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New achievements in MoP

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Ok so I thought I would start a thread with some of the new achievements they will be adding in for MoP.

Hopefully I can make a proper list over time. Any requests just give me a shout Posted Image

Note that due to the beta not having all of my characters info, some achievements arent completed so I cannot see certain future achievements (for example inv_misc_coin_06.jpgGot My Mind On My Money still says I need to loot 100g so I cannot see how high the achievements go and if they have added anything more than is currently available!)

General Achievements: (Hover over to see description)

achievement_arena_2v2_7.jpgDynamic Duo - At the moment it seems to be for 2 different classes, I "assume" that there will be follow on ones for maybe 5-10(11) classes at max level?

achievement_bg_winwsg.jpgDouble Agent - Best get levelling my horde toon! Posted Image

inv_glove_plate_pvpwarrior_c_01.jpgMystically Superior

inv_glove_plate_raiddeathknight_j_01.jpgMystically Epic

inv_jewelcrafting_crimsonhare.jpgTo All the Squirrels I Once Caressed? - I assume more than the 3 here will be added in the future

inv_misc_food_115_condorsoup.jpgPandaren Cuisine - 16 foods

inv_misc_food_115_condorsoup.jpgPandaren Delicacies - 24 foods

ability_mount_travellersyakmount.jpgGrand Expedition Yak - I believe this is the new gold sink mount for 30k (not researched it much atm)

Edited by Peelyon
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Quest achievements:

From what I can tell nothing new has been added to Old World / TBC / WotLK / Cata achievements (not surprising).

Yet again a large number of these quests havent copied over properly so its a little hard to tell.

There are a number of Pandarian quest achievements. I won't list them all but from what I gather, rather than completing "x" number of quests, it seems that you instead need to finish storylines. For example:

achievement_zone_valleyoffourwinds_loremRally the Valley - Hopefully by being a storyline based achievement rather than a set "number" it may be a bit more engaging. Im assuming Vlad / Damien who have been through the questlines can update more though!

Other quest achievements include:

pandarenracial_innerpeace.jpgEvery Day I'm Pand-a-ren

Numerous other single event / daily achievements that are atm too many to list in full but you get the idea.

Edited by Peelyon
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Currently there are a large number of achievements available. This coincides with the new exploration achievements as described here!

As well as these new exploration achievements you have the classic reveal the map ones such as:

achievement_zone_dreadwastes.jpgExplore Dread Wastes

Player vs Player:

At a quick glance no new achievements have been added to general PvP ones (so no 30+ Wrecking Ball etc, no current update on Battlemaster either so still the 5 "original" battlegrounds but I could be wrong as it isnt showing up on my copied toon).

There are lots of new achievements that are related to the two new battlegrounds:

achievement_battleground_templeofkotmoguMaster of Temple of Kotmogu

achievement_battleground_silvershardmineMaster of Silvershard Mines

These are very similar to current achievements that are unique to these new battle grounds (100 wins etc etc).

From what I can see there are no current changes to either Arena or Rated Battleground Achievements (other than adding the new arena area to World Wide Winner), but yet again none of them have copied over so I cant see if there are any extras.


This is a whole new section in the achievement folder and includes some such as

trade_engineering.jpgScenaterday (this appears to be a Feat of Strength currently)

I havent really seen much about scenarios but they all seem to be similar types of achieves to Heroic ones, so "defeat "x" boss" or "complete without anyone taking damage from fire" etc. I may add a few more at a later date but no real surprises here I dont think.

Edited by Peelyon
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The usual upgrade of inv_misc_note_02.jpgSerious Skills to Pay the Bills is there. Also there seems to be an account achievement called trade_blacksmithing.jpgJack of All Trades which requires you to have numerous professions on different characters. Note these are primary professions so dont include the likes of fishing etc.

Fishing & First Aid: Other than the 600 skill point achievements I cant see any changes currently.


Lots of new achievements here all linked in to the new "complex?" cooking system (awaits Icy Veins to do the hard work and explain what exactly is going on!).

The achievements all seem to be getting 600 points in all of the different cooking disciplines.

There is an 240 recipe achievement inv_misc_food_161_fish_89.jpgIronpaw Chef which should be very easy to achieve with all of the new recipes available!


There is a large number of new achievements that seem to have placeholder icons for them that require restoring 5 types of artifacts such as achievement_zone_ironforge.jpgCollector: Mogu Coins

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So I am assuming some achieves are acount bound? How would this work, does it then appear on all of your toons or just on one?

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So I am assuming some achieves are acount bound? How would this work, does it then appear on all of your toons or just on one?

From what I can gather nearly (if not all) your achievements will become account bound, including Feats of Strength.

Certain achievements such as Honourable Kills are cumulative and so any that you currently have across all your toons will be added together to make a full total.

From the inital things I have read the only ones which wont be account wide in terms of completing them, are ones with the little "ticks" such as finding all the Outland rares, or eating all of the foods etc. But when completed it will be completed for all characters. However meta achievements I think will be possible to complete some on one toon and some on another to get the full set (if that makes any sense).

Like I said it all seems a little buggy because the toons you transfer across dont take all the information with them, so its hard to tell what is what. However I "think" that if you are on a character and you completed an achievement on another it has a blue border around it. Its still completed but it shows its shared amongst your characters, but I could be wrong Posted Image

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Almost all the achievements will be account bound and appear on every character. There are some restrictions: for example you can't use the Firelord title on a character under level 85.

For as far as I know even the requirements are 'account-bound', lets take a simple example: spell_holy_holyguidance.jpgThe Argent Champion you could get exalted with The Argent Dawn on one character, get exalted with The Argent Crusade on another and you will get this achievement. Same goes for glory achievements. This is however still a bit vague and it's not yet certain if this will work with all achievements (i.e. exploration) or only meta achievements.

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Ah cool. Hopefully the dungeon ones don't become acount bound as it would make pugs rather nasty to put together!

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Ah cool. Hopefully the dungeon ones don't become acount bound as it would make pugs rather nasty to put together!

Sadly I think they will / are for the very reason that players then dont need to switch over to their "main" to link. Sadly it opens up the can of worms of them being able to complete the raids / dungeon on that particular class, but they have always been problems we have had to get around anyway.

I suppose the only good thing is that they cant say "oh I have it but on another character" when they really dont.

The only problem really is the Pugs themselves as the gear score / achievement / ilvl debate of proving "skill" will never truly go away ;)

The main problem for me at the moment is the look of it all. I have copied two characters (my priest which has most achievements and my hunter who has 2 mounts has probably cleared VoA once etc) and switching between the two seems a blue / yellow achievement mess. It isnt helped by the fact that a large number of achievements havent been tracked in the beta. I would just prefer them to keep the same sort of format but perhaps let you hover over to see which character initially completed the achievement (a ltitle how some of the guild achievements work for dungeons etc).

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As you pointed out, you only need to finish storylines in a given area to get the related questing achievement. There are also a number of questing achievements related to the various factions you will interact with. Most of them are currently broken, so I can finally test everything properly.

Regarding exploration, you can mention the achievements where you need to go and read up bits of lore information on each of the races of Pandaria, such as Hozen in the Mist. I've actually written a complete guide on these achievements, in this very section of the forums :P

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As you pointed out, you only need to finish storylines in a given area to get the related questing achievement. There are also a number of questing achievements related to the various factions you will interact with. Most of them are currently broken, so I can finally test everything properly.

Regarding exploration, you can mention the achievements where you need to go and read up bits of lore information on each of the races of Pandaria, such as Hozen in the Mist. I've actually written a complete guide on these achievements, in this very section of the forums :P

I put a link to it this afternoon Damien ;) the click "here" bit go look :P didn't see any point of me restyling all your hard work haha

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Ah right! I must had kept the same tab opened all day before actually writing my reply ;)

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