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Patch 8.1 Build 27826

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Patch 8.1 is now up on test realms and we have a dump with new achievements, broadcast text, zones, scenarios, and more! This article contains spoilers!


  • A new War Campaign is available in Patch 8.1.
  • Two new raids have been added: Siege of Zuldazar & Crucible of Storms
    • It appears King Rastakhan and Mekkatorque will die in the raid.
  • Two new Islands will be available in 8.1.
  • Communities have been updated with more management tools.
  • Vol'jin's story continues. We datamined some broadcast text of his search for answers. The lines include conversations with Baine, Talanji, Bolvar (The Lich King) and Eyir. Vol'jin does not remember who told him to appoint Sylvanas to Warchief. It wasn't Bwonsamdi and Eyir can't provide answers to his questions either.
  • New scenarions have been added.
  • Gnomeregan Pet Battle Dungeon has been added.
  • Incursions are a new feature similar to Legion Invasions.
  • The Hivemind mount has been added to the game with a new model and animations. More secrets in 8.1?
  • Blizzard also added the Kul Tiran racial mount to the game.
  • A new Darkshore Warfront will be available in 8.1.
  • New Druid forms have been added:
    • Highmountain Tauren Moonkin Form
    • Kul Tiran Moonkin Form
    • Zandalari Aquatic Form


Broadcast Text

  • "Vol'jin, son of Sen'jin, once warchief of the Horde... Hear my voice and appear before us."
  • Talanji. Ya voice be a mighty one.
  • "Vol'jin! Is it really you, my old friend?"
  • Baine... ya heart beats strong and true... just like ya fadda. I be glad da demons didn't take ya.
  • Sylvanas led us to victory in the war against the Legion.
  • But since then... she has done much to strain the honor that binds the Horde together.
  • "I must know... when the voice spoke to you, bidding you to name her warchief... what spirit was it?"
  • "Ah, my young friend. Death be... dark. Me memory... not be what it once was."
  • Was it Bwonsamdi? Did he crave the death she would bring?
  • "Da memory, it be denied me by da shadows. Shadows... dat... dat be comin' for ya! Watch out!"
  • I remember dyin'. I remember glimpsin' da Other Side.
  • "I was expectin' ta see ol' Bwonsamdi, or Shadra, or Hir'reek... any of da loa."
  • Dere was a presence. Somethin' movin' in da shadows. Somethin' powerful.
  • "Sometin' not be right dat day. Da demons, deir blades slipped past me guard."
  • "Like dey be doin' now. I cannot hear dem, champion. Da voices of da loa be silent."
  • I been callin' ta Bwonsamdi for a long time. He not be hearin' me... or he been choosin' not ta answer.
  • "I remember it takin' me somewhere, but da memory of where be hidden from me. Ta keep me from sharin' da truth..."
  • "Da truth dat it might not be da loa who wanted Sylvanas to be warchief, but somethin' far more powerful."
  • "Ahhhh, ya come back. Did ya find da spirit of Vol'jin? Or ya here ta make a deal, eh?"
  • "Loa of death, your servant Vol'jin has called to you. Yet you have turned a deaf ear to his pleas."
  • "What? Nonono. Ya be mistaken, Talanji."
  • Speak plainly! Was it you who urged Vol'jin to name Sylvanas warchief?
  • Mind ya tone, bull-mon... or ya be talkin' with ya father soon enough."
  • "Why would me want da Banshee Queen in charge? Nononono. Sure, I be all for war and death, but dat Sylvanas... she be tippin' da scales too far."
  • "Balance be important! Besides, dat one got a nasty habit of keepin' what she kills. No, ya warchief be no friend to ol' Bwonsamdi."
  • Lich King. Da voice I heard as I be dyin'... tellin' me to name Sylvanas warchief... was it yours?
  • The Banshee Queen's schemes threaten the balance. I had no hand in them.
  • And me spirit bein' trapped in dis world... is dat your doin'?
  • Vol'jin... your soul has walked on the Other Side and returned. You have been altered... more than you know.
  • Is it you who be trappin' me soul in dis world? Ta jail me like ya jail da Scourge?
  • You are neither undead nor damned. You do not belong here. Leave this place at once.
  • I do not like de look of dis. I suggest we go... quickly!
  • Leave now or stay forever. The choice is yours.
  • "Minions of the Banshee Queen, leave this place or die."
  • Hold... you DARE bring a priestess of Bwonsamdi into MY halls?
  • "Eyir, speak with me if da others not be to your liking."
  • Hmm. Very well. You and your champion may approach. But know that deception will be met with destruction.
  • "Queen of da Val'kyr. My spirit was sent to da Other Side, den returned. Was dis your doing?
  • "Shadow hunter, you are no longer a mere spirit. What you have become is something beyond my power to forge."
  • Who be havin' such power? Could it be da same one who bid me ta name Sylvanas warchief?
  • You have been touched by the hand of valor. Such a noble force does not scheme for mortal thrones.
  • So whoever whispered to me's not da same as who sent me back?
  • "You have been granted all the knowledge I am willing to share. Leave now, and never return."
  • "Fine, if my troops can't kill you, then I will! For Daelin Proudmoore!"
  • Neferset City will fall!  ATTACK!!!
  • Quick scene of Azerite tank's shield going down and firing on the gang.,Quick scene of Azerite tank's shield going down and firing on the gang.
  • "I gonna need to walk around, be in dis place, kick over some bones. Ya best keep your weapon handy just in case.$b$bLet me know when you be ready."
  • Destroy zhe - Vait... vhat is ZHAT?!
  • PLACEHOLDER scene of Lightforged beacons dropping and troops moving out.
  • "Alright, here we go! We got the fuel, we got the plan, and we got the hands to push the buttons to make it happen!"
  • "We're gonna show Mekkatorque that we ain't so stupid after all. Once his ship's on fire, we'll land on it and send out one of them SOS  things."
  • "He's gonna be flying back, and I bet he'll be all, oh no, I've been outwitted by Gallywix, he destroyed my ship, I better save everyone!"
  • Then when he gets there he'll see us and realize he's been DOUBLE outwitted! HAH!
  • That's the part where you and me blow him up on his burnin' airship. You can't get more dramatic than that!
  • "I'm so excited, all my chins are shakin'! One thing at a time, let's blow up that ship."
  • Ya words be troublin', tho. Step forward, Speaker of da Horde. Maybe dere's a way ta find da answers ya seek."
  • For Kul Tiras!
  • Da Lich King didn't bring me back. Eyir be claimin' she don't got da mojo. Bwonsamdi be as confused as da rest of us. And none of dem were eager ta see Sylvanas in charge.
  • No matter de circumstances, she is leader of de Horde. I will do all I can to ensure dat her rule is a just one."
  • "Zandalar still stands because of your courage, Talanji. Your father was mired in da old ways, dreamin' of a troll empire lost to time."
  • "But you be da first to look to da future... to see what da trolls can become. Ya be young, but ya be righteous. Call on me spirit if ya ever need advice from an old chieftain."
  • "For now, I gonna keep searchin' for answers. If dere be new enemies gatherin'  in da shadows, den I best be huntin' dem... before dey hunt us."
  • The Emperor was in need of trusted messengers and deliverymen.

Global Strings

  • CHAR_CREATE_TRIAL_DEMON_HUNTER,Starter Accounts cannot create Demon Hunters
  • MYTHIC_PLUS_MISSING_WEEKLY_CHEST_REWARD,Complete a Mythic %d dungeon to earn a piece of Item Level %d gear in your weekly chest
  • EMOTE522_CMD2,/boop
  • EMOTE522_CMD1,/boop
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_374,You have no Wood to collect
  • CONQUEST_REQUIRES_PVP_SEASON,Conquest can only be earned during an active PvP season
  • PVP_TIER_WITH_RATING,%1$s (%2$d)
  • PVP_TIER_WITH_RANK_AND_RATING,%1$s  #%2$d (%3$d)
  • AUCTION_HOUSE_DEPRECATED,This addon has been disabled. You should install an updated version.
  • DEMON_HUNTER_RESTRICTED_BOOST_IS_TOO_LOW_LEVEL,You can't use a Level 100 Character Boost on a Demon Hunter.
  • ERR_AUCTION_HOUSE_UNAVAILABLE,The Auction House is currently unavailable.
  • ERR_AUCTION_HOUSE_BUSY,The Auction House is busy.
  • VAS_GUILD_NAME_CHANGE_TOOLTIP,- 2 to 24 letters|n- Can't contain numbers or special|ncharacters|n- Can't contain any characters which|n are not supported in your region
  • BLIZZARD_STORE_VAS_ERROR_CHARACTER_HAS_VAS_PENDING,- This character already has a pending service. Please wait until that is complete to try again.
  • BLIZZARD_STORE_CONFIRMATION_VAS_GUILD_SERVICES,This service will automatically be applied when processing has been completed.
  • BLIZZARD_STORE_CONFIRMATION_VAS_GUILD_SERVICES_EUR,This service will automatically be applied when processing has been completed. |HurlIndex:21|h|cff006995Change your payment method|r|h
  • BLIZZARD_STORE_CONFIRMATION_VAS_GUILD_SERVICES_KR,"This service is nonrefundable after clicking the button below, and the service will automatically be applied when processing has been completed."
  • SLASH_COUNTDOWN1,/countdown
  • SLASH_COUNTDOWN2,/countdown
  • VISITABLE_URL44,https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/32543
  • VISITABLE_URL45,https://www.battlenet.com.cn/support/zh/article/154
  • BLIZZARD_STORE_DISCLAIMER_GUILD_FACTION_CHANGE,This process may take %s to complete.|n|HurlIndex:44|h|cff006995Frequently Asked Questions|r|h
  • BLIZZARD_STORE_DISCLAIMER_GUILD_FACTION_CHANGE_CN,This process may take %s to complete.|n|HurlIndex:45|h|cff006995Frequently Asked Questions|r|h
  • RACIAL_TRAITS,Racial Traits:
  • BLIZZARD_STORE_DISCLAIMER_GUILD_NAME_CHANGE,This process may take %s to complete.
  • BLIZZARD_STORE_DISCLAIMER_GUILD_NAME_CHANGE_CN,This process may take %s to complete.|n|HurlIndex:45|h|cff006995Frequently Asked Questions|r|h
  • HEART_OF_AZEROTH_MISSING_ERROR,Requires Heart of Azeroth
  • VAS_NEW_GUILD_MASTER_LABEL,Appoint guild master for old guild
  • CLICK_FOR_MORE_INFO,Click for more information
  • STUN_BOT_TIMER_BAR,Stun Bot Energy Bar
  • VAS_OLD_GUILD_NEW_NAME_LABEL,Choose name for old guild
  • VAS_NEW_GUILD_MASTER_TOOLTIP,Appoint a guild master for the placeholder guild that will stay on your original faction. Your members will stay in that guild until they do their own Faction Changes.
  • VAS_OLD_GUILD_NEW_NAME_CHANGE_TOOLTIP,Choose a new name for the placeholder guild that will stay on your original faction (since two guilds can't have the same name). Your members will stay in that guild until they do their own Faction Changes.|n|n- 2 to 24 letters|n- Can't contain numbers or special|ncharacters|n- Can't contain any characters which|nare not supported in your region
  • PARTY_PLAYER_WARMODE_ENABLED,This player has War Mode enabled. You can't see them in the world unless you also enable War Mode in your Talents pane.
  • PARTY_PLAYER_WARMODE_DISABLED,This player has War Mode disabled. You can't see them in the world unless you also disable War Mode in your Talents pane.
  • VAS_GUILD_FACTION_CHANGE_CONFIRMATION,<%s> of %s|n-Faction change to %s|n-Old guild renamed to <%s>|n-%s appointed guild master of old guild <%s>
  • VAS_GUILD_FACTION_CHANGE_PLUS_NAME_CHANGE_CONFIRMATION,<%s> of %s|n-Faction change to %s|n-Rename to <%s>|n-%s appointed guild master of old guild <%s>
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_376,Target must be dead.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_377,Your target is already embiggified.

Journal Encounter

  • Grimfang and Firecaller
  • Duel with a Duo (H)
  • King Grong,<PH>
  • Grong the Revenant,<PH>
  • The Restless Cabal,"Called from the depths to retrieve three relics of ancient power, The Restless Cabal is bound to serve N'Zoth attend to his will. Zaxasj speaks of promises and power while Fa'thuul crushes the opposition with pure force."
  • Ivus the Forest Lord
  • Loa Council,"Deep within the golden city of Zuldazar, the revered loa are worshipped within a chamber constructed to honor them. Six of the most prominent loa are represented here, gaurded by their most devout champions. Any trespasser that dar enter this sacred hall will be met with the fury of Zuldazar's most powerful loa."
  • "Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void",Temp text
  • Frida Ironbellows,"On the frontlines of the assault on Zuldazar, Frida Ironbellows leads her troops towards victory. Using the powers of the Light to both infuse herself and her allies with power, she is a overpowering force on the battlefield."
  • High Tinker Mekkatorque,<PH>
  • King Rastakhan,<PH>
  • Sea Priest Blockade

Journal Instance

  • 8.1 Raid
  • Crucible of Storms


  • Cooking: Impossible is a 10 flag capture style battle","This brawl takes place in the Valley of the Four Winds
  • Cooking: Impossible is a 10 flag capture style battle",Complete Nomi's Chili Recipe,"- Gather Ingredients from the Valley and bring them to Nomi
  • - First to gather 10 Ingredients wins
  • - Dying or being Stunned will cause you to drop the Ingredients
  • Zandalarraid,Zuldazar Raid
  • SeaPriestRaid,Crucible of Storms
  • WarfrontsDarkshoreAlliance,Warfronts Darkshore - Alliance
  • IncursionAirshipHorde,8.1.0 Incursion Airship Horde
  • IncursionAirshipAlliance,8.1.0 Incursion Airship Alliance
  • WarfrontsDarkshoreHorde,Warfronts Darkshore - Horde
  • DarkshoreTyrandeScenario,8.1 Darkshore Scenario
  • Islands7,Jorundal
  • TransportCookingImpossibleAllianceBalloon,Transport: Cooking: Impossible - Hot Air Balloon - Alliance
  • TransportCookingImpossibleHordeBalloon,Transport: Cooking: Impossible - Hot Air Balloon - Horde
  • N'Zoth,DELETE
  • SeaPriestDungeonQuests,Shrine of the Storm Quests
  • ZandalariTreasury,Zandalari Treasury
  • DaggerRealm,Dagger Realm
  • DarkshoreHordeQuests,8.1 Darkshore Horde Quests
  • DarkshoreOutdoorPhase,8.1 Darkshore Outdoor Final Phase
  • TolDagorScenario,Tol Dagor Scenario
  • DevSmoketest,Dev Smoketest
  • ZuldazarRaidShipTransport,Transport: Zuldazar Raid Ship


  • The Hivemind, "A true union of minds."
  • Vicious White Warsaber, "If you try to give it a belly scratch, you're asking for trouble."
  • Vicious Black Bonesteed, "These skeletal steeds know no fear, eat no grains, and can travel impossible distances."


  • The Fall of the Sunwell
  • Tyrande's Ascension
  • The Battle for Darkshore
  • The Treasury Heist
  • Gnomeregan
  • Jailor of the Damned
  • Escape from Tol Dagor

Scenario Steps

  • Remove the Forsaken threat and begin the reclamation of Ruins of Auberdine.,To Auberdine!
  • Defeat the enemy commander and reclaim Darkshore for the Alliance.,The Fallen Moon
  • Reclaim Bashal'Aran.,Forward Progress
  • Construct the means necessary to defeat the enemy.,Advancing the Effort
  • Shine the lantern and start the memories of the fallen.,By Blood Remembered
  • Hold the line against the Scourge,Until Our Last Breath
  • Defeat Seer Drannix,Delaying Death's March
  • Face Arthas.,For Anasterian!
  • Break through to the Sunwell.,He Who Walks the Day
  • Defend the Magisters during their ritual.,A Prince's Decision
  • Sail to the Ruins of Auberdine.,In Teldrassil's Wake
  • Find the Eye of Elune in the Ruins of Auberdine.,Elune's Gaze
  • Defeat Bilegut and escape the hall.,Cornered!
  • Investigate the screaming nearby.,A Cry for Help
  • Find Tyrande Whisperwind in Bashal'Aran.,Closing In
  • Guard Tyrande while she completes the Ritual of the Night Warrior.,Zenith
  • Hunt down Nathanos Blightcaller.,Nowhere to Run
  • Intervene before Nathanos raises the fallen as forsaken.,The Queen's Pawn
  • Return to the fleet and scout the Horde army.,Eyes of the Forest
  • Remove the Alliance from the Ruins of Auberdine.,To Auberdine!
  • Claim Bashal'Aran for the Horde.,Forward Progress
  • Construct the means necessary to defeat the enemy.,Advancing the Effort
  • Defeat the enemy commander and claim Darkshore for the Horde.,End of the Road
  • Rescue the kaldorei prisoners in the Withering Thicket.,No Elf Left Behind
  • Use the G.P.G.,A Simple Plan
  • Proceed further into the treasury.,Mission: Probable
  • Head towards the central chamber.,Take the Shortcut
  • Return to the outer hallway.,Nevermind
  • Witness Tyrande's ascension into the Night Warrior.,The Night Warrior
  • The automated defenses of Gnomeregan have been activated!,Automated Defenses
  • Defeat the Living Elementals.,Out of Control Elementals
  • Use the correct sequence of levers to activate the Door Control Console.,Pull the Correct Levers
  • Confront the Lich King
  • Retreat to Bwonsamdi's Death Gate.,Reach the Death Gate
  • Use Bwonsamdi's Death Gate to escape the Frozen Throne.,Escape the Frozen Throne
  • Find Nathanos Blightcaller nearby.,Nowhere to Hide
  • Speak to Warden Amical.,Speak to Warden
  • Defeat the Horde's forward commander in Ruins of Auberdine.,Applying Pressure
  • Send the guards away, and take the Master Key.
  • Release Ashvane,Release Ashvane
  • Release prisoners and plant the explosives.,Create a distraction
  • Defeat the Warden
  • Shine the lantern on Kael'thas' decision.,A Setback
  • Ride the Bomb Stomper 5000 through the deadly field of Bomb Bots.,Bypass the Mine Field
  • Defeat the critters that somehow survive in this place.,Resilient Critters
  • There's a Leper Rat of unusual size guardng that door. It looks mean.,You Dirty Rat
  • Defeat the Gnomeregan Defense Force.,"Gnomeregan Defense Force, Activate!"
  • Mekgineer Thermaplugg has left his latest invention here as the last bastion of defense for Gnomeregan. Smash it!,Thermaplugg's Latest Invention
  • Deliver Ashvane,Get to the Ship
  • Gather Data using G.P.G.,Let's Try This Again
  • Get through sewers,Escape the Prison
  • Proceed further into the treasury.,The Search Continues
  • Someone has telepoted into the room. Confront them!,Shadowy Figure
  • Prepare yourself for battle.,Preparation

World Safe Locs

  • Warfront Darkshore - Alliance Start
  • Warfront Darkshore - Alliance Ruins of Auberdine GY
  • Zuldazar - Dino Training - Finale Safe Loc (JAK)
  • Warfront Darkshore - Alliance Bashal'Aran GY
  • Warfront Darkshore - Alliance Intro GY
  • Incursions - Harder They Fall -  Safe Loc - (MDE)
  • 8.1 Incursions - Crawler Mine Abandon (MDE)
  • Havenswood
  • Warfront Darkshore - Horde Start
  • Jorundall
  • 8.1 Incursions - Crawler Mine -  Safe Loc - (MDE)
  • 8.1 Incursions - Unfriendly Skies - Safe Loc (MDE)
  • Norwington Estate Safe  Place
  • 8.1 Incursions - Tiragarde - Greystone Ruins - H - WQ02 - Iron Star Exit (JDA)
  • 8.1 War Campaign - A - Ch1 - anglepoint boat safeport - krb
  • 8.1 War Campaign - H - Chapter 2 - Drustvar Combat Safe spot - (STM)
  • 8.1 Incursions - Famous Airship Disasters -  Safe Loc - (MDE)
  • Warfront Darkshore - Alliance Lor'danel GY
  • 8.1 Dwarf Heritage - Ulduar - Scenario - Entrance Loc - RRB
  • Safe Exit: 8.1 Dwarf Heritage Armor - Loch Modan - RRB
  • The Sunwell - Heritage Scenario Start
  • Warfront Darkshore - Alliance Ship
  • 8.1 Tyrande - A - Tyrande Scenario - Start - GJC
  • 8.1 Tyrande - A - Tyrande Scenario - Safe Exit Loc - GJC
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Alliance - Zone Out Location
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Alliance - Zone In Location
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Horde - Zone Out Location
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Horde - Zone In Location
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Treasure Room Entrance
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Treasure Room Exit
  • 8.1 SoS PreRaid - Dagger - Revival Point (msc)
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Throne Room Entrance
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Throne Room Exit,
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Balcony Exit
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Balcony Entrance
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Elevator Bottom
  • 8.1 Zuldazar Raid - Elevator Top
  • Warfront Darkshore - Horde Intro GY
  • Warfront Darkshore - Horde Ruins of Auberdine GY
  • Warfront Darkshore - Horde Bashal'Aran GY
  • Warfront Darkshore - Horde Lor'danel GY
  • Scenario - Gnomeregan Pet Battle Entrance
  • 8.1 War Campaign - A - Ch3 - Zandalari Treasury Scenario Entry - KRB
  • 8.1 War Campaign - A - Ch3 - Zandalari Treasury Scenario Exit - KRB
  • 8.1 Sunwell Unlock Scenario - GY 1
  • 8.1 Sunwell Unlock Scenario - GY 2
  • 8.1 Sunwell Unlock Scenario - GY 3
  • Emerald Dreamway - The Stuff of Dreams (RKS)
  • 8.1 Tyrande - A - Tyrande Scenario - GY - Stage 1-2 - GJC
  • 8.1 Tyrande - A - Tyrande Scenario - GY - Stage 3-6 - GJC
  • 8.1 Tyrande - A - Tyrande Scenario - GY - Stage 7-9 - GJC
  • 8.1 Tyrande - A - Tyrande Scenario - GY - Stage 10-11 - GJC
  • Islands - Port of Zandalar Exit Loc
  • Islands - Boralus Harbor Exit Loc
  • 8.1 Icecrown - The Frozen Throne
  • Warfront Arathi - Horde, General GY
  • Darkshore - Tyrande (H) - Lor'danel GY
  • Darkshore - Tyrande (H) - Bashal'Aran GY
  • 8.1 Shrine Raid - Entrance Target - KLH
  • 8.1 Shrine Raid - Post B1 - KLH
  • 8.1 Shrine Raid - Exit Target - KLH
  • Warfront Darkshore - Alliance Exit Safe Loc
  • Warfront Darkshore - Horde Exit Safe Loc
  • 8.1 Tol Dagor Scenario

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6 minutes ago, Stan said:

It appears King Rastakhan and Mekkatorque will die in the raid.

î kinda doubt it - i saw a model of Mekkatorques escape pod somewhere ... this sounds more like an " MIA but alive" thing

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As a Horde player Mekkatorque's death would suck balls.

Kill Jaina, kill Magni, kill the Falstad, kill Malurion or Genn.... but don't screw with Mekkatorque...  Gnomes are the only fun part of the Alliance and Mekkatorque always makes me smile and happy when he's involved.

We need more Mekkatorque not less.

  • Haha 1

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16 minutes ago, Maxkitty said:

Is anyone even able to get on to the PTR? I couldn’t no matter how much I tried last night.

The PTR login hasn't been fixed yet.

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37 minutes ago, Stan said:

The PTR login hasn't been fixed yet.

That’s really unfortunate, I’ve been dying to get my hands on the new Feral Druid changes. I’m sure they know of the issue though, so all we can do is wait.

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2 hours ago, Nxc said:

î kinda doubt it - i saw a model of Mekkatorques escape pod somewhere ... this sounds more like an " MIA but alive" thing

Here it is! It's called "mekkatorque_escapepod" and has three animations: death/stand/submerged.


  • Like 1

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    • By Stan
      We've looked at the latest Druid changes that went live on the War Within Beta this week.
      Restoration Druid - Restoration Druid core passive: Increases damage/healing by 96%: 74%: Improved Prowl, Pouncing Strikes, Shred, Thrashing Claws Increases damage/healing by 31%: 24%: Improved Prowl and Pouncing Strikes Renewal - Usable in all shapeshift forms. Instantly heals you for 20% 30% of maximum health Rip - Lasts longer per combo point. Finishing move that causes Bleed damage over time 1 point : [ 100.5% 110.5% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec 2 points: [ 150.7% 165.8% of Attack Power ] over 12 sec 3 points: [ 201% 221% of Attack Power ] over 16 sec 4 points: [ 251.2% 276.3% of Attack Power ] over 20 sec 5 points: [ 301.4% 331.6% of Attack Power ] over 24 sec Frenzied Regeneration - Heals you for 15% 24% health over 3 sec, and increases healing received by 20%. Primal Wrath - Lasts longer per combo point. Finishing move that deals instant damage and applies Rip to all enemies within 10 yards 1 point : [ 28.6% 34.4% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 4 sec 2 points: [ 42.9% 51.6% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 6 sec 3 points: [ 57.2% 68.8% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 8 sec 4 points: [ 71.5% 86% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 10 sec 5 points: [ 85.8% 103.2% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 12 sec Berserk: Frenzy - During Berserk your combo point-generating abilities bleed the target for an additional 135% 150% of their direct damage over 8 sec. Rampant Ferocity - Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.. Ferocious Bite also deals [ 33.3% of Attack Power ] damage per combo point spent to all nearby enemies affect by your Rip Spending extra Energy on Ferocious Bite increases damage dealt by up to 50% 100% Bursting Growth - Damage reduced above 5 targets. When Symbiotic Blooms expire or you cast Rejuvenation on their target flowers grow around their target, healing them and up to 3 nearby allies for [ 20% of Spell Power ]. When Bloodseeker Vines expire or you use Ferocious Bite on their target they explode in thorns, dealing [ 70% 91% of Attack Power ] physical damage to nearby enemies Adaptive Swarm - Upon expiration, finds a new target, preferring to alternate between friend and foe up to 3 times. Command a swarm that heals [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 180% 216% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 25% Rake - While stealthed, Rake will also stun the target for 4 sec and deal 60% increased damage. Awards 1 combo points.. Reduces the target's movement speed by 20% for 12 sec Rake the target for [ 21.54% 28% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 141.4% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 15 sec Lunar Insight - Moonfire deals 20 20% additional damage. Berserk - While Berserk: Generate 1 combo points every 1.5 sec. Go Berserk for 15 sec. Combo point generating abilities generate 1 additional combo points. Finishing moves restore up to 3 combo points generated over the cap All attack and ability damage is increased by 10%. 15%. Brutal Slash - Deals 15% increased damage against bleeding targets. Awards 1 combo points.. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Awards 1 combo points. Applies the Bleed from Thrash Normal: Strikes all nearby enemies with a massive slash, inflicting [ 147.6% 192% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Thrashing Claws : Strikes all nearby enemies with a massive slash, inflicting [ 147.6% 192% of Attack Power ] Physical damage Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane - During Incarnation: Energy cost of all Cat Form abilities is reduced by [ 20 25% of Spell Power ]%, and Prowl can be used once while in combat. An improved Cat Form that grants all of your known Berserk effects and lasts 20 sec. Finishing moves restore up to 3 combo points generated over the cap. Generate 1 combo points every 1.5 sec. Combo point generating abilities generate 1 additional combo points. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Cat Form for its duration All attack and ability damage is increased by 10%. 15%. Thriving Growth - Multiple instances of these can overlap.. Wild Growth, Regrowth, and Efflorescence healing has a chance to cause Symbiotic Blooms to grow on the target, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec Rip and Rake damage has a chance to cause Bloodseeker Vines to grow on the victim, dealing [ 135% 121.5% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 6 sec Bond with Nature - Healing you receive is increased by 3%. 4%. Druid Guardian 11.0 Class Set 4pc - Arcane damage you deal is increased by 5% and bleed damage you deal is increased by 5%. 8%. Taste for Blood - Ferocious Bite deals 15% 12% increased damage and an additional 15% 12% during Tiger's Fury. Evoker
      Animosity - Casting an empower spell extends the duration of Dragonrage by 4 5 sec, up to a maximum of 16 20 sec. Titanic Wrath - Essence Burst increases the damage of affected spells by 8.0%. 15.0%.
    • By Stan
      As of the War Within pre-patch, Alysrazor in the Firelands raid is bugged, preventing players from getting the Flametalon of Alysrazor mount.
      Blizzard made various updates to flying in the War Within pre-patch, and a possible side-effect could be tied to Alysrazor not leaving her spawn location when you engage her in the raid.
      Hopefully, Blizzard will soon release a fix for the issue. Until then, don't bother soloing the Firelands!
    • By Starym
      It's time for some more preliminary stats, as the pre-patch has been here a whole 3 days (well, not exactly "whole", especially considering the game time gifts)! We're taking a look at how the class changes shifted the dungeon meta, but keep in mind these are really early numbers and fewer players do Mythic+ in post-season.
      Warcraft Logs Points
      The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster than just any in-time completion. We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
      While the very top spot remains unchallenged, as Augmentation is set to rule M+ forever, the rest is pretty different! We have some Fyr'alath action right after the Evoker, as Fury and Ret fight it out over the silver, while Shadow falls down to 4th, but is still very much in the game. Unholy makes a solid leap up and passes Elemental, with Fire dropping down some. Devastation and Demonology are newcomers to the bottom 3, where Enhancement welcomes them as a pretty much permanent resident.

      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
      Things are looking similar in the generalist bracket, but Retribution takes down Fury here and Fire is significantly higher. Survival is also doing a lot better than in the top percentiles, and Beast Mastery makes the top 10 as well.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles Tank (Points)
      The tanks show basically no change whatsoever, as is customary, with only Protection Warrior managing to climb one up and leave Brewmaster at the bottom.
      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      Healer (Points)
      Holy is pushing up and then some, claiming 2nd right below the long-time emperor, Resto Druid. Shaman climbs up from much lower to grab 3rd, while Discipline falls down to the bottom.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Starym
      There's plenty more class changes for both the pre-patch and Season of Discovery, along with dungeon tweaks, Skyriding fixes, profession and PvP adjustments and more!
       July 25 (Source)
      Druid Balance Wrath cast by Convoke the Spirits now consumes Dreamstate buffs from Nature's Grace and the Amirdrassil Season 3 (2-piece) Set Armor bonus. Amirdrassil Season 3 (2-piece) Set Armor: Dreamstate now increases the damage of Wrath and Starfire by 80% (was 100%). Hunter Survival Players who had a Wildfire Bomb override from Wildfire Infusion's previous iteration have had them removed. Warrior Protection Fixed a bug causing Spell Reflection to occasionally fail to reflect a spell. Dungeons and Raids
      Algeth'ar Academy Fixed an issue where Vexamus would not face its target during the cast of Arcane Expulsion on Heroic and Mythic difficulty. Flying
      Pathfinder requirements for Skyriding have been removed from Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands zones. Player-versus-Player
      Malicia and Field Master Emberath now correctly offer their Dragonflight Season 4 War Mode equipment until the launch of War Within. Resolved an issue that sometimes prevented healers from being able to duo queue in Rated Battleground Blitz. Professions
      Reduced Trainer costs for Dragonflight professions. Titles
      The Title "Timber Lord" should now display correctly. Season of Discovery
      Increased the number of Firelands Invader, Obsidian Reaver, and Obsidian Surger spawns for the Blackrock Eruption event across Searing Gorge. The Might of Stormwind buff will now appear properly in the tooltip when a Chronoboon is used. Items Devilcore Leggings and Devilcore Gloves patterns can now drop from additional sources other than King Mosh. All of the revamped or new Molten Core items that were strictly Unique are now Unique-Equipped to allow master looters to hold these items during raids. Season of Discovery versions of recipes should be available again from their trainers, making turn-ins for professions quests possible. Mage Rewind Time can no longer be cast if the target will not benefit from its healing. Priest Priests who don't have the Divine Spirit talent learned are now prevented from casting higher ranks of Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit. Rogue The cooldown on Rogue Shuriken Toss has been reduced to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds). Warlock Shadowflame will no longer be overwritten by Improved Shadow Bolt. Warrior Last Stand cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.
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