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what are BiS trinket for demonology warlock

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hi, im currently speccd affli/destro and i have been seeing in forums and from top warlocks are speccing back into demonology after the nerf to imps and uvls. sims also shows that affliction is lagging behind in single target fight and i have been noticing it on my dps too especially after the initial burst( which most of the time im on top) but as the fight goes on im dropping lower in the meters. so im thinking of trying demonology again.

im just wondering what are the best trinket for demo right now?

currently have Huvls, Hwusho and Normal BB

i know immersus bindings would probly be the BiS wouldnt spec to demo until i have Bindings, but couldnt figure out what trink to put in the other slot. saw some locks with uvls and some with KTT

so are Hbindings + HKTT BiS since i have access or a chance to get those trinket


Hbinddings + Huvls still better?

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sims also shows that affliction is lagging behind in single target fight


Don't trust sims. Aff is still strong and will remain so at all SoO gear levels.


KTT is useless to a demo warlock, totally useless. A large bit of your damage comes from imps and pet, KTT does nothing to help either of these.


You NEED PBI in order to make demo viable, PBI+something will make the spec work. Your best second trinket is BBoY, if you don't have a BBoY then a Wush or Breath will work(ish) until you do.

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Don't trust sims. Aff is still strong and will remain so at all SoO gear levels.


KTT is useless to a demo warlock, totally useless. A large bit of your damage comes from imps and pet, KTT does nothing to help either of these.


You NEED PBI in order to make demo viable, PBI+something will make the spec work. Your best second trinket is BBoY, if you don't have a BBoY then a Wush or Breath will work(ish) until you do.

I don't believe KTT is useless. Doom, Soulfire and ToC are now the biggest overall contributors of our after the Wild Imp nerf. KTT procs off of Doom are a good source of damage, not to mention the proc on KTT is easy to adapt around. I'd much rather have it over the hit/proc off of Wush. Breath is alright, but the ilvl difference blows it out of the water I feel.

PBI I agree with, because it's just BiS for every caster. As mentioned in the other thread, doesn't interact with Demo as you might think due to the change in Dark Soul: Knowledge giving you 30% mastery now instead of 15,000 mastery rating.

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i guess that means UVLS is totally worthless


thanks for the insight

It's not totally worthless at all. It still provides you with a useful flat amount of intellect and 2-3 procs in a fight can still be utilized well as an Imp battery. It just starts to fall off later once you acquire PBI and higher ilvl gear, causing you to not need to rely on it to do well.

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As mentioned, UVLS is still decently strong since it reliably procs on the pull, however the longer the fight, the weaker it becomes. I still use it for Protectors due to the council style, but not for any other fights.

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