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[Classic][Rattlegore][H]<Hope> Looking for social and active players!

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Hope Is now recruiting players who are looking for a semi-harcore/casual playstyle of the game if that player is you then our guild is for you!

we typically are all in discord almost 24/7 and have a atmosphere that is for everybody we are a small family of Houligans!

??? ?????????: We plan on raiding and progressing through each content as it comes out and having a fun but in a hardcore type of envoriment yes we like to get sh*t done but we can have fun while doing so We also would like to get server first AQ opening (if possible)

Our priority is the guild and the people in it so dont be afraid to speak up to any officer or GM Not looking to become a ginormous spam guild but more of a family / community type of a guild

RAID TIMES: FRIDAY/SATURDAY(sometimes sunday) from 7:30pm Central to 10:30pm Central

CLASSES WE ARE LOOKING FOR Warlock/Resto druid/Resto Sham/Priest/ but any is welcome:D If we sound like a guild for you then let us give you join us anymore questions messgae me on disc or battle.net


Disc- Christoph#9323 Battle.net- Salty#12139

Edited by NotTricks

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