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Restoration Shaman PvE

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On 3/14/2021 at 6:10 PM, Guest bobsyouruncle said:

In the BIS section, there is a linked picture that does not load when clicking on it.  

Might have been a temporary problem on the hosting website, because I had the same issue for a little bit and now its working just fine for me again, try to open the image direct with right click "Open link into new tab" and then refresh the page if you get a permission error or something.

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Guest Sadirae

The stat scaling numbers are completely wrong.  My guy has 210 versatility and 5.25%.  That means it is 40 points per 1% - not 85.  The other stat scaling numbers are wrong also...  Or what am I missing?

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19 hours ago, Guest Sadirae said:

The stat scaling numbers are completely wrong.  My guy has 210 versatility and 5.25%.  That means it is 40 points per 1% - not 85.  The other stat scaling numbers are wrong also...  Or what am I missing?

You're right, it is because I originally posted those values in BFA but the stat squishing / changes in Shadowlands changed the scaling, will fix it ASAP, thanks for pointing this out!

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Guest Feelit

is there a way to cast flame shock on my friendly target's target without targeting them ,I couldn't find anything like that  on this list 

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15 minutes ago, Guest Feelit said:

is there a way to cast flame shock on my friendly target's target without targeting them ,I couldn't find anything like that  on this list 

Try this out (with /cast if /use does not work):

/use [harm][@targettarget] Flame Shock

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Guest Slayer1703

Thank you very much for this guide! Excellent job!

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11 hours ago, Guest Slayer1703 said:

Thank you very much for this guide! Excellent job!

Thanks for your kind words! ❤️ 

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The item level cap for Shadowlands Season 4 was increased to 304.  Legendary items were unaffected by the change (remaining at 291).  The guide should be updated to reflect that it is now more effective to have your legendary gear in the lowest stat slots. For restoration shaman, this means the wrists should be slotted for Unity and the hands for Primal Tide Core.

Edited by Sojourna

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On 8/25/2022 at 9:47 PM, Sojourna said:

The item level cap for Shadowlands Season 4 was increased to 304.  Legendary items were unaffected by the change (remaining at 291).  The guide should be updated to reflect that it is now more effective to have your legendary gear in the lowest stat slots. For restoration shaman, this means the wrists should be slotted for Unity and the hands for Primal Tide Core.

You can even get 311 items from the end mythic bosses 🙂

This is a minor optimization that depends on what your general item levels actually are since you might be missing a high level helmet, for example, in which case 291 legendary would help overall item level more, but I'll add a note on the guide on this, thanks!

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In the section regarding changes in patch 10.0.7, "Go with the Flow" is pointing to the achievement of the same name instead of the intended class talent.

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11 hours ago, Sojourna said:

In the section regarding changes in patch 10.0.7, "Go with the Flow" is pointing to the achievement of the same name instead of the intended class talent.

Its because of the internal tagging system, will bring it up with admins, thanks!

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Guest magicSham

Where is Flash Flood on gthe Tier 1-4 on the talents page? Is it that bad?

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5 hours ago, Guest magicSham said:

Where is Flash Flood on gthe Tier 1-4 on the talents page? Is it that bad?

We are only showing talents which are regularly taken in Talents page atm, but you can find it on the Spells page if you want to know our opinion about it. There's just not much need for extra Haste in Shaman rotation in general, especially now that Tidebringer and Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem can give you plenty of cast time reduction when you need it most 🙂

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Guest Sintec

Just some additions I would probably add to the M+ tips for utility spells.

Speccing into Thunderous Paws allows you to clear the Entangling affix instantly without needing to move. In the same vein it is also helpful in keys that have roots. In Freehold it has saved my life a lot of time. The same for Underrot and there are probably more examples.

Underrated talent in my opinion.

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17 hours ago, Guest Sintec said:

Just some additions I would probably add to the M+ tips for utility spells.

Speccing into Thunderous Paws allows you to clear the Entangling affix instantly without needing to move. In the same vein it is also helpful in keys that have roots. In Freehold it has saved my life a lot of time. The same for Underrot and there are probably more examples.

Underrated talent in my opinion.

For sure, will include in guide later, thanks!

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Guest wfh

this recommended m+ build on the class side is terrible all around (especially for new or casual players). It doesn't take cleanse or pct or hex, or swirling currents, or purge or thunderous paws....all of which are great talents in m+ dungeons and provide much more value.

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2 hours ago, Guest wfh said:

this recommended m+ build on the class side is terrible all around (especially for new or casual players). It doesn't take cleanse or pct or hex, or swirling currents, or purge or thunderous paws....all of which are great talents in m+ dungeons and provide much more value.

All of those are situational, the idea as a Shaman is that you adapt your class tree talents to the dungeons you are doing 🙂 there's plenty of great options, especially for certain dungeons and / or affixes, but the tree posted needs to be a generalist one and it would be too helpful to take every single point of situational utility in a single build, either!

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Guest Lisza

Resto shaman PVE -> Resto shaman utility: "Restoration Shaman is the only healer that can interrupt"

I respectfully disagree

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8 hours ago, Guest Lisza said:

Resto shaman PVE -> Resto shaman utility: "Restoration Shaman is the only healer that can interrupt"

I respectfully disagree

Damn that's an old blurb! It used to be true but hasn't been since Dragonflight talent revamps happened, will fix, thanks!

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Guest Scorpion

The comment on the resto shaman section for TWW saying a con is they dont bring any raid utility is false. They now bring windfury buff to groups/raidwide.
Just a heads up as this is specifically the TWW section and is incorrect.

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12 hours ago, Guest Scorpion said:

The comment on the resto shaman section for TWW saying a con is they dont bring any raid utility is false. They now bring windfury buff to groups/raidwide.
Just a heads up as this is specifically the TWW section and is incorrect.

It is being updated right now, you will see the new version tomorrow or so 🙂

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