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Laptop for bfa

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Hello Guys 

I'm looking at getting a new laptop to play BFA on but i'm not very knowledgeable on the tech stuff to make up my mind. 




are the two that i'm looking at but not sure which would be better. I don't want to spend to much as its only for wow with some raiding and maybe sims 4 but if anyone knows of a better one for abit more then i might ok with the price. Before anyone says i know a desktop would be better but i'm going for laptop for the being able to take places cant miss raids ;)

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Hi darthdownie

I'm really not an experienced guy with this hardeware-things. I just read WoW is very CPU-based and it just uses 1 or 2 cores. It's not very dependend on your graphic-card. You won't see a big difference between a normal/good and a high-end graphic-card. But there is a big difference between SSD and HDD Drive. As i switched my HDD to SSD, loading times reduced a lot (i guess they are more then halfed).

Unfortunately, i can't give you a real advice what you should buy or not. I recommend to google a bit, because you're not the only one who asks such things :-). For WoW i think you dont need more than 4-6gb ram and 1-2gb graphic-card. What you need is a good CPU and (if you like short loading duration) an SSD-Drive.

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I have a Dell almost identical to the inspiron 5000 that you linked except it has a 1050ti instead of a 1050. I can play WoW on it comfortably on pretty high settings. I don't usually raid on it since I play on my desktop for that but you could easily do it with that laptop.

As far as specs go the 7700HQ is going to be better than the 7300HQ for WoW. You can easily put a SSD in any laptop and I would suggest buying a laptop for the parts that you can't change vs buying one for the parts that you can (The inspiron you linked has a 128GB SSD which is big enough for your OS + 1-2 big games and you can just move them to the HDD if you want to put something else on the SSD). Even if you think you can't do it yourself you probably have a friend who can help or even just use videos on Youtube, it's a simple task to install a hard drive or more RAM even in a laptop.

Edited by HallwayRaptor

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This is no longer true. WoW is CPU intensive but much more GPU intensive than before too. Aka, I have a gtx 1060 and my GPU is bottlenecking. 


So the days of CPU only wow is gone. Both of those GPU's will be the bottleneck.


That being said, they are more than good enough to play wow on a 2-4 setting.

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