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[H] [Draenor-EU] <After Midnight> Recruiting for LATE NIGHT raiding

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Guild name: After Midnight
Faction: Horde
Realm: Draenor (EU)
Raid days: Wednesday, Thursday, Monday
Raid times: 23:59 - 03:00 Server Time

Progress: 1/8 mythic
Website: http://aftermidnight-wowguild.com/

We are a LATE NIGHT Raiding guild!!
The players of After Midnight are playing to have fun while clearing as much of current content as we can,  We are primarily focused on Raiding and Mythic + but encourage any group content particularly PvP. This does not mean we welcome out right foolishness in our raids but we want to enjoy our hobby even if this means slowing progression a little, its a game lets have fun.

We strongly encourage people to do all they can to help the raids Progress, this means things like knowing the bosses and mechanics ahead of time, being gemmed/enchanted, bring all relevant raid consumables and being proactive with your gearing out side of raids (pushing the highest mythic + key you can EVERY WEEK for example)

Even though we are a raid focused guild it is also important the guild is a fun place with things going on, some where our players want to be. Its difficult to do that with Just 20-30 players who can't be on all the time. This is why we are also Actively looking for Social players. People don't want to raid at set times but are happy to hang out on discord, do group content when their on and generally have a good time. Social players are welcome to sign up our raids (if we have room in the raid and If their DPS/Healing/performance isn't a burden to carry particularly during progress pulls we will take them). If a social player is invited to a Raid they will be expected to have the same standard of preparation that is required from our raiders (tactics consumables etc.)

All guild members are entitled to have as many alts in guild as they wish and we encourage people to level and gear as many as they want

We will not be accepting people younger than 20 years old to the guild (they should be in bed ) ^^

If Interested in joining our raid or Community go to http://aftermidnight-wowguild.com/

Looking for Raiders:
Tanks: high Demand
Healers : Medium demand
Range Dps : High demand
Melee dps : High demand

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