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Hello and greetings,

I jsut recently came back to WoW after about 9 yrs. Things have changed a great deal, but it's coming back easy enough as I have played many years of mmo and rpg, so that helps things go smooth in game play.

Just wanted to chime in and say I appreciate Icy veins greatly for their hard work and dedication to helping people with the strat guides and such.

I had a lvl 70 hunter, which was either max or close to max level before I left. So fast forward to today, I leveled up to around 74, and the 8.1 patch came out, and some how the hunter didn't seem the same with the changes.  I was really bummed because i love BM hunter and it was my main, so I hunted around for another main and gave the hunter a rest for a bit. I created a warlock, and boosted to 110. Enjoying it quite a bit. 

Due to the grind of questing and such, I tend to bounce around toons and doing different stuff to break up the boredem and grind, so I decided to go back to my hunter today. First 10 mins I died 3 times, I was a bit dissapointed and about to just delete my hunter. After looking and reading thru icy veins guid on talents and rotattion and such, I can now say I am loving my hunter once again.

So, my hats off to you icy veins for all the hard work, and dedication and for the guides, they are truly a work of art in my eyes. You (for lack of words) saved my hunter and brought him back to life again, Thankyou thankyou thankyou.



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On 7/29/2018 at 4:55 AM, Alphay2k said:

So, my hats off to you icy veins for all the hard work, and dedication and for the guides, they are truly a work of art in my eyes. You (for lack of words) saved my hunter and brought him back to life again, Thankyou thankyou thankyou.

Thank you for the kind words and good luck going into the new expansion! Just remember to practice!

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