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Situations where Demo is viable

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Using an outside object to influence a raid boss is an example of exploiting in its purest form, similar to what the Mages were doing spell stealing buffs for Garajal progression way back in T14.  Using the target dummies, which I would assume were placed for aesthetic reasons for the orcs down there, to generate Imps for a boss fight above you is very obviously abuse. 

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Using an outside object to influence a raid boss is an example of exploiting in its purest form, similar to what the Mages were doing spell stealing buffs for Garajal progression way back in T14.  Using the target dummies, which I would assume were placed for aesthetic reasons for the orcs down there, to generate Imps for a boss fight above you is very obviously abuse. 

Sadly probably in there for spriests who, for whatever reason, did not reroll lock and need 3 orbs to have a passable opener on an almost purely ST fight where they will eventually fade into mediocre damage levels.

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I've linked my logs numerous times.  I didn't say I expect you to be the top performer, I just wanted to see how well you do.  I'm not disillusioned to think that your numbers directly correlate to the caliber player you are.  Sometimes you have raid responsibilities that don't allow you to break top 10's.  I also don't have any cheese going on like tricks of the trade.  Our guild also has quite a few carries, so longer kills = less overall DPS.  Also I hate you. (In the most loving way possible)

I'll show to you my love skills in your bed, meow

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