3: Druid


But the tiers usually changes from patch to patch..

So you should really focus on getting good and motivated people. Not getting the class that's best atm.


Been healing since Vanilla.


Hope it helped. If you want to know something else feel free to ask=)

Edited by Zembyron

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My advice is find a variety of healers, but don't disregard a certain player because of their class. As others have said; it's much better to find someone who enjoys healing than getting a certain class

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