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Can you look at him?

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I can see about getting a warcraftlog of him on malkorok for you some time later. 


This is absolutely essential for us to provide good feedback. Without it, we can only help so much.


Can you tell us what DPS he is doing, roughly?

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Hi Deadmidget. 


From first look at his armory:


He should focus more on mastery. Using Int+Mastery gems in red sockets instead of pure int,


Like my raiding buddy:



His spells has a 93% chance to proc an extra spell for 75% damage. 


Using the same stat prios for my shaman aswell, giving me better dps than int prio.

It's geared for CM's now so won't post a link to that one. 


But my shaman is 543 and mastery is pretty awesome when we can cap it out.


Good luck. 



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Honestly, if he's doing the rotation wrong then no amount of stats will make up for it. We need to look at his logs to be truly helpful :)


Minor point about stats, following on from Krans: We had Tickle from Totemspot point out recently that Mastery is superior for AOE and Haste for single-target, so make sure that you're consciously deciding to take AOE DPS rather than single target. Neither is really bad though, they're supposed to be very close.

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Honestly, if he's doing the rotation wrong then no amount of stats will make up for it. We need to look at his logs to be truly helpful smile.png


Minor point about stats, following on from Krans: We had Tickle from Totemspot point out recently that Mastery is superior for AOE and Haste for single-target, so make sure that you're consciously deciding to take AOE DPS rather than single target. Neither is really bad though, they're supposed to be very close.


I completely agree. However, without logs this was the best I could do.


Tickle made a post on Icy-veins? Please do share!

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Tickle made a post on Icy-veins? Please do share!


It was in the thread for comments on the Elemental guide we have. I'm working with her to get some corrections made to our guide this weekend.

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