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Fever Clan Recruitment

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Fever Clan is a multi-gaming clan for casual and competitive players alike. We strive to provide a fun and friendly atmosphere for all of our members.

We are one of the biggest clans with over 2,500+ active members. Our members play a wide variety of games (WoW, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, CoD’s, BF’s, Warframe, CS:GO, Smite, Neverwinter Online, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, Marvel Heroes, Eve Online, ESO, DCUO, Rift, Minecraft, Path of Exile, World of Tanks, Simcity, Civ 5, Crusader Kings II, consoles, and the list goes on).

Fever hosts a discord server which usually has 100 - 150 people online nightly. FeverClan also has an extremely active forums (over 2,500+ active users) where members can talk with each other on just about anything.

Fever also has community coin (reward) system where you can earn coins for attending game nights, posting on forums, recruiting new members, and many other ways. These coins can be used, through the fever store, to get your own discord room, beta keys, steam games, and much more.

How to join: Potential members applying to Fever must be at least 15 years or older. You can become a member by registering, submitting an application, and then completing an interview on our teamspeak server. The interview is quick and nothing to worry about!

Register here: http://feverclan.com/forums/register.php
Submit application: http://feverclan.com/forums/misc.php?do=application
Interviews: Conducted on our teamspeak server ( ts.feverclan.com )

When answering “How did you hear about Fever Clan:” on your application please remember to put the following:

Fever Member Referral
Referrer: TopFox

Thank you for your time and I hope you choose to join the pandemic! If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them!

-|Fever| TopFox

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Hello! seen an nice increase from people interested in the community thanks to this post. We have added 5 new members this week alone! Thank you!

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