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Profession Changes in Battle for Azeroth

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An overview of primary professions and new recipes in Battle for Azeroth as of 8.0.1 Build 25902.

Note: This is a very early preview of new Profession items available in Battle for Azeroth. Stats and tooltips on wowdb are currently broken and many items have missing names (PH).

Prefession skill points will be squished in Battle for Azeroth to 100 (8.0 Tailoring8.0 Tailoring). The initial Battle for Azeroth 8.0.1 Build 25902 does not contain any changes to gathering or secondary professions for the time being.









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49 minutes ago, Stan said:

I'm not sure about this for a variety of reasons; they sound cool, but I remember the balance of this in the already dubious world pvp environment if they continue adding pvp world quests, Cobalt Frag Grenades and other engineering items except more generic items such as gliders become more and more prohibited in casual battlegrounds and in pve it sort of opens up the way to cheese a lot more encounters that have variable mechanics such as spawned adds if you make a mistake for example if everyone is an Engineer or Tailor or whatever (not unheard of raiders to go full FOTM for something) and then we're all back to square one again where no one gets nice things. 


Edited by Plergoth

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Uncommon Patron
12 hours ago, Plergoth said:

I'm not sure about this for a variety of reasons; they sound cool, but I remember the balance of this in the already dubious world pvp environment if they continue adding pvp world quests, Cobalt Frag Grenades and other engineering items except more generic items such as gliders become more and more prohibited in casual battlegrounds and in pve it sort of opens up the way to cheese a lot more encounters that have variable mechanics such as spawned adds if you make a mistake for example if everyone is an Engineer or Tailor or whatever (not unheard of raiders to go full FOTM for something) and then we're all back to square one again where no one gets nice things. 


I'm guessing with there no longer having strictly PvP realms that PvP world quests will no longer be a thing. I certainly hope that's the case.

Edited by Calysia
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Uncommon Patron

Presumably the Ocho Hoofplates and Stirrups will be for Kul'tiras and Zandalar rather than the Broken Isles.

Thought I'd state the 'bleedin' obvious' :)

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I changed from JC to Tailoring in the end of WoD, just so I could craft gear during the first month(s) of the new expansion and also because I don't have a miner. I did end up wearing a pure Crit belt I crafted a bit longer than a month, but other than that the profession has been useless to me and the additions for BfA don't really look exciting. I mean with tier sets gone it could be more useful, but they just don't seem to add new recipes in later patches any more that could keep you geared like they did in TBC, Wotlk and Cata.

Should I go back to Jewelcrafting? Any other recommendations? I guess Alchemy is always handy and Engineering looks really unique. I don't mind spending gold to level professions, I have enough of it.

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Uncommon Patron

I'd go back to JC. Call me psychic but I can see a lot of call for a certain little red gem.

My tailors, barring one, I haven't levelled for the same reasons you gave. When there is nothing to craft that is even at the level of drops it is a bit disheartening.

I'm very glad my JC is ready to go though.

Edit: P.S. I shall be continuing to play, I got over myself.

Edited by JJ77
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1 hour ago, Calysia said:

I'm guessing with there no longer having strictly PvP realms that PvP world quests will no longer be a thing. I certainly hope that's the case.

Huh, I didn't know that. I assume there's going to be more free for all or designated pvp areas, as well as manually flagging yourself? 

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12 minutes ago, Plergoth said:

Huh, I didn't know that. I assume there's going to be more free for all or designated pvp areas, as well as manually flagging yourself? 

Manually flagging is the thing to do with BfA which I generally approve of. It is nice to get to control when you want to fight the other faction and when you simply want to do some "chores" in peace :-)

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12 minutes ago, Plergoth said:

Huh, I didn't know that. I assume there's going to be more free for all or designated pvp areas, as well as manually flagging yourself? 

All non-RP realms will be listed in the realm list as normal.  Each player will be able to manually flag themselves for pvp but only in rested areas (maybe only main cities, not sure though).  With the way Blizzard is sharding the servers they had said that players flagged for pvp will only see other players flagged for pvp, and those that are not flagged would only see others that are not flagged.

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2 hours ago, DeathsDesign said:

All non-RP realms will be listed in the realm list as normal.  Each player will be able to manually flag themselves for pvp but only in rested areas (maybe only main cities, not sure though).  With the way Blizzard is sharding the servers they had said that players flagged for pvp will only see other players flagged for pvp, and those that are not flagged would only see others that are not flagged.

For what I understud, only in main cities.

And the diference with the RP realms is that in those "flagged" players are going to see  the "non-flagged" ones, but they aren't able to attack them.

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1 hour ago, Demenzel said:

For what I understud, only in main cities.

And the diference with the RP realms is that in those "flagged" players are going to see  the "non-flagged" ones, but they aren't able to attack them.

On Normal realms, players with PvP on will also see players from other servers as part of sharding, but on RP realms, you should only see players from the same realm with PvP on, not from other servers from what I understood. 

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1 minute ago, Stan said:

On Normal realms, players with PvP on will also see players from other servers as part of sharding, but on RP realm, there should be only players from the same realm with PvP on, not from other servers from what I understood. 

I know they said something about pvp only seeing pvp, but don't remember which realms they were referring to, and I think @Demenzel is right and it's only in major cities, but what I can say for sure is...


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1 hour ago, Stan said:

On Normal realms, players with PvP on will also see players from other servers as part of sharding, but on RP realms, you should only see players from the same realm with PvP on, not from other servers from what I understood. 

In RP realm you only see ppl in that realm, and iit doesn't matter if they are flagged for pvp or not.

In normal realms if you are flagged for pvp you won't see a non-pvp flagged player. That's bcose pvp are going to be in a diferent shard (diferents shards, bcose are going to be more than one)

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21 hours ago, Stan said:

Weapons can be enchanted to proc additional heals/attacks, reduce threat or increase leech: bonus healing, threat reduction, leech, spell attack proc, melee attack proc.


21 hours ago, Stan said:

New cloaks with interesting effects can be crafted by tailors (camouflage, fall damage reduction, threat reduction)Max Level Cloak - Camoflage (NEEDS NAME)Max Level Cloak - Camoflage (NEEDS NAME)Max Level Cloak - Threat Reduction (NEEDS NAME)Max Level Cloak - Threat Reduction (NEEDS NAME)Max Level Cloak - Fall Damage Reduction (NEEDS NAME)Max Level Cloak - Fall Damage Reduction (NEEDS NAME).


Prepping for that Skittish keystone week!  I'm surprised / not surprised given skittish, to see this return.

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On 2/1/2018 at 7:10 PM, Stan said:

Prefession skill points will be squished in Battle for Azeroth to 100 (8.0 Tailoring8.0 Tailoring).

So is it going to be super easy to level professions on alts so we all have a JC, Enchanter, BS, ect or is it going to be just really big cost items to make ? Also you spelled profession wrong.

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2 hours ago, Kharth said:

So is it going to be super easy to level professions on alts so we all have a JC, Enchanter, BS, ect or is it going to be just really big cost items to make ? Also you spelled profession wrong.

It's hard to tell right now. The cap has been increased to 200 (see tooltip), but vendors still use the old system on Alpha. I'll provide more updates when they start testing professions.

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