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Navigation Menus missing

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In Chrome, I've tried disabling all extensions and even tried incognito mode, but no matter what I do I can't see the navigation menus for the website. I tried using edge browser and everything appears and works fine for that browser, but it just isn't working for me in chrome. It worked fine yesterday, and nothing on my end has updated/changed to my knowledge.


I'll use edge browser for now, but wanted to point this out to the website admin.


Edited by Razoroth
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This is strange, you have the tablet layout for some reason (you need to click the button on the top right corner for the navigation to show up).

Did you change your browser window size since yesterday?


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Just resized the window to check, and it was like 1 or 2 pixels too narrow... I wasn't even aware it would change to tablet mode if the window was too small... That doesn't seem like a good way to handle device detection...


I used remote desktop earlier this morning to turn my pc off, and it always resizes every window open to only fit the phone screen. When I booted back up and the window was tiny on my screen, I must not have resized it to exactly how I had it before. I use a triple monitor setup and have chrome nestled in between two gadget bars on the right and left sides of my left side monitor.


Thanks for the tip. At least I know how to correct it if it happens again.

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That's the default way to handle device detection ? Sure you can try and do complicated stuff with javascript, based on User Agent among other things, but the main piece of information we have is the size of the viewport (which you can access directly in CSS).

Anyway, I'm glad this is solved.

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