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UE and Flame Shock (enh)

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I haven't seriously played my enhancement shaman since 5.3, and it appears that the priority queue has changed a little bit. I understand everything but the flame shock section. It looks like it is saying that if the unleash flame buff is up, flame shock becomes priority over everything but lb and ss, no matter the remaining duration. Am I getting that right? Or is there something I'm missing?

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You've got the gist of it.  The basic purpose of that suggestion is to ensure that you always keep Flame Shock up, and that you don't cast it without the buff.  I have yet to come to a meaningful conclusion about it taking precedence over Earth Shock when the 2pc set bonus procs Unleash Flame, but I think it wins out.  It's okay to wait a few seconds to cast Flame Shock when you use Unleash Elements (the buff lasts for about 5 seconds), to use Maelstrom Weapon charges or cast Stormstrike, for example, but just be sure to consume every Unleash Flame buff you get before it fades.


The reason it's okay to clip Flame Shock like that is because there is an initial hit attached to it, and that hit is only competing with Earth Shock, which doesn't do too much damage either.  I hope that helps!

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hey guys.  i just wrote up this post.  i think the aura described in that thread may be useful here.


note that priority on FS probably goes way down with the 2pc set bonus as the UF buff will be up significantly more.  this actually increases the value of knowing the relative strengths of the current and hypothetical FSes, as there will be more opportunities to lose dps by overwriting a stronger FS with a weaker one.

Edited by zagtastic

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Ahhhh, ok, it's basically telling me to always take advantage of Unleash Flame then. That makes a lot more sense. And I will try out that aura next time I raid on my shammy. It looks like it'd be really useful and I'm interested to see how helpful it is to other people

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