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Recap of All Shadowlands Beta 9.0.2 Build 36401: Class Changes

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We've summarized all class changes that went live on the Shadowlands Beta last week.

A new Beta build should become available for testing tomorrow. Shadowlands releases in 20 days.

Death Knight


  • Death Strike Death Strike
    • Blood, Unholy, Initial: Focuses dark power into a strike that deals [ 46.43% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and heals you for 25% of all damage taken in the last 5 sec, minimum 7% 7.0% of maximum health.
    • Frost: Focuses dark power into a strike with both weapons, that deals a total of [ 76.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and heals you for 25% of all damage taken in the last 5 sec, minimum 7% 7.0% of maximum health.


Legendary Powers

  • Grip of the Everlasting Grip of the Everlasting (General) For 3 sec after casting Death Grip, you may cast the spell a second time without regard for its cooldown. Death Grip's cooldown is reduced by 3 sec and for 3 sec after casting Death Grip, you may cast the spell a second time without regard for its cooldown.

Anima Powers

  • Corrupted Sapwood Corrupted Sapwood
    • Blood: Death's Due stacks 15 1 additional times. times for each target struck by Heart Strike. Also increases the maximum stacks by 8.
    • Frost: Death's Due stacks 1 additional times for each target struck by Obliterate. Also increases the maximum stacks by 8.
    • Unholy, Initial: Death's Due stacks 1 additional times for each target struck by Scourge Strike. Also increases the maximum stacks by 8.

Soulbind Conduits

  • Eternal Hunger Eternal Hunger - Dark Transformation's duration is increased by 3 sec and your Minion damage is increased by 5 sec 3.0%.

Demon Hunter


  • Glaive Tempest Glaive Tempest (Level 30 Talent) - Launch two demonic glaives in a whirlwind of energy, causing [ 252% [ 214.2% of Attack Power ] Chaos damage over 3 sec to 5 nearby enemies.
  • Unbound Chaos Unbound Chaos (Level 30 Talent) replaced with a redesigned Unbound Chaos Unbound Chaos - Activating Immolation Aura increases the damage of your next Fel Rush by 300%. Lasts 20 sec.

PvP Talents

  • Mortal Rush Mortal Rush - Your Fel Rush afflicts targets it deals damage to with Mortal Wound, reducing the effectiveness of healing on the target for until cancelled 10 sec.

Legendary Powers

  • Fel Bombardment Fel Bombardment (Havoc) - Immolation Aura damage has a chance to grant you a stack of Fel Bombardment, increasing the damage that your next Throw Glaive deals to your primary target by 20% 50% and launching an additional glaive at a nearby target. This effect stacks up to 5 times.

Soulbind Conduits

  • Viscous Ink Viscous Ink
    • Havoc: Demonic Wards reduces magic damage taken by an additional 8% 6%.
    • Vengeance: Demonic Wards also reduces magic damage taken by 8% 6%.
    • Initial: Demonic Wards reduces magic damage taken by 8% 6%.


Covenant Abilities

  • Adaptive Swarm Adaptive Swarm - Upon expiration, jumps to a target within 35 25 yards, alternating between friend and foe up to 3 times.

PvP Talents

  • Early Spring Early Spring - Your next Wild Growth applies Lifebloom to al targets at 100% effectiveness. Lasts for 30 sec.
  • Deep Roots Deep Roots
    • Normal: Increases the amount of damage required to cancel your Entangling Roots by 400% 250%.
    • Mass Entanglement: Increases the amount of damage required to cancel your Entangling Roots or Mass Entanglement by 400% 250%

Soulbind Conduits

  • Conflux of Elements Conflux of Elements - While channeling Convoke the Spirits, your damage and healing are increased by 12.0% 15.0%.
  • Umbral Intensity Umbral Intensity - Eclipse's damage bonus to Wrath and Starfire starts 20.0% 30.0% stronger.
  • Unchecked Aggression Unchecked Aggression - You gain 10.0% 15.0% haste during Berserk in Bear Form.
  • Unstoppable Growth Unstoppable Growth - Wild Growth's healing falls off 30% 20% less over time.
  • Floral Recycling Floral Recycling - Swiftmend's healing is increased by 30% 40% of the consumed heal over time effect.
  • Well-Honed Instincts Well-Honed Instincts - When you fall below 25% 40% health, you cast Frenzied Regeneration, up to once every 90 sec.
  • Precise Alignment Precise Alignment
    • Normal: The duration of Celestial Alignment is increased by 4.0 5.0 sec.
    • Incarnation: Chosen of Elune: The duration of Incarnation: Chosen of Elune is increased by 4.0 5.0 sec.
  • Endless Thirst Endless Thirst - Ravenous Frenzy increases your critical chance by 2.0% 0.50% per stack.
  • Stellar Inspiration Stellar Inspiration - Starsurge and Starfall have a 8.0% 20.0% chance to empower Eclipse or extend Moonfire and Sunfire by double the amount.
  • Savage Combatant Savage Combatant - Mangle increases the damage of your next Maul by 10.0% 15.0%, stacking up to 3.



  • Carve Carve - Reduces the remaining cooldown on Wildfire Bomb by 1 sec for each target hit, up to 5.

Anima Powers

  • Piercing Scope Piercing Scope - Hunter's Mark now increases damage the target takes from all sources by an additional 10%.
  • Piercing Scope Piercing Scope - Hunter's Mark now increases damage the target takes from all sources by an additional 10%.

PvP Talents

  • Survival Tactics Survival Tactics - Feign Death dispels all harmful magical effects, and reduces damage taken by 99% 90% for 1.5 sec. Cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.

Soulbind Conduits

  • Ferocious Appetite Ferocious Appetite - Kill Command critical hits reduce the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild by 1.0 0.0 sec.
  • Flame Infusion Flame Infusion
    • Normal: Carve increases the damage of your next Wildfire Bomb explosion by 5.0%, 0.0%, stacks up to 2 times.
    • Butchery: Butchery increases the damage of your next Wildfire Bomb explosion by 5.0%, 0.0%, stacks up to 2 times.


Legendary Powers

  • Slick Ice Slick Ice - While Icy Veins is active, each Frostbolt you cast reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 5% 2% and its damage by 2%, stacking up to 10 times.

Soulbind Conduits

  • Ice Bite Ice Bite - Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen enemies by 10.0% 4.0%.



  • Touch of Death Touch of Death
    • Brewmaster: Clears Reduces delayed Stagger damage based on by 200% of damage dealt.
    • Windwalker: You exploit the enemy target's weakest point, instantly killing them. Only usable on creatures that have less health than you. Spawns 3 Chi Spheres, granting 1 Chi when you walk through them.
    • Mistweaver: You exploit the enemy target's weakest point, instantly killing them. Only usable on creatures that have less health than you. Increases the Monk's Physical damage by 15% for 10 sec.
    • Windwalker, Mistweaver, Initial: You exploit the enemy target's weakest point, instantly killing them.


  • Breath of Fire Breath of Fire - Breathe fire on targets in front of you, causing [ 28.5% [ 38.4% of Attack Power ] Fire damage. Targets affected by Keg Smash will also burn, taking [ 19.66% [ 26.64% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and dealing 5% reduced damage to you for 12 sec.


  • Eye of the Tiger Eye of the Tiger (Level 15 Talent) - Tiger Palm also applies Eye of the Tiger, dealing [ 28.17% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to the enemy and [ 28.17% of Attack Power ] healing to the Monk over 8 sec. Limit 1 target.

Covenant Abilities

  • Weapons of Order Weapons of Order
    • Brewmaster: For the next 30 sec, your Mastery is increased by [ 10.000 * $117,906bc1 ]%. Additionally, Keg Smash cooldown is reset instantly and enemies hit by Keg Smash take 5% 8% increased damage from you for 8 10 sec, stacking up to 5 4 times.
    • Windwalker: For the next 30 sec, your Mastery is increased by [ 10.000 [ 10.0000 * $115,636bc1 ]%. Additionally, Rising Sun Kick reduces Chi costs by 1 for 5 sec, and Blackout Kick reduces the cooldown of affected abilities by an additional 1 sec.
    • Initial: For the next 30 sec, your Mastery is increased by [ 10.000 [ 10.0000 * $115,636bc1 ]%.
  • Faeline Stomp Faeline Stomp
    • Brewmaster: Strike the ground fiercely to expose a faeline for 30 sec, dealing [ 91% [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restores [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds. Up to 5 yds caught in the faeline. Stagger is 5% more effective for 8 sec against enemies caught in the faeline are ignited with Breath of Fire. faeline. Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp while
    • Windwalker: Strike the ground fiercely to expose a faeline for 30 sec, dealing [ 91% [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restores [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds. yds caught in the faeline. Up to 5 enemies caught in the faeline suffer an additional [ 210% [ 65% of Attack Power ] damage. Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp while
    • Mistweaver: Strike the ground fiercely to expose a faeline for 30 sec, dealing [ 91% [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restores [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds. yds caught in the faeline. Up to 5 allies caught in the faeline are healed with an Essence Font bolt. Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp while
    • Initial: Strike the ground fiercely to expose a faeline for 30 sec, dealing [ 91% [ 40% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to up to 5 enemies, and restores [ 91% of Spell Power ] health to up to 5 allies within 30 yds. yds caught in the faeline. Stagger is 5% more effective for 8 sec against enemies caught in the faeline suffer an additional [ 210% [ 65% of Attack Power ] damage.
  • Bonedust Brew Bonedust Brew
    • Brewmaster: Hurl a brew created from the bones of your enemies at the ground, coating all targets struck for 10 sec. Your abilities have a 35% 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 35% effectiveness as Shadow damage or healing. Tiger Palm and Keg Smash reduces the cooldown of your brews by an additional 1 sec when striking enemies with your Bonedust Brew active.
    • Windwalker: Hurl a brew created from the bones of your enemies at the ground, coating all targets struck for 10 sec. Your abilities have a 35% 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 35% effectiveness as Shadow damage or healing. Spinning Crane Kick refunds 1 Chi when striking enemies with your Bonedust Brew active.
    • Mistweaver: Hurl a brew created from the bones of your enemies at the ground, coating all targets struck for 10 sec. Your abilities have a 35% 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 35% effectiveness as Shadow damage or healing. Gust of Mists heals targets with your Bonedust Brew active for an additional [ 42% of Attack Power].
    • Initial: Hurl a brew created from the bones of your enemies at the ground, coating all targets struck for 10 sec. Your abilities have a 35% 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 35% effectiveness as Shadow damage or healing.

Legendary Powers

  • Escape from Reality Escape from Reality (General) - After you use Transcendence: Transfer, you can use Transcendence: Transfer again within 10 sec, ignoring its cooldown. During this time, if you cast Vivify on yourself, its healing is increased by 70% its cost is reduced by 50% and 50% of its cost is refunded.
  • Mighty Pour Mighty Pour (Brewmaster) - Celestial Brew increases your Armor by 0% 25% for 7 sec, and Purifying Brew has a 25% chance to not consume a charge.
  • Ancient Teachings of the Monastery Ancient Teachings of the Monastery (Mistweaver) - Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, and Rising Sun Kick heal an injured ally within 20 yards for 120% of the damage done. After casting Essence Font, your Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick heal an injured ally within 20 yards for 250% of the damage done. Lasts 15 sec.
  • Tear of Morning Tear of Morning (Mistweaver) - Renewing Mists increase your healinh done to the target by 10% for 12 sec. 20% of your Enveloping Mist and Vivify healing is also appplied to all targets with Tear of Morning. Casting Vivify or Enveloping Mist on a target with Renewing Mist has a 10% chance to spread the Renewing Mist to another target. Your Vivify healing through Renewing Mist also heals allies with Renewing Mist for 20% of its healing. 
  • Keefer's Skyreach Keefer's Skyreach (Windwalker) - Tiger Palm now has a 10 yard range and dashes you to the target when used. Tiger Palm also applies an effect which increases your critical strike chance by 30% 50% for 6 sec on the target. This effect cannot be applied more than once every 60 sec per target.

Anima Powers

  • Corrosive Dosage Corrosive Dosage - Vivify leaves a corrosive mist around targets it heals, dealing 50% of its healing as Nature damage to nearby enemies each second for every 1 sec for 3 sec.
  • Bad Karma Bad Karma - Provoke casts has a 20% chance to cast Touch of Karma.
  • Corrosive Carbonation Corrosive Carbonation - Bonedust Brew deals [ 200% of Attack Power ] damage every 1 sec to enemies disabled by crowd control.
  • Corrosive Carbonation Corrosive Carbonation - Bonedust Brew deals [ 200% of Attack Power ] damage every 1 sec to enemies disabled by crowd control.

Soulbind Conduits

  • Way of the Fae Way of the Fae Increases the initial damage of Faeline Stomp deals by 10.0% additional damage per target hit by that damage, up to a maximum of 50.0% additional damage. 


Legendary Powers

  • Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun (Holy) - Light of Dawn's range is increased to 40 yards, and all allies inside your Light of Dawn receive 20% increased healing from your spells for 6 sec. Light of Dawn's range is increased to 40 yards. All allies within your Light of Dawn benefit from Mastery: Lightbringer as though they were within 10 yards for 6 sec. Word of Glory receives 50% increased benefit from your Mastery.
  • Shock Barrier Shock Barrier (Holy) - Holy Shock protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 18 sec, absorbing  up to [ 32% of Holy Power Spell ] damage every 6 sec. Can protect up to 3 targets. Holy Shock protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 18 sec, absorbing damage equal to 20% of the Holy Shock every 6 sec. Can protect up to 3 targets.

Soulbind Conduits

  • Virtuous Command Virtuous Command - Judgment grants you Virtuous Command for 6 sec, which gives causes your Templar's Verdict, Crusader Strike, Blade of Justice, and auto attacksa 40% chance to deal 10.0% additional Holy damage.
  • Templar's Vindication Templar's Vindication - Templar's Verdict has a 10.0% 30.0% chance to strike again for 15% 60% of its damage.
  • Ringing Clarity Ringing Clarity - Divine Toll has a 30.0% chance to cast 2 3 extra times on the main target.



  • Shadow Word: Death Shadow Word: Death mana cost changed from 1.60000002384186% to 0.5% of Base Mana.
  • Mind Blast Mind Blast mana cost updated. 2.5% of Base Mana / 0.25% of Base Mana.
  • Shadow Word: Pain Shadow Word: Pain mana cost updated. 1.79999995231628% of Base Mana / 1.20000004768372% 0.300000011920929% of Base Mana.


  • Shadow Crash Shadow Crash (Level 40 Talent) - Hurl a bolt of slow-moving, far-reaching Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 85% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yards.
  • Void Torrent Void Torrent (Level 45 Talent) - Channel a torrent of void energy into the target, dealing [ 340% [ 306% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 4 3 sec. While channelling, all of your Shadow damage over time effects are refreshed on the target. Generates 30 60 Insanity over the duration. Cast time reduced from 4 to 3 seconds. Cooldown decreased from 45 to 30 seconds.

PvP Talents

  • Delivered from Evil Delivered from Evil Reduces the cooldown of Leap of Faith by 45 sec, and Leap of Faith removes all movement impairing effects. Leap of Faith removes all movement impairing effects, and increases your next heal on the target by 100%.
  • Miracle Worker Miracle Worker - Holy Word: Serenity now has 25 Charges 2 charges and a 25% reduced cooldown.

Soulbind Conduits

  • Move with Grace Move with Grace Levitate grants Leap of Faith's cooldown is reduced by 20.0% increased movement speed 15.0 sec.


Anima Powers

  • Thirsty Venom Vial has been renamed to Prolonged Pain Prolonged PainTargets dying with your Slaughter Poison active add its remaining damage to your next Slaughter. Increases the duration of Flagellation's Haste increase by 200%.
  • Remorse Remorse - Flagellation causes the tormented target to be lashed 1 2 additional times every 1 sec.
  • Flowing Potential Wraps Flowing Potential Wraps Your combo point generating attacks have a 50% chance to grant 1 additional combo point.
    • Assassination: Combo point generating abilities have a 33% chance to store a combo point. For 20 sec after activating Vendetta, your finishing moves refund up to 5 Combo Points.
    • Outlaw: Combo point generating abilities attacks have a 33% chance to store a  combo point During Adrenaline Rush, your finishing moves refund up to 5 Combo Points.
    • Subtlety: Combo point generating abilities have a 33% chance to store a combo point. During Shadow Blades, your finishing moves refund up to 5 Combo Points.
    • Initial: Combo point generating abilities have a 33% chance to store a combo point. During , your finishing moves refund up to 5 Combo Points.
  • Reverberating Strike Reverberating Strike Finishing Damaging finishing moves that consume your Animacharged combo point deal damage function as if you consumed 20 combo points.
  • Caustic Binding Agent renamed to Spiked Lashes Spiked LashesSlaughter's poison application chance is increased to 100%, and can Flagellation now stack 20 additional times. grants you 1% Haste per stack, up to a maximum of 30% Haste.



  • Lava Surge Lava Surge - Your Flame Shock damage over time has a 15% 10% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Lava Burst and cause your next Lava Burst to be instant.


  • Windfury Weapon Windfury Weapon - Imbue your main-hand weapon with the element of Wind for 60 min. Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing [ 32.4% [ 24% of Attack Power ] Physical damage each.

Legendary Powers

  • Deeply Rooted Elements Deeply Rooted Elements (General) - Casting Stormstrike has a 5.1% chance to activate Ascendance for 6.0 sec.
    • Elemental: Casting Lava Burst has a 7% chance to activate Ascendance for 6.0 sec.
    • Enhancement: Using Stormstrike has a 8% chance to activate Ascendance for 6.0 sec.
    • Restoration: Casting Riptide has a 7% chance to activate Ascendance for 6.0 sec. 
  • Elemental Equilibrium Elemental Equilibrium (Elemental) - Dealing direct Fire damage increases the damage of your next Frost spell by 30%. Dealing Frost damage increases the damage of your next Nature spell by 25%. Dealing Nature damage increases the damage of your next Fire spell by 20%. Dealing direct Fire, Frost, and Nature damage within 10 sec will increase all damage dealt by 15% for 10 sec. This can only occur once every 30 sec.
  • Doom Winds Doom Winds (Enhancement) - Dropping Windfury Totem grants you 100% 25% chance to gain Windfury Weapon and increases Windfury Weapon damage by 25% for 12 sec. This can only occur once every 60 sec.

Soulbind Conduits

  • Focused Lightning Focused Lightning - Maelstrom Weapon increases the damage or healing of your next spell by an additional 4.0% 1.0% per stack.



Legendary Powers

  • Balespider's Burning Core Balespider's Burning Core (Demonology) - Shadow Bolt increases the damage of your Demonbolt by 8%, stacking up to 4 times. Lasts 15 sec.

Anima Powers

  • Tainted Blood Vial Tainted Blood Vial 
    • Affliction, Initial: Your Malefic Rapture no longer consumes any Soul Shards, but instead will cost you 50% 25% of your current remaining health.
    • Demonology: Your Hand of Gul'dan no longer consumes any Soul Shards, but instead will cost you 50% 30% of your current remaining health.

Soulbind Conduit

  • Borne of Blood Borne of Blood - Hand of Gul'dan has a 15% 15.0% chance to generate a charge of Demonic Core.
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      Dragonflight Season 4 brings with it a variety of changes, including new adjustments to dungeons, their progression, and rewards. [LEARN MORE]
      One of the most notable changes players can look forward to is the removal of the timer for Mythic Keystone dungeons for what are currently 0 and 10. Players can run through these dungeons at their own pace without the need to watch the clock while still honing their skills. Heroic difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 0. These dungeons will remain available to queue into via Group Finder (default hotkey: “I”), though the item level requirement to queue will also go up accordingly. Mythic 0 difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 8-10 (this is a bit hand-wavy - numerically it’s close to M10 but not having a timer at all or affixes really offsets that quite a bit). The existing Mythic+ system will pick up where that leaves off, such that a Mythic 5 in Season 4 is roughly equivalent in difficulty, rewards, and M+ Rating awarded, to a Mythic 15 today. Normal This difficulty is unchanged. Heroic The tuning and rewards of this difficulty are increasing to be equivalent to a baseline Mythic (Mythic 0) dungeon in the current system. Mythic difficulty changes and mechanics will not be present in this difficulty. This remains a queueable experience. Mythic The tuning and rewards of this difficulty are increasing to the equivalent of a +10 dungeon with affixes in the current system. There are no timers, affixes, or limitations on changing specializations or talents while in the dungeon. The goal is to create a mega-dungeon like difficulty for this experience. This difficulty should present a meaningful challenge and provide commensurate rewards without the pressures of the current Mythic+ system. Mythic 0 is still on a weekly lockout under this model. Mythic+ The Mythic+ system will have rewards up to level 10, with +2 starting from what would regularly be a +11 in the current Mythic+ system. A +5 should be as hard as a +15 and +10 should be as hard as a +20 in the current Mythic+ system etc. Affixes would slot in at +2, +5, and +10 +2 - Fortified/Tyrannical +5 - Entangling / Incorporeal etc. +10 - Bursting / Bolstering etc. Dungeon ratings should be equivalent to what they represent in the current system. There should be a smaller range of keystone levels to find groups for, and more meaningful progression between each level. At the beginning of Season 4, all Keystones will be reset to level 2, regardless of levels. This is done due to our difficulty refactoring of Mythic and Mythic+. It’s important to note that the basic structure of dungeon rewards is not changing significantly, so what you would have earned for completing a Mythic 0 will be earnable in the Heroic difficulty dungeon instead.  Crest and Flightstone rewards are changing to match the same difficulty with only some minor adjustments. Flightstone earnings for any given Mythic+ will match the equally challenging Mythic+ from previous seasons. This means that a Mythic +2 in Season 4 will give the same number of Flightstones as a Mythic +12 in Season 3 currently does. The rewards will continue to match difficulty, even if what we’re calling those difficulty changes. Bonus Flightstone awards for increasing any party member’s Mythic+ score remain unchanged. Whelpling Crests are no longer available from Mythic+ dungeons, as those difficulties no longer exist. Players can continue to collect Whelpling Crests from many outdoor sources. Players will earn 10 Drake Crests on successful completion of a Mythic 0 dungeon, as there is no timer to beat. Wyrm Crests will be available in Mythic +2 to Mythic +5 dungeons in the same quantities as existing Mythic+ dungeons. Aspect Crests will be available in any Mythic difficulty from +6 and up, also in the same quantities as existing Mythic+ dungeons. NORTHREND CUP
      On April 30 through May 14, soar through the Northrend skies with the dragonrider racing event, Northrend Cup.
      Challenge twelve races across Northrend in Normal, Advanced, and Reverse variations to earn Riders of Azeroth Badges to exchange for rewards with Maztha in Valdrakken. Complete all Northrend Cup races on Gold to earn the achievement Northrend Racing Completionist: Gold, Northrend Racer title, and Ruby Riders of Azeroth tabard. Head to Valdrakken and speak to Lord Andestrasz near the Rostrum of Transformation to pick up the initial quest.
      New rewards are available for purchase with Riders of Azeroth Badges: Icy Drake Racer's transmog set and Checkered Pennant.
      Developer's note: In Season 4, we're reducing the overall throughput of some healers to better align with our tuning goals as well as increase the comparative power of Holy Paladin, Preservation Evoker, and Holy Priest without needing to further escalate the capabilities of healers.
      DRUID Restoration All healing done reduced by 5%. Does not apply in PvP combat. MONK Mistweaver All healing done reduced by 13%. Does not apply in PvP combat. PRIEST Discipline Developer's note: As part of our goal for balancing healers in raids, we would like to reduce raid healing output for Discipline Priest without affecting them in other content. Atonement transfers 35% of damage to healing (was 40%). Atonement healing increased by 70% outside of raids (was 50%). SHAMAN Restoration All healing done reduced by 5%. Does not apply in PvP combat. DUNGEONS AND RAIDS
      LOOKING FOR RAID In-combat resurrection spells in Looking for Raid difficulty now use the same shared-charge system as other raid difficulties. Groups in Looking for Raid difficulty now start combat with six in-combat resurrection charges, and gain a charge every 90-150 seconds, depending on group size. ABERRUS, THE SHADOWED CRUCIBLE Echo of Neltharion Volcanic Heart now targets 4 players on Mythic difficulty (was 5). VAULT OF THE INCARNATES Raszageth Hurricane Wing's pushback strength reduced by 10% on all difficulties. Lightning Devastation cast time increased to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds). Flame Shield reduced by 23%. Shattering Shroud healing absorb reduced by 20%. DAWN OF THE INFINITE: HARD MODE Dawn of the Infinite: Hard Mode tuning and rewards have been updated. Hard mode does not have a timer and rewards a Hero track item. Hard mode is intended to be more challenging than a standard Mythic difficulty dungeon. ALGETH’AR ACADEMY General Spellbound Scepter Arcane Rain has been removed. Spellbound Scepter Mystic Blast can no longer be interrupted. Spectral Invoker's Arcane Missiles damage reduced by 50%. Encounters Crawth Firestorm frequency reduced to 8 seconds (was 5 seconds). Savage Peck's initial damage reduced by 13%. Savage Peck's periodic damage reduced by 33%. Addressed an issue where Deafening Screech can go off after the cast is interrupted. Vexamus Mana Bomb periodic damage reduced by 20%. Corrupted Mana now has a slight delay before inflicting damage to players inside of its effect. Echo of Doragosa New Mythic mechanic: Unleash Energy – The Echo of Doragosa unleashes powerful arcane energy, inflicting Arcane damage to all players and opening Arcane Rifts in nearby locations. Astral Breath cast time has been increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds). THE AZURE VAULT General Increased the Mythic+ timer by 2 minutes. Crystal Fury Piercing Shard now has a precast visual. Piercing Shard impact area reduced by 25%. Conjured Lasher Mystic Vapors will now be cast less frequently. Arcane Tender's Erratic Growth cast time increased to 3.5 seconds (was 2.5 seconds). Unstable Curator's Heavy Tome will now be cast less frequently. Drakonid Breaker Shoulder Slam's knockback has been removed. Shoulder Slam now inflicts Physical damage and increases Physical damage taken by 10%. Shoulder Slam will now be cast less frequently. Encounters Leymor Erupting Fissures now follows current target player. Azureblade Reduced the frequency of periodic damage from Overwhelming Energy to every 2.5 seconds (was every 2 seconds). Umbrelskul Oppressive Miasma removed in Mythic difficulty. Crystalize now pulses Arcane damage while the crystal is shielded. Crackling Vortex now has a larger movement radius. Detonating Crystals and Hardened Crystal now spawn closer to Umbrelskul's location Addressed an issue where Detonating Crystals can fail to spawn. BRACKENHIDE HOLLOW General Withering debuff No longer stacks. Periodic damage reduced by 16%. Haste reduction increased to 10% (was 2%). Movement reduction increased to 10% (was 2%). Fetid Rotsinger Decay Totem health reduced by 20%. Addressed an issue where Withering cast by Decay Totem is inflicting more periodic damage than Withering from other sources. Rotbow Stalker Renamed to Rotbow Ranger. Shoot now has a recast of 6 seconds. Diseased Meat renamed to Rotten Meat, and is now a Poison dispel. Brackenhide Shaper Summon Lashers and Touch of Decay have been removed. Stinkbreath Violent Whirlwind radius reduced to 6 yards (was 7 yards). Stink Breath now locks facing after targeting a player. Stink Breath now has a visual while casting. Wilted Oak Necrotic Breath's casting visual has been updated. Necrotic Breath's cone width has been adjusted to match with the new visual. Gutstabber Withering Poison has been removed. Bracken Warscourge Bloody Bite has been removed. Claw Fighter Bloody Bite has been removed. Decay Speaker Rotchanting Totem has been removed. Encounters Hackclaw’s War-Band Predatory Instincts Haste bonus reduced to 5% (was 10%). Mark for Butchery damage frequency increased to 1 second (was 0.5 seconds). Gash Frenzy damage reduced by 21%. Gash Frenzy duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 45 seconds). HALLS OF INFUSION General Dungeon checkpoint added after defeating Gulping Goliath. Normalized the spawn rate of Crashing Tsunami during the gauntlet. Containment Apparatus' Containment Beam damage reduced by 42%. Primalist Galesinger Wind Buffet and Thunderstorm have been removed. New ability: Thunderstrike – Inflicts Nature damage to all players within 7 yards of impact. Primalist Earthshaker Rumbling Earth rim visual will no longer clip into the terrain. Encounters Watcher Irideus Titanic Fist now has a visual during cast. Power Overload now has a rim visual around afflicted player. Power Field now gradually grows to its full size. Khajin the Unyielding Added rim visuals on Ice Boulders that will trigger Avalanche. Primal Tsunami Cast Away now occurs at 60% health (was 100% energy). NELTHARUS General Each Burning Chain can only be used once. Burning Chain now stuns all enemies in it and increases their damage taken by 50% for 5 seconds. Encounters Chargath Fiery Focus pulsing damage near the Chargath has been removed. Fiery Focus now channels damage on current target. Grounding Chain now persists on defeated player. Grounding Chain now does a small knockback to the player when applied. Warlord Sargha Curse of the Dragon Hoard now stacks. Curse of the Dragon Hoard duration reduced from to 30 seconds (was 5 minutes). Azure Stone of Might has been removed. THE NOKHUD OFFENSIVE General Nokhud Longbow Multi-Shot has been removed. Rain of Arrows will now be cast less frequently. Nokhud Beastmaster Hunt Prey damage bonus reduced by 25%. Desecrated Ohuna Rotting Wind initial damage reduced by 30%. Ukhel Beastcaller Desecrating Roar frequency reduced by 25%. Nokhud Thunderfist Storm Shock has been removed. Primalist Stormspeaker Storm Bolt has been removed. Encounters Balakar Khan Frequency of Stormwinds during intermission has been reduced to every 10 seconds (was every 6 seconds). RUBY LIFE POOLS General Primal Terrasentry Stone Missiles has been removed. Primalist Flamedancer Blaze of Glory now has a 1 second delay before inflicting damage around the caster. Flame Dance’s end of channel damage reduced by 25%. Encounters Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein Infernocore duration increased to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds). Infernocore periodic damage reduced by 25%. Flamespit targets reduced to 2 (was 3). ULDAMAN: LEGACY OF TYR General Reduced the Mythic+ timer by 1 minute. Encounters The Lost Dwarves Fiery Surge damage reduced by 75%. Fiery Surge's frequency has been significantly reduced – One dwarf reduced by 33%, two dwarves reduced by 50%, and three dwarves reduced by 100%. Burning Pitch maximum radius reduced to 6 yards (was 10 yards). Fiery Surge and Burning Pitch now properly scales with key level. Fixed an issue where Heavy Arrow was damaging pets. Sentinel Talondras Earthen Shards initial damage reduced by 20%. Earthen Shards periodic damage reduced by 12.5%. Emberon Burning Heat duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 10 seconds). Seeking Flame’s visual has been adjusted to no longer clip into the terrain. PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER
      Honor gained from the Battleground Blitz Brawl now contributes towards the PvP track in the Great Vault.  MONK Mistweaver Ancient Teachings healing transfer amount reduced to 375% in PvP combat (was 412%). PRIEST Discipline Atonement healing increased by 35% in PvP combat (was 15%).  
      To view all content update notes, click here.
      For World of Warcraft customer support, please visit our Support Site or our Customer Support discussion forum. If you’ve found a bug, please let us know about it in our Bug Report Forum.
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    • By Staff
      Dragonriding has been renamed to Skyriding in The War Within and we're taking a closer look at how the system works!
      More than 400 mounts have been updated with new animations to support Skyriding in The War Within. Skyriding and all the associated spells reside in your updated SpellbooK.

      The Mounts tab has been updated with a new button that lets you switch flight style. You can switch between Skyriding and standard flying, but some zones still require the Pathfinder achievements to enable standard flying.

      Dynamic Flight Talents cost Dragon Power. You will gain extra Skyriding power as you level up. This how Blizzard is changing the current Dragon Glyphs / talent system.

      There are two new choice nodes to the right in the tree as you can see in the screenshot.
      The first node lets you enable/disable the Ride Along feature.

      The node beneath it lets you pick between Whirling Surge or Lightning Rush.

    • By Staff
      The new Arachnophobia Mode in The War Within also works on spider mounts!
      If you own a spider mount say Bloodfang Cocoon and you turn on Arachnophobia Mode, you will suddenly have a crab mount! Here is a shot from the Alpha by MrGM who did it all for science.
      Placeholder for tweet 1781074564966957538 Check out our news post about the new Arachnophobia Mode for more details.
    • By Staff
      A lot has been covered from the War Within Alpha press event, so here's everything we have from it so far. 
      Interviews and Collector's Edition:
      The War Within Developer Group Interview Summary: April 16th A First Look at the War Within 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition New Systems and UI Previews:
      More Classes for the Dracthyr Race in The War Within (New) Stacking XP Buff From Warbands in War Within (New) More Classes for the Dracthyr Race in The War Within (New) Warbands: Account-Wide Everything in The War Within War Within Warbands Feature Preview (Official) New Character Select Screen in The War Within New "All Crab" Arachnophobia Accessibility Setting in War Within Alpha Spellbook Revamp in War Within Alpha Dungeons and Raids
      New Dungeons and Loot Item Levels in The War Within Season 1 Nerub'ar Palace Raid Bosses and Item Level of Rewards War Within Season 1 Nerub'ar Palace Tier Sets Sneak Peek Nerub'ar Palace Raid Environments and Enemies (War Within Alpha) Heroic Raid Week Returns With Nerub'ar Palace in War Within Season 1! Mounts
      Mole Mounts in the War Within (New) War Within Dynamic Flight Preview (Official) (New) The War Within Season 1 Vicious Mounts Preview Gladiator Mounts in The War Within Season 1&2: Gold/Silver Armored Fel Bat Delver's Dirigible: Customizable Mounts from the Delves Story
      Important Lore Character Dies in the War Within? The Fate of Dalaran in The War Within Pre-Patch Event New Alleria, Anduin, and Xal'atath Models in The War Within The World
      Earthen Racials in The War Within (New) War Within Zone Screenshots A Look at the Earthen Allied Race
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