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Fever Clan recruiting for Season

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Hey all, I am an officer at Fever Clan, a multigaming community with over 1000 ACTIVE members among all our titles, and 105+ active members of our D3 section.

We are looking for mature, non-toxic players to fill our ranks for both Seasonal and Non-seasonal side of the game. Seasonal side is way more active.

We have seasonal launch events, weekly organized game nights on various nights, and we have larger events for some weekends.

Basically if you want an active group that is always up for games, give us a try! We also play HOTS, OW, SC2, WOW, LOL, PUBG, and other titles.

What we offer in our D3 section:
- Large playerbase for Diablo 3 
- D3 playerbase - mostly seasonal players 
- We host weekly game nights and events 
- Seasonal Greater Rift competitions with prizes 
- Our own D3 Discord channels on the Fever Clan Discord
- Seasonal D3 teams with varying goals and times
- Playerbase that does not cheat or exploit to compete against
- Good discussions and banter on D3 channels in Discord (The place to be)

What we require of you to join our in-game only clan:
- Follow the Fever-Rules (in summary): Act mature, be respectful and remain calm 
- Have a team player attitude and most importantly be drama free 

If you're interested and would like to join us in game, then please follow those steps:
1) Press Shift+O while in game to open a window.
2) In the bottom left on the window that opened press the red Find-button below Clan.
3) In the <Filter> option field, type in Fever.
4) Choose Fever Clan 2 and press Send Request-button. 

Note: Fever Clan (Fever 2) is full atm and new members enter via Fever (Fever 1)

Potential members applying to Fever must be at least 18 years or older. You can become a full member by registering, submitting an application, and then completing an interview on our Discord server. The interview is quick and nothing to worry about!

Register here: http://feverclan.com/forums/register.php
Submit application: http://feverclan.com/forums/misc.php?do=application
Interviews: Conducted on our Discord - https://discord.gg/EwHNfkb

Questions? Want to talk or play some? Add me Ghist#1730 on Bnet or Ghist#0327 on Discord.

See you in game!

Edited by Ghist

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I joined Fever Clan back in September, just before the start of last season (Season 15), after slogging through Season 14 basically by myself. I really love the experience of logging into the forums and seeing all the people. Although we offer a bunch of options for just about every game (WE ARE A VERY LARGE CLAN) our Diablo III Section is usually the most active on Discord. Last night, I teamed up with 4 clan members and we worked on getting gear for one of our newly formed Necromancer characters. WE provide just about every legal assistance that I could want.... and you know what? The people are pretty cool as well. 

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Wow, this season is going by really fast. There are more primals this season.... well, actually not more of them, but it seems like that because they are much easier to identify with the new changes making them more apparent. Now, you dont have to pick up each thing on the map hoping the you got lucky. Feverclan.com is a good resource for Diablo and other games. If you want to join up, please do, but feel free to check out the website and participate in the forums. It will change your relationship with Diablo and make a lot of things a lot easier. No cheaters, please.... oh and if you have a bad attitude, that isnt allowed either. We have all kinds of players from very competitive and serious, to completely social. I can tell you that I go from competitive to social and chatty when I need a break from the grind. 

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The season end was moved out a couple of months and as a result, I switched from trying to get paragon levels to Goblin Farming to try to get all of the pets possible without buying. Fever Clan makes that easy. I now have all of them.... and looking for the next challenge. Anyone have any suggestions? 


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I am an officer of Fever Clan and I am very surprised how many people have joined in the last several weeks even though S16 is drawing to a close. My guess would be that they are preparing for Season 17 (date of start as yet, undefined dang it). Did everyone reach their goals for the season? Love to hear from you. 

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On 4/10/2019 at 8:28 AM, SugarShane1966 said:

My next challenge was to work on getting my paragon levels up. I am up over 1400 now, and having a lot of fun. Able to group with others or solo. Come check us out at Feverclan.com

UPDATE: shortly after this post, I switched to HARDCORE. I am now up over 500 paragon in Hard Core, although honestly, I did die once. Fortunately, I found someone in the clan to powerlevel my character and I didnt lose much gear (all the gear that you are wearing, or is in your inventory (not stash) at the time is permanently gone). 

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Fever is still going strong and the new season brought us new members to join in the fun. Join us tonight at 7pm PST / 10pm EST for our game night. Join the Fever Clan community chat in game and come hang out. All players are welcome!

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Still looking for an active clan? The season is just getting started and Fever is not stopping. Join us for some awesome group play. We will be having another game night tonight at 7pm PST / 10pm EST. Join the fever community chat and come say hey!

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Recruitment is always open!
Join the community chat in game, apply for one of the clans in game, sing up on the website, join the discord and have fun. We will take care of the rest from there. ?
We host constant game nights throughout the week (both weekdays and weekends) ranging from puzzle ring runs, hellfire runs, bounties, gear sharing for new characters, rat runs training, meta runs for high level gem ups or anything else that people feel like doing.

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Excited about the changes coming to the new season? Looking for a clan to close out the rest of Season 17 and start season 18 with? Join Fever! Join the in game community, get to know us all in discord and get in the clan. So what are you waiting for?

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Did you enjoy season 17? Do you wish you had more people to help you with your demon slaying? With season 18 literally right around the corner now may be a good time to take a look at where you are in the game. Start the new season off right with Fever! Benefits include groups of people at launch, character development from dedicated players, and people to enjoy your other favorite games with. Join the discord and say hey!

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LESS THAN 24 HOURS UNTIL THE NEW SEASON! Have you found your group yet? Looking for a new active community that share the same love of gaming and Diablo as you do? Fever is looking for people to join our family. Hop in our discord, say hey, and lets enjoy the new season and all the future changes together. 

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Didn't enjoy the season start? Did it take you all week to hit 70? Still trying to gear your main and working with level 5 main gems? Thinking about stopping this season already because you cant find a group? If you answered "YES" to any of these questions then take a look at where you're at... Because you're not in Fever! Want to enjoy this season? Looking for constant game nights? Want people to run groups with? Need help with gearing? Then join us. Join the community chat in game, say hey, hop in the discord and lets get you in one of our clans. Dont let a rough season start stop you from enjoying the game. Let us take care of you and show you the way.

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D3 on Fever has 3 game nights, one being Hard Core the others change based on other factors. We have a season start leveling event, catch up event, Keep it trashy event, so you want to be a billionaire event, find the goblins event.. always have rifts, grifts, and bounties going on.. so come check feverclan out if that sounds appealing to you.

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