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Patch 8.2 Build 30080: Datamining

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Here's a look at new achievements, broadcast text, global strings, scenarios, and scenario steps added in the first build of Patch 8.2 This article contains spoilers.


Spoiler Alert


Thrall is back and you'll work with Saurfang and the Alliance (Jaina, Shaw) to free Baine, who's trapped underneath Orgrimmar. Check the datamined broadcast text and scenario steps below for further details.

Class changes for this build have been posted by Blizzard a couple of days ago.


Achievement Category

  • Ashran

Broadcast Text


Baine Trapped Underneath Orgrimmar

There's a scenario involving Baine who's trapped beneath Orgrimmar. Jaina, Thrall, and the player try to save him and leave Orgrimmar, but the Sunreavers intervene.

  • Baine!
  • Th--Thrall? Jaina?
  • These chains are warded against magic. I'll need time to pick the lock.
  • This feels wrong. Sylvanas must have known we were coming.
  • "Indeed she did, traitor. You and Lady Proudmoore."
  • I have no quarrel with you.
  • "Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran, murderer?  Today, the Sunreavers will be avenged."
  • "Then your vendetta is with me, and me alone!"
  • No! You will watch your friends die--just as I did!
  • Rangers! Kill them all! FOR THE SUNREAVERS!
  • Can you get us to safety?
  • She is... preventing teleportation...
  • Jaina... we need a way out!
  • She's... blocking teleportation...
  • I will hold the waters at bay... so long as I remain entertained.

There's also some broadcast text for Queen Azshara and Nazjatar.

  • Perfect!
  • Good Job!
  • Keep Trying!
  • What are you waiting for? We have the enemy in our sights! Fire!
  • "Ah, good. Our guests have arrived."
  • Behold the wonders of Nazjatar. The finest sight your eyes will ever behold... and the last.
  • "Please, do stay. Explore all the comforts my kingdom has to offer."
  • "Queen Azshara, more landwalkers approach."
  • They seek the tidestone... but I will not leave it unguarded as they so foolishly did.
  • "At once, my queen!
  • "I must say, that was a delightfully dramatic entrance."
  • "$n, you made it! I wasn't sure you would after Fenn told me of your task. What have you found?"
  • "You are bound to the Tidestone's might, Zharessa. Use it to wash away this unsightly incursion."
  • "A most devious arcane puzzle will lock my prized possessions, so that I may return one day and claim them. Now, to deal with all of this water flooding my chamber..."
  • "I have sealed the chamber, nonetheless this is quite alarming. I shall finish locking these chests and then enact a most brilliant escape that I simply have not thought of yet."
  • "I must say, you naga take orders well. These weapons are among the most powerful I have ever created."
  • You again? I should have known.
  • Workers! Deal with this intruder. Nothing halts production!
  • "This won't end well for you, I'm afraid."
  • "Only the most brilliant, like myself, will be able to complete my intricate puzzles. This one I have fashioned after the ley lines that cross our world."
  • "Ah, another puzzle complete. Let us see the thieves take my possessions now. What in the world is going on outside? It sounds like... the ocean?"
  • $n! Adaru told me of your task. What were you able to find?
  • Blademaster Okani has offered to aid us. Let's ensure the ankoans have whatever they require.
  • "I will lead our allies back to safety. Be cautious, $n. The naga won't relinquish their weapons easily."
  • "I'll lead our allies back to safety, but use caution, $n. Our enemies won't part with their weapons willingly."
  • "An arcane lock will protect this chest as well. They key, of course, is to never cross the ley lines."
  • "Another of my possessions, secured for the ages. One day, I will return for you."
  • "Yet, what if another of my genius should happen upon this cache? Ha! I made myself laugh. Another of my brilliance... how droll."
  • "Another ley lock secured. Even with the water entering my abode, to use my mind in such a fashion... I astound myself."
  • "The most difficult lock, for the most delicate prize. Try your mind against this, looter."
  • "The whispers from the deep call to me, but I have been hearing whispers for far longer than this. My things are all that matter to me now!"
  • I've got him free!
  • Stay close. I'll get us out.
  • You face far greater forces than you know.,
  • This is your last warning! I can still offer you mercy.
  • Leave now and I will call off the assault.
  • Azshara!
  • You cannot leave me here to die! We had a deal!
  • "Contain yourself, human. Show faith in your queen."
  • It's safe to assume that the naga are keeping a stockpile of these weapons somewhere nearby.
  • "If we can locate their cache, then we can strip them of their arsenal and arm our own forces."
  • It's safe to assume that the naga have a store of these weapons somewhere.
  • "If we're able to locate the cache, we can take the weapons ourselves and arm our allies."
  • Oculeth has been working on a way to detect even trace amounts of azerite. Let's ensure that he has whatever he needs to complete the task.
  • You! Get away from that!
  • Incompatible presence detected!
  • Unworthy subjects will be neutralized.
  • Uh oh. That can't be good.
  • Skaggit! Get that thing under control!
  • "Hang on, I've got an idea!"
  • Gimme that gnome!
  • "Hey, Brighteyes! Over here!"
  • "Phew! Looks like you handled that situation, boss!"
  • Good thing we kept one around. Now we've got a lead on the next location!,
  • Hah! This has gotta pay off!
  • Unworthy?! I hand-picked these tinkologists myself!
  • They're the best and the brightest!
  • Th-This can't be right! It's malfunctioning!
  • ,Amazing! The expedition has been saved by the Tinkmaster's technological expertise.
  • Most perplexing... I couldn't find a failsafe protocol.
  • "Thank you, Gila!"
  • "And now, with the coordinates in hand, our next stop is Mechagon!"
  • "Ah, looks like an intruder activated my arcane trap! You poor fool, you simply had no chance against my genius."
  • Annihilated.
  • "Obtaining the tidestone must be our top priority, but we cannot press further into Azshara's realm without first knowing what we're up against."

Azerite Powers

You can customize your own trinket in Patch 8.2 and Blizzard seems to be experimenting with an Azerite Power that increases the effectiveness of punchards within the trinket!

  • Person-Computer Interface (Passive)
    • Increases the effectiveness of Red Punchcards and Yelow Punchcards in your equipped Pocket-Sized Computation Device by 50%.
  • Clockwork Heart (Passive)
    • Once per minute while in combat, gain 1 Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, and Versatility for 12 sec.
  • Heart Stamina Unlock (Passive)
    • Stamina increased by 3%
  • Heart Stamina Unlock 2 (Passive)
    • Stamina increased by 3%.
  • Heart Stamina Unlock 3 (Passive)
    • Stamina increased by 3%.
  • Heart Stamina Unlock 4 (Passive)
    • Stamina increased by 3%.
  • Heart of Azeroth Slot Unlock (Instant)

Dungeon Encounter

These include Operation: Mechagon dungeon bosses and the Eternal Palace raid encounters.

  • Tussle Tonks
  • K.U.-J.0
  • Machinist's Garden
  • King Mechagon
  • Eel
  • Trogg King
  • Hunter-Killer
  • Sludge Boss
  • Herald of N'zoth
  • Abyssal Commander Sivara
  • Queen Azshara
  • The Hatchery
  • Priscilla Ashvane
  • Rage of Azshara
  • Naga Council
  • Junker Gang


  • Unshackled (Paragon) - "Oppressed by the Naga, these refugees have banded together to rise up and seize their freedom."
  • Hunter Akana - Hunter Akana is an experienced hunter with excellent survival skills.
  • Farseer Ori - Farseer Ori is a wise and formidable shaman with the power to command the elements.
  • Bladesman Inowari - Bladesman Inowari is a veteran warrior who commands the respect of the Ankoan people.
  • Poen Gillbrack (Horde Faction 1)
  • Neri Sharpfin (Horde Faction 2)
  • Vim Brineheart (Horde Faction 3)
  • Rustbolt Resistance - The Rustbolt Resistance holds the line against King Mechagon and his evil plans.
  • Rustbolt Resistance (Paragon) - The Rustbolt Resistance holds the line against King Mechagon and his evil plans.
  • Hermit Crabs
  • Hivemother
  • Drone
  • Queen
  • Honey Bee
  • Ankoan  - "An ancient species of deep sea warriors, the Ankoan traverse the deepest and most dangerous parts of the ocean."
  • Ankoan (Paragon) - "An ancient species of deep sea warriors, the Ankoan traverse the deepest and most dangerous parts of the ocean."

Global Strings

  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_388,Your target is not hungry.
  • CLUB_FINDER_MULTIPLE_ROLES,Multiple Classes/Roles
  • ERR_AZERITE_ESSENCE_SELECTION_FAILED_CANT_REMOVE_ESSENCE,You can't change that essence while %s is on cooldown.
  • ERR_AZERITE_ESSENCE_SELECTION_FAILED_CONDITION_FAILED,You do not meet the requirements activate this essence.
  • ERR_AZERITE_ESSENCE_SELECTION_FAILED_REST_AREA,You must be in a rest area to change essences
  • ERR_AZERITE_ESSENCE_SELECTION_FAILED_SLOT_LOCKED,You have not unlocked this essence slot yet.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_400,Requires Emerald Empowerment.
  • ERR_AZERITE_ESSENCE_SELECTION_FAILED_NOT_AT_FORGE,You must be at the Heart Forge to do that.
  • CLUB_FINDER_NO_OPTIONS_SELECTED_GUILD_MESSAGE,"A guild is a tight-knit group of players who want to enjoy the game together. By joining a guild, you'll gain access to many benefits, including a shared guild bank and a guild chat channel.\nUse this tool to find a guild that fits your playstyle."
  • 82_TAUREN_HERITAGE_TOY_ERROR,You must be an honored tauren.
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_401,You must be an honored tauren.
  • ERR_MEETING_STONE_TARGET_IN_VEHICLE,Your target is in a vehicle
  • CHARGED_SMASH_ENERGY,Charged Smash Energy
  • FOR_SPECIALIZATION,For %s specialization.
  • FOR_OR_SPECIALIZATIONS,For %s or %s specialization.
  • PVP_MATCH_TIME,Match Time:
  • OTHER_ROLES,Other Roles
  • TOXIC_WAVE_ENERGY,Toxic Energy
  • MOUNT_EQUIPMENT_UNLOCK_REQUIREMENT,Mount Equipment unlocked at Level %s,1
  • MOUNT_EQUIPMENT_NOTICE,Enhance your mount with Mount Equipment
  • ERR_TRAVEL_PASS_WRONG_PROJECT_MAINLINE_OVERRIDE,This friend is playing the standard version of World of Warcraft.
  • ERR_TRAVEL_PASS_WRONG_PROJECT_CLASSIC_OVERRIDE,This friend is playing World of Warcraft: Classic.
  • ERR_TRAVEL_PASS_WRONG_PROJECT,This friend is playing a different version of World of Warcraft.
  • CHANGES_COLON,Changes:
  • NEXT_RANK_COLON,Next Rank:
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_402,Requires Chitterspine Meat.
  • DIALOG_INSTRUCTION_REPLACE_MOUNT_EQUIPMENT,Are you sure you want to replace this Mount Equipment? The existing one will be destroyed.
  • SLASH_VOICE1,/voice
  • SLASH_VOICE2,/voice
  • ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_ENCOUNTER_STATUS_DEFEATED_TOOLTIP,You've already defeated this boss on %s difficulty this week.
  • VOICE_COMMAND_SYNTAX,Syntax: /voice [party|instance|guild|officer|leave|<communityName>[:<channelName>]]
  • MOUNT_EQUIPMENT_EXEMPT,Your active mount doesn't benefit from Mount Equipment.,1
  • PUNCHCARDRED_GEM,Red|nPunchcard
  • PUNCHCARDYELLOW_GEM,Yellow|nPunchcard
  • PUNCHCARDBLUE_GEM,Blue|nPunchcard
  • GEM_TEXT_PUNCHCARDRED,Matches a Red Punchcard Socket.
  • GEM_TEXT_PUNCHCARDYELLOW,Matches a Yellow Punchcard Socket.
  • GEM_TEXT_PUNCHCARDBLUE,Matches a Blue Punchcard Socket.
  • ERR_SOCKETING_PUNCHCARDRED_GEM_ONLY_IN_PUNCHCARDREDSLOT,Red Punchcards can only be placed in Red Punchcard sockets.
  • ERR_SOCKETING_PUNCHCARDYELLOW_GEM_ONLY_IN_PUNCHCARDYELLOWSLOT,Yellow Punchcards can only be placed in Yellow Punchcard sockets.
  • ERR_SOCKETING_PUNCHCARDBLUE_GEM_ONLY_IN_PUNCHCARDBLUESLOT,Blue Punchcards can only be placed in Blue Punchcard sockets.
  • ERR_SOCKETING_REQUIRES_PUNCHCARDRED_GEM,That slot requires a Red Punchcard.
  • ERR_SOCKETING_REQUIRES_PUNCHCARDYELLOW_GEM,That slot requires a Yellow Punchcard.
  • ERR_SOCKETING_REQUIRES_PUNCHCARDBLUE_GEM,That slot requires a Blue Punchcard.
  • MOUNT_EQUIPMENT_ITEM_EXEMPT,This mount doesn't benefit from Mount Equipment.
  • MOUNT_UNWRAP_TOOLTIP,Open to receive your new mount.
  • MOUNT_SUMMON_TOOLTIP,Summons or dismisses your selected mount.
  • CALENDAR_ERROR_CREATOR_NOT_FOUND,Can't find event creator.
  • ADD_FAVORITE_STATUS,Add to Favorites
  • REMOVE_FAVORITE_STATUS,Remove from Favorites
  • SLASH_COMMUNITY1,/community
  • SLASH_COMMUNITY2,/community
  • COMMUNITY_COMMAND_SYNTAX,/community [join|create [character|battlenet]]
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_403,Requires Heart Forge.
  • AZERITE_ESSENCE_MAIN_SLOT,|cff71d5ffMajor Slot|r
  • AZERITE_ESSENCE_PASSIVE_SLOT,|cff8788eeMinor Slot|r
  • AZERITE_ESSENCE_EMPTY_MAIN_SLOT,|cff71d5ffEmpty Major Slot|r
  • AZERITE_ESSENCE_EMPTY_PASSIVE_SLOT,|cff8788eeEmpty Minor Slot|r
  • AZERITE_ESSENCE_LOCKED_SLOT_LEVEL,Unlocked at Heart of Azeroth Level %d.
  • AZERITE_ESSENCE_EMPTY_MAIN_SLOT_DESC,Activate an essence here to be able to use both its Major and Minor powers.
  • AZERITE_ESSENCE_EMPTY_PASSIVE_SLOT_DESC,Activate an essence here to be able to use its Minor power.
  • PRISMATIC_GEM,Prismatic
  • HYDRAULIC_GEM,Sha-Touched
  • COGWHEEL_GEM,Cogwheel
  • ITEM_AZERITE_ESSENCES_VIEWABLE,<Shift Right Click to View Essences>
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_405,You are not authorized to access this Charging Station. Speak to Flux.
  • UNIT_ALREADY_SKINNED_HERB,Already gathered herbs
  • UNIT_ALREADY_SKINNED_BOLTS,Already salvaged for parts
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_406,Requires Mardivas's Arcane Coffer
  • SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_407,Requires Heart of Azeroth placed atop Heart Forge.
  • AZERITE_ESSENCE_UNLOCK_SLOT,"To activate this slot, visit the Heart Forge in the Chamber of Heart."


  • Trashmaster %s
  • "%s, Famed Slayer of the Harbinger"

Char Races

  • Mechagnome


You can find all items added in this build here.

Journal Encounter Creature

  • Corporal Eelington III
  • Herald of N'zoth
  • Orgozoa
  • Zoatroid
  • Empowered Witch
  • Empowered Brute
  • Empowered Warrior
  • Abyssal Commander Sivara
  • Priscilla Ashvane
  • Hunter-Killer Boss
  • King Gobbamak
  • Scrapbone Scavenger
  • Stolen Shock Coil
  • Stolen Scrap Bot
  • Gunker
  • Squirt Bot
  • King Mechagon
  • Head Machinist Sparkflux
  • The Platinum Pummeler
  • Gnomercy 4.U
  • K.U.-J.0
  • Silivaz the Zealous
  • Pashmar the Fanatical

Journal Instance

  • Operation: Mechagon
  • The Eternal Palace


  • MechagonDungeon,Operation: Mechagon
  • Crestfall,Crestfall (Islands 11)
  • AbandonedMines,Abandoned Mines,,,Test - Islands - Un'gol Ruins
  • Mechagon,DO NOT USE [Deprecated]
  • Halls of Stone Scenario
  • Gnomeregan Scenario
  • The Eternal Palace
  • Stratholme Pet Dungeon
  • The Obsidian Sanctum - 8.2 Magni - Heart of Azeroth
  • Halls of Origination - 8.2 Magni - Heart of Azeroth
  • Galakrond's Fall
  • Neltharion's Lair - HoA Scenario
  • Eastern Kingdoms - Vermillion Redoubt - HoA Scenario
  • Emerald Dream - HoA Scenario
  • Siege of Orgrimmar - Coup Scenario
  • The Maelstrom - Heart of Azeroth
  • Chamber of Heart - Repaired
  • The Eye of Eternity - HoA Scenario
  • Programmer Map - Continent
  • Programmer Map - Dungeon
  • Programmer Map - Battlefield
  • Programmer Map - Raid
  • Programmer Map - Scenario
  • Karazhan Catacombs - HoA Scenario


27 mounts were added in the initial 8.2 build. Multiple mounts have been added to faction quartermasters. They require Exalted reputation standing with Battle for Azeroth factions and cost 50,000 Gold.

  • Xiwyllag ATV comes from Blacksmithing & Engineering
    • It was said that this invention was modeled after the likeness of a very wealthy goblin. Although others don't really see the resemblance.
  • Captured Swampstalker can be purchased from Provisioner Lija in Nazmir for 50,000 Gold. Requires Exalted with Talanji's Expedition.
    • A swamp-dwelling subspecies of pterrordax known to feast on young bloodfeasters.
  • Voldunai Dunescraper can be purchased from Hoarder Jena in Vol'dun for 50,000 Gold. Requires Exalted with Voldunai.
    • These brightly-colored fliers are rarely captured in the wild due to their naturally untrusting natures.
  • Dusky Waycrest Gryphon can be purchased from Quartermaster Alcorn in Drustvar for 50,000 Gold. Requires Exalted with Order of Embers.
    • "Common to the dark forests of Drustvar, these gryphon are silent and swift. Their prowess at operating on their own or as mounts lends them to be used for ambush and shock tactics."
  • Stormsong Coastwatcher can be purchased from Sister Lilyana in Stormsong Valley for 50,000 Gold. Requires Exalted with Storm's Wake.
    • "Tasked with keeping watch on the seas for approaching dangers, the Stormsong Coastwatchers fly constant patrols."
  • Proudmoore Sea Scout can be purchased from Provisioner Fray in Tiragarde Sound for 50,000 Gold. Requires Exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty.
    • Only a few gryphons are selected to be Sea Scouts operating from flag ships in the fleet. Their long range reconnaissance is an integral part of Kul Tiran sea dominance.
  • Wonderwing 2.0 is rewarded from the Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part Two achievement.
    • Don't ask what happened to the first one -- Mechagon technology is still gnome technology!
  • Aerial Unit R-21/X drops from King Mechagon in Operation: Mechagon Dungeon.
    • "King Mechagon's private aerial unit, complete with deployable blast cannon and foot warmers."
  • Rusty Mechanocrawler drops in Mechagon.
    • "The check engine light is always on, it's when it goes off that you should be worried."
  • Unshackled Waveray
    • The Unshackled have a natural kinship with the species of the deep seas that have seen cruelty at the hands of the naga.
  • Ankoan Waveray
    • "The Ankoan have been battling the naga for years, and with a natural affinity for the sea, training the local wildlife was a natural strategy."
  • Azshari Bloatray is rewarded from the Glory of the Eternal Raider achievement.
    • "The naga raised these rays in captivity, harvesting their gas organs to craft alchemy which allowed them to breathe air more easily."
  • Royal Snapdragon is from Nazjatar.
    • "Captured at a young age and raised to serve naga hunters, snapdragons are loyal and fierce companions."
  • Snapback Scuttler comes from Nazjatar as well.
    • Giant crabs are native to Nazjatar and a favored food of the naga. This one must have been well-kept to grow this large.
  • X-995 Mechanocat can be crafted in Mechagon by Pascal-K1N6.
    • The X-995 is the ultimate in customizeable feline robo-companionship.
  • Mechacycle Model W is rewarded from the Mecha-Done Mechagon meta-achievement.
    • "The rapid technological evolution of the descendents of Mimiron began with the introduction of a new gear, leading to such wonders as the tragically under-produced Model W."
  • Junkheap Drifter drops from Rustfeather in Mechagon.
    • "The mount to use when you really want to be witnessed is certainly a giant, barely-held-together wheel."
  • Child of Torcali is rewarded from thw "Wander Not Alone" quest in Zuldazar.
    • "This daughter of the great direhorn loa, Torcali, never lost faith that her keeper would help her grow to her full potential."
  • Mechagon Peacekeeper drops in the Operation: Mechagon Dungeon.
    • Keeps the peace by turning you into pieces.
  • Scrapforged Mechaspider is rewarded from the "Drive It Away Today" quest in Mechagon.
    • "You built this yourself, you should be proud, even though it's smoky, sparky, and loud."
  • Rustbolt Resistor comesfrom Stolen Royal Vendorbot in Mechagon. It requires Exalted with Rustbolt Resistance and costs 524,288 Gold.
    • ""R E S I S T"" is carved into the seat in crude letters, along with several, more profane things."
  • Deepcoral Snapdragon is rewarded from the "A Gift from Akana" quest.
    • "The snapdragon is a quiet hunter in the water, but is far less stealthy on land."
  • Snapdragon Kelpstalker is rewarded from the "A Gift from Neri" quest.
    • "When a snapdragon bites you, the worry isn't about the bite itself, but the poison that will begin to eat away at the wound."
  • Silent Glider drops from Soundless in Nazjatar.,|cFFFFD200Drop:
    • "Gasses naturally stored within the creature allowed it to survive within the depths, those same gasses also allow them to effortlessly float through the air."
  • Fabious
    • "He emerges from the water, fins swaying lazily in the breeze, sun-kissed scales glittering. He is... Fabious."
  • Crimson Tidestallion
    • The blood-red coloration of these creatures is ideal for hiding in large coral formations.
  • Inkscale Deepseeker
    • Schools of tidestallions will viciously slam their muscular chests into their prey to take them down.


  • Essence of Eternity
  • Massive Hardened Razorshell
  • Stay of Execution
  • Stay of Execution
  • Primal Chitterspine Crusher
  • Snapdragon Dire Alpha
  • Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking
  • Towering Cavern Glimmershell
  • Elder Trench Glider
  • Invasive Reefwalker
  • Monstrous Great Eel
  • Summons from the Depths
  • Operation: Mechagon

Scenario Steps

  • Follow Baine and the spirit walkers down Fargaze Mesa.,Chasing Spirits
  • "Spirits have ambushed your party, attack!",Defeat the Corrupted Spirits
  • "A Corrupted Spirit got away, but Akule can track it.",Tracking...
  • Check the Ancestoral Spirits for signs of corruption.,Friend or Foe
  • Continue to track the Malevolent Spirit.,Walk To Area 3
  • Confront the Malevolent Spirit.,Facing Your Fears
  • Follow and eliminate the Malevolent Spirit.,Final Confrontation
  • Defeat the Malevolent Spirit.,Painful Memories
  • Walk with Cairne and Baine.,Communion With Cairne
  • Speak with Spiritwalker Ussoh to return home.,Leaving The Past Behind
  • Rebuild the Reclamation Rig to activate it.,Rebuild the Reclamation Rig
  • Defend the rig against the attack.,Defend the Reclamation Rig
  • Defeat Oil Surges,Defeat Oil Surges
  • Here there be skeletons.,Dead things everywhere
  • Defeat Unstable Irradiated Golem,Defeat Unstabled Irradiated Golem
  • Defeat the Void-Twisted attackers at the vermillion holdout.,Vermillion Holdout
  • Speak with Alexstrasza atop the Vermillion Redoubt.,The Life-Binder
  • Confront Vexiona outside of Grim Batol.,From the Shadows
  • Get past the guards at the end of the passage.,It Begins
  • Avoid the guards as you cross the room.,Under Watchful Eyes
  • Mount Kalecgos atop the ridge at the Vermillion Redoubt.,Take to the Skies!
  • Devise a plan with Thrall.,Devise a Plan
  • Challenge Elite Horde warriors to provide a distraction.,Fight Me!
  • ,Rejoin Thrall and Saurfang and continue deeper into the underhold.,Unlikely Alliance
  • Work with the Alliance to find Baine.,Truce and Consequences
  • Defeat Rowa Bloodstrike.,Strike Them Down!
  • Go to Baine Bloodhoof.,Check on Baine Bloodhoof
  • "Defend Baine Bloodhoof, destroy the inhibitor crystals.",It's a Trap!
  • Take the portal out,Destination: Anywhere But Here
  • Follow Lenara and get updated orders.,Traitors in Our Midst
  • Investigate the Arcane Prism.,Eternal Essence
  • Defeat the prism's defenses.,Eternal Defenses
  • Defeat the Anomaly of Eternity,Anomaly of Eternity
  • Drive back the Massive Hardened Razorshell.,We're Under Attack!
  • Follow the Massive Hardened Razorshell.,Follow the Foe
  • Attack the Massive Hardened Razorshell.,Battle the Razorshell
  • Follow the Massive Hardened Razorshell to its nest.,To the Nest!,
  • Slay the Massive Hardened Razorshell in its nest.,Slay the Razorshell
  • Leave the platform.,It Begins
  • Destroy mechs in the Azerite research facility then leave.,Mecha-Gone
  • Head for the gate.,Hang a Right
  • Protect Shaw while he opens the gate out.,"Exit, Pursued by a Mech"
  • Continue deeper into the underhold.,Unlikely Alliance
  • Cross the catwalk and head down the steps.,Down and out in Orgrimmar
  • Work with the Horde to find Baine.,Truce and Consequences
  • Defeat Rowa Bloodstrike.,Strike Them Down!
  • Go to Baine Bloodhoof.,Check on Baine Bloodhoof
  • "Defend Baine Bloodhoof, destroy the inhibitor crystals.",It's a Trap!
  • Take the portal out,Destination: Anywhere But Here
  • Get past the guards at the end of the passage.,It Begins (normal)
  • ,Avoid the guards as you cross the room.,Under Watchful Eyes
  • Devise a plan with Thrall.,Devise a Plan
  • Challenge Elite Horde warriors to provide a distraction.,Fight Me!
  • Inspect the Troops.,Inspect the Troops
  • Rejoin Thrall and Saurfang and continue deeper into the underhold.,Unlikely Alliance
  • Work with the Alliance to find Baine.,Truce and Consequences
  • Defeat Rowa Bloodstrike.,Strike Them Down!
  • Go to Baine Bloodhoof.,Check on Baine Bloodhoof
  • "Defend Baine Bloodhoof, destroy the inhibitor crystals.",It's a Trap!
  • Take the portal out,Destination: Anywhere But Here
  • Drive back the Primal Chitterspine Crusher.,We're Under Attack!
  • Follow the Primal Chitterspine Crusher.,Follow the Foe
  • Attack the Primal Chitterspine Crusher.,Battle the Crusher
  • Follow the Primal Chitterspine Crusher to its nest.,To the Nest!
  • Slay the Primal Chitterspine Crusher in its nest.,Slay the Crusher
  • Drive back the Snapdragon Dire Alpha.,We're Under Attack!
  • Follow the Snapdragon Dire Alpha.,Follow the Foe
  • Attack the Snapdragon Dire Alpha.,Battle the Alpha
  • Follow the Snapdragon Dire Alpha to its nest.,To the Nest!
  • Slay the Snapdragon Dire Alpha in its nest.,Slay the Alpha
  • Drive back the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking.,We're Under Attack!
  • Follow the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking.,Follow the Foe
  • Attack the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking.,Battle the Slitherking
  • Follow the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking to its nest.,To the Nest!
  • Slay the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking in its nest.,Slay the Slitherking
  • Drive back the Towering Cavern Glimmershell.,We're Under Attack!
  • Follow the Towering Cavern Glimmershell.,Follow the Foe
  • Attack the Towering Cavern Glimmershell.,Battle the Glimmershell
  • Follow the Towering Cavern Glimmershell to its nest.,To the Nest!
  • Slay the Towering Cavern Glimmershell in its nest.,Slay the Glimmershell
  • Drive back the Elder Trench Glider.,We're Under Attack!
  • Follow the Massive Hardened Razorshell.,Follow the Foe
  • Attack the Elder Trench Glider.,Battle the Glider
  • Follow the Elder Trench Glider to its nest.,To the Nest!
  • Slay the Elder Trench Glider in its nest.,Slay the Glider
  • ,Drive back the Invasive Reefwalker.,We're Under Attack!
  • Follow the Invasive Reefwalker.,Follow the Foe
  • Attack the Invasive Reefwalker.,Battle the Reefwalker
  • Follow the Invasive Reefwalker to its nest.,To the Nest!
  • Slay the Invasive Reefwalker in its nest.,Slay the Reefwalker
  • Drive back the Monstrous Great Eel.,We're Under Attack!
  • Follow the Monstrous Great Eel.,Follow the Foe
  • Attack the Monstrous Great Eel.,Battle the Great Eel
  • Follow the Monstrous Great Eel to its nest.,To the Nest!
  • Slay the Monstrous Great Eel in its nest.,Slay the Great Eel
  • "The naga are summoning a creature from the deeps, slay them!",Ritual of Summoning
  • Defeat the summoned monstrosity.,Summon from the Deeps
  • "Azshara herself has summoned and empowered the monstrosity, it must be slain!",Empowered Monstrosity
  • Operation: Mechagon
  • Free the corrupted drakes atop the Vermillion Redoubt.,Stemming the Corruption


World Safe Locs

  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - 01 Entrance Target - MRN
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - Exit Target - MRN
  • MechagonIsland
  • Scenario - Gnomeregan - Heritage Start
  • Halls of Stone Scenario Start
  • "Nazjatar, Horde Start (Horde Only) - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, Alliance Start (Alliance Only) - GY"
  • Zin Azshari Green
  • 8.2 Tauren Heritage - Spirit Realm - Safe Exit - RRB
  • 8.2 Tauren Heritage - Spirit Realm - Entrance - RRB
  • 8.2 Tauren Heritage - Spirit Realm - Graveyard - RRB
  • 8.2 Mechagon Island - Alliance Hub - (MDE)
  • 8.2 Mechagon Island - Horde Hub - (MDE)
  • Scenario - Stratholme Pet Dungeon - Start
  • Arena - Mechagon Arena - Teleport Target - Team 1 (North)
  • Arena - Mechagon Arena - Teleport Target - Team 2 (South)
  • 8.2 Mechagon - Racetrack - Console 1 (JDA)
  • Snowblossom Village
  • Crestfall
  • 8.2 Heart - Emerald Dreamway - Start - RMV
  • 8.2 Heart - Emerald Dreamway - Exit - RMV
  • 8.2 Heart - Emerald Dreamway  - All - Entrance GY
  • Essence of the Red - Start
  • "Nazjatar, Stone Forest - GY"
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - Entrance Target from Portal - (MDE)
  • 8.2 Heart - Black Gem - Secnario - Graveyard (JRC)
  • Essence of the Red - Safe Loc Peak
  • 8.2 Heart - Emerald Dream/Ancient Rest  - All - Entrance GY
  • Arena - Mechagon Arena - Default Graveyard
  • 8.2 Coup Campaign - Scenario - Horde Entrance Loc - KRB
  • 8.2 Coup Campaign - Scenario - Alliance Entrance Loc - KRB
  • 8.2 Dark Ranger Armor - Scarlet Halls - Zone In - SMD
  • 8.2 Dark Ranger Armor - Scarlet Halls - GY - SMD
  • Zin Azshari Red
  • 8.2 Coup Campaign - Scenario - Horde Exit Loc - KRB
  • Essence of the Red - GY Main
  • Essence of the Red - GY Peak
  • Essence of the Red - GY Pass
  • Essence of the Red - GY Fina
  • 8.2 Heart - The Maelstrom - Start - RMV
  • 8.2 Heart - The Maelstrom - Exit - RMV
  • 8.2 Heart - The Maelstrom - All - Entrance GY
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - Exit Target
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - 02 Post Hunter Killer - MRN
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - 03 Post Tonks - MRN
  • 8.2 Coup Campiagn - Baine Scenario - Alliance Safeloc - KRB
  • "Nazjatar, Gorgonian Overlook - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, Ashen Strand - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, Zanj'ir Terrace - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, Deepcoil Tunnels - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, Highborne Estates - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, The Drowned Market - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, Coral Forest - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, Newhome (Horde Only) - GY"
  • "Nazjatar, Mezzamere (Alliance Only) - GY"
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - 04 Post Kujo - MRN
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - 05 Post Gardener - MRN
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - 06 King Mechagon's Chamber - MRN
  • 8.2 Nazjatar - Zanj'ir Terrace - Giant Gone (msc)
  • 8.2 Nazjatar - Spears of Azshara
  • 8.2 Nazjatar - Brinestone Cove - World Quest - Hungry Hungry Hydra - DC Safe Loc - GJC
  • The Dragon's Spine - Start
  • The Dragon's Spine - Safe Loc (JRC)
  • 8.2 Nazjatar - Nar'anan - WQ - Murky - Cleanup A - GJC
  • 8.2 Nazjatar - Nar'anan - WQ - Murky - Cleanup B - GJC
  • 8.2 Nazjatar - Nar'anan - WQ - Murky - Cleanup C - GJC
  • 8.2 Dungeon - Mechagon - Influencer Event Start Loc - MRN
  • 8.2 Mechagon - Visitor 07 - Future Mechagon (MDE)
  • 8.2 Coup Campiagn - Baine Scenario - Alliance Graveyard 1 - KRB
  • 8.2 Coup Campiagn - Baine Scenario - Horde Graveyard 1 - KRB
  • 8.2 Coup Campiagn - Baine Scenario - Shared Graveyard 1 - KRB
  • 8.2 Coup Campiagn - Baine Scenario - Shared Graveyard 2 - KRB
  • 8.2 Coup Campiagn - Baine Scenario - Horde Graveyard 2 - KRB
  • 8.2 Coup Campiagn - Baine Scenario - Alliance Graveyard 2
  • Ashran - Dark Portal to Warspear Dest
  • 8.2 Mechagon - Toothy Shallows - Horde (MDE)
  • 8.2 Mechagon - Toothy Shallows - Alliance (MDE)
  • 8.2 Mechagon - Visitor 9 - Macaw - Enter (MDE)
  • 8.2 Mechagon - JunkWatt Depot - Both (MDE)
  • Silithus The Wound Magni's Encampment Safe Loc
  • Nazjatar Raid - Exit Target
  • Nazjatar Raid - Entrance Target
  • 8.2 Mechagon - Intro - H - Q06 - Exit Vehicle (JDA)
  • Like 1

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      Warcraft Logs Points
      The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster than just any in-time completion. We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
      While the very top spot remains unchallenged, as Augmentation is set to rule M+ forever, the rest is pretty different! We have some Fyr'alath action right after the Evoker, as Fury and Ret fight it out over the silver, while Shadow falls down to 4th, but is still very much in the game. Unholy makes a solid leap up and passes Elemental, with Fire dropping down some. Devastation and Demonology are newcomers to the bottom 3, where Enhancement welcomes them as a pretty much permanent resident.

      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
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      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
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      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
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       July 25 (Source)
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