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Research Study on WoW players

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I am currently doing a research project for my PhD at the University of Barcelona about WoW players and their characters.


My thesis will be about identity exploration and online videogames. As someone who has dabbled in both the gaming and research worlds, I think the research being done on the field of gaming needs a lot of improvement, which is why I want to do my bit in making a more rigorous research on videogames that goes beyond the overdone topic “videogames good vs videogames bad”. I really think that research on  videogames can provide a lot more to the scientific community and society in general.



I am currently looking for World of Warcraft players who might want to participate by completing a brief survey and answering some questions in an online interview.


The link to the survey is the following: https://ubpsychology.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cSlw8tHptYaxoIl


If you wish to know more about the project, just ask me and I will be more than happy to explain. My official contact email is: [email protected]

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