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Restoration Druid PvE

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All the top M+ resto druids for the past few weeks now have been running Flourish over Photosynthesis and Verdant Infusion over Dark Titan's Lesson, as well as Abundance instead of Cenarion Ward. I've personally found that living without Cenarion Ward isn't noticeable while the benefits of Abundance are much better for group healing. Also, they are going left on Dreamwever for Well honed/Unstoppable/SoothingVoice/ConfluxofElements.

Edited by Slythey

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In the Torghast section about Elethium powers, the guide incorrectly states that powers that reduce healing need to be taken with care. This is false. Only the Elethium powers that reduce NATURE damage and healing affect Resto Druids. Elethium powers that say "Fire damage and healing" for example can be taken, as they affect Fire damage and Fire healing. You can verify this in the aura information for any of these powers on wowhead.

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Guest Dezine

Have you considered adding Rewatch to the addons list? It's built specifically for resto druids, been around for a long time, and may help both new and pro players with their HoT management. Use with mouse-over macro's or Clique recommended.

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On 12/29/2020 at 3:24 AM, Slythey said:

All the top M+ resto druids for the past few weeks now have been running Flourish over Photosynthesis and Verdant Infusion over Dark Titan's Lesson, as well as Abundance instead of Cenarion Ward. I've personally found that living without Cenarion Ward isn't noticeable while the benefits of Abundance are much better for group healing. Also, they are going left on Dreamwever for Well honed/Unstoppable/SoothingVoice/ConfluxofElements.

Flourish is only good if you have issues with certain mechanics (like Prideful at higher levels, Plaguefall last boss on Tyrannical, etc.). This guide is more of a general purpose one. Meta at the higher end will always be different to how general population plays. At least until 16-17 you should not have any problems healing any of that with Photosynthesis, and it will also provide much better tank healing. 

Verdant Infusion is listed as the best legendary for single target healing. If people need it, there is information provided in the guide for them to use it. 

Abundance provides very little in 5m content. The healing increase is terrible, your average stacks will be low and will almost never beat CW in any 30 second window, especially not if you are using Flourish. Both talents are not exactly game changing, that's why people can play both and barely notice any difference. 

On 1/9/2021 at 3:48 PM, Rhythmatic said:

In the Torghast section about Elethium powers, the guide incorrectly states that powers that reduce healing need to be taken with care. This is false. Only the Elethium powers that reduce NATURE damage and healing affect Resto Druids. Elethium powers that say "Fire damage and healing" for example can be taken, as they affect Fire damage and Fire healing. You can verify this in the aura information for any of these powers on wowhead.

You are correct, I will edit this. 

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Thanks for the great guide.

Does the Abundance talent work with the 2nd Rejuvenation from the Germination talent?

And does the Cultivation talent work with the 2nd Rejuvenation from the Germination talent?

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On 1/24/2021 at 1:48 PM, Bogdanov89 said:

Thanks for the great guide.

Does the Abundance talent work with the 2nd Rejuvenation from the Germination talent?

And does the Cultivation talent work with the 2nd Rejuvenation from the Germination talent?

Yes to both. Germination is Rejuvenation for all intents and purposes. 

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I'm a bit confused about the weight between INT and other secondary stats such as haste. While doing simple tests by exchanging trinkets (65 int vs 90 haste) I looked at the tick of my rejuvenation (other 4 hots were present in both cases) and my HPS was exactly the same: of course, the value with INT was a bit higher but slower, so at the end the HPS was the same.

Do we have some maths to clearly compare characteristics at least on pure HPS ? My test was too simple; I was even considering the direct healing of regrow or anything else 🙂

Thanks for your guide

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On 1/29/2021 at 1:36 PM, Baaxah said:


I'm a bit confused about the weight between INT and other secondary stats such as haste. While doing simple tests by exchanging trinkets (65 int vs 90 haste) I looked at the tick of my rejuvenation (other 4 hots were present in both cases) and my HPS was exactly the same: of course, the value with INT was a bit higher but slower, so at the end the HPS was the same.

Do we have some maths to clearly compare characteristics at least on pure HPS ? My test was too simple; I was even considering the direct healing of regrow or anything else 🙂

Thanks for your guide

The best for you would be wowanalyzer.com. It will give you weights on each stat. Other than that, you can napkin math using simple formulas. In Rejuv's case it will be (0.26+0.26*5*(1+Haste%))*(1+Crit%)*(1+Mastery%)*(1+Vers%)*Int. Then you do the same with 1 more Haste and compare to 1 more Int. Keep in mind that you will have to track buffs and passive abilities, such as Arcane Intellect and Leather Specialization as they both add 5% to Intellect. 


Regarding the slower part. Rejuvenation duration does not change with higher or lower Haste. It will only change with Circle of Life and Death legendary and after using flourish. Otherwise, Haste works just like Intellect for overall Rejuv healing.

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Thanks for Replaying Torty !

I was not aware of the formula, I'll try it out at least to see in theory how it should behave 🙂 Wowanalyser gives some weights but it is not clear to me based on what. Is it related to the way we played and the casts tracked by the logs ?

On 2/1/2021 at 2:35 PM, Torty said:

Regarding the slower part. Rejuvenation duration does not change with higher or lower Haste. It will only change with Circle of Life and Death legendary and after using flourish. Otherwise, Haste works just like Intellect for overall Rejuv healing.

Indeed, the duration wont change except for the few examples you wrote. My point was about seeing the benefits of haste and compare it to something else  (int in that case) just by checking how good a rejuv is in HPS. Haste will accelerate the ticks but int or mastery will make them stronger. At the end is just checking the value and divide by the tick period 🙂


Edited by Baaxah

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Guest Prayformercy

Been learning how to druid heal in raids recently and was trying to figure out why theres no mention of Grove Invigoration from Niyas tree. Is it just that inferior to the dreamweaver tree? I had picked it originally because of the mention of mastery being a strong stat and the fact that you can pop convoke the spirits for an instant 16 stacks gaining 400 mastery for a 30 second window and then periodically just gaining extra healing from occasional stacks happening when you are healing. 

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On 2/24/2021 at 7:23 PM, Guest Prayformercy said:

Been learning how to druid heal in raids recently and was trying to figure out why theres no mention of Grove Invigoration from Niyas tree. Is it just that inferior to the dreamweaver tree? I had picked it originally because of the mention of mastery being a strong stat and the fact that you can pop convoke the spirits for an instant 16 stacks gaining 400 mastery for a 30 second window and then periodically just gaining extra healing from occasional stacks happening when you are healing. 

Yeah, it is still used right now on fights where you cannot utilize both Pod and Field of Blossoms well. Mostly, it's not recommended for progress, because the only real fight where Pod is actively not doing anything is Denathrius mythic.

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Greetings, first time posting here.


Just wondering if anyone knew of any macros to target the rip soul during huntsman. Also, any reason in particular why a balance trinket is recommended for a healer? Just seems a little odd to have double crit trinkets when haste is more important.

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On 3/8/2021 at 5:22 PM, Ithari said:

Greetings, first time posting here.


Just wondering if anyone knew of any macros to target the rip soul during huntsman. Also, any reason in particular why a balance trinket is recommended for a healer? Just seems a little odd to have double crit trinkets when haste is more important.

Just the usual /target Name_of_Npc should work. 


There are no balance trinkets recommended. If you are talking about Soulletting Ruby, it just gives a lot of stats. Haste is more important but On Use Haste is not that great for convoke burst and there are no On Use Haste trinkets anyway. 

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Torty, I love your guide and reference it all the time.  Can you comment on why your guide favors Verdant Infusion while putting Dark Titan's lesson significantly lower on the list?  I ask because the guide by Jaydaa on wowhead seems to lean heavily into the opposite direction.  I was afk for Legion and BfA, so I'm kind of relearning the ropes these last few months.




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8 hours ago, Fuhen said:

Torty, I love your guide and reference it all the time.  Can you comment on why your guide favors Verdant Infusion while putting Dark Titan's lesson significantly lower on the list?  I ask because the guide by Jaydaa on wowhead seems to lean heavily into the opposite direction.  I was afk for Legion and BfA, so I'm kind of relearning the ropes these last few months.




Verdant Infusion received a significant buff in 9.0.5. Making it 10 seconds instead of 8 lets you extend Cenarion Ward twice instead of once and that's your strongest HoT by far. The  power of the legendary got increased by ~80% and it was already a somewhat popular legendary to begin with. There is really no competition in terms of raw throughput now. 

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Guest TheShrimp

Torty, im confused when you say that Unending growth scale linear with haste. I feel like this isnt true. If you have more haste, your rejuv procs will come quicker and therefor add another rejuv at an earlier stage (as well as giving more possible ticks per GCD) which in turn can add another rejuv at an earlier stage and therefor provide higher hps. Wouldnt this make it exponential?

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14 hours ago, Guest TheShrimp said:

Torty, im confused when you say that Unending growth scale linear with haste. I feel like this isnt true. If you have more haste, your rejuv procs will come quicker and therefor add another rejuv at an earlier stage (as well as giving more possible ticks per GCD) which in turn can add another rejuv at an earlier stage and therefor provide higher hps. Wouldnt this make it exponential?

The gain is very linear, not exponential https://i.imgur.com/vTli5pc.png

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3. Rotation for Balance Affinity
Before we explain the Balance Affinity Icon Balance Affinity DPS rotation, we will need to explain how Eclipse works. Eclipse reduces the cast time of the appropriate filler by 8% and increases the damage dealt by Wrath by 20% and increases the Critical Strike chance Starfire by 20%. Every Starsurge in this window further increases this bonus by 4%. You can not enter the same Eclipse twice in a row unless you wait ~30 seconds out of combat.

The rotation itself is pretty simple so we will jump straight into it:

3.1. 1-2 Targets
Keep Moonfire and Sunfire up.
Enter available Eclipse. Prioritise Solar if possible.
Cast Starsurge on cooldown.
Cast appropriate single target spell for the Eclipse.

How do I enter an eclipse?

Edited by Snowise

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20 hours ago, Snowise said:

How do I enter an eclipse?

Cast either 2 wraths or 2 starfires. If you have these spells on your bars, you can see charges on them. 

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Thanks so much for the guide, it's been a big help!  Returning player, I can't get my Nature's swiftness + Regrowth macro to work, did macro's change?  Googled a fair bit and tried every way I could find.  They cast NS, but then not the second spell.  Anyone have a macro of the 2 spells at once variety that's confirmed to still work?
Tried this one and it works, idk y the others didn't.  Still a NS+Rebirth/Regrowth spell is a good macro to maybe add to the guide.  It also worked with Vuhdo btw.
Edit: I just copied the original over, but obv it's s'posed to be regrowth.

#showtooltip Nature's Swiftness


/cast Nature's Swiftness

/cast [@mouseover,help][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead]Regrowth

Edited by GreenTouch

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On 5/9/2021 at 6:06 PM, GreenTouch said:

Thanks so much for the guide, it's been a big help!  Returning player, I can't get my Nature's swiftness + Regrowth macro to work, did macro's change?  Googled a fair bit and tried every way I could find.  They cast NS, but then not the second spell.  Anyone have a macro of the 2 spells at once variety that's confirmed to still work?
Tried this one and it works, idk y the others didn't.  Still a NS+Rebirth/Regrowth spell is a good macro to maybe add to the guide.  It also worked with Vuhdo btw.

#showtooltip Nature's Swiftness


/cast Nature's Swiftness

/cast [@mouseover,help][help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead]Healing Touch

There is a bug, you will have to press the macro twice if you are moving. It will work properly only when you stand still. 

There is no reason to have /cancelform in there. NS + Regrowth will work with any form. And Healing Touch hasn't been a spell for a long time now. 

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Guest Circle of Life

Circle of Life and Death is not Shoulders anymore. It is head and ring only now. Might want to update the guide for that. 

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On 5/20/2021 at 9:23 AM, Guest Circle of Life said:

Circle of Life and Death is not Shoulders anymore. It is head and ring only now. Might want to update the guide for that. 

Yep, that's my bad. 

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Guest Circle of Life
On 5/21/2021 at 1:44 PM, Torty said:

Yep, that's my bad. 

Thanks! Glad you were able tog et that upgraded!

Peter S. 

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Guest Xyll

 I cant agree with the trinket choices at all. No way that Soulletting Ruby is higher then a B, let alone S. Changeling is obviously a S rank And why isnt Scrawled Word of Recall even mentioned; in combination with verdant infusion it is by far one of the best trinkets avaliable right now.

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