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Hearthstone comedy series?

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I kinda like it :D Although I am not sure how long you can keep creating new jokes about a card game, but I wish you the best of luck.

Just make sure, that you try to kill minions on board like you most likely would do in HS. Don't give the trolls a chance to comment "you would never do such trade in HS OMG NOOB" and such. :)

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I think the format is promising and you definitely have the voices for this kind of stuff, so there's potential, but I think you need to work more on the jokes themselves.

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I agree with Damien. The voices are key, because if they're annoying or grating, then there's no hope, but that's not the case here. The idea is good, but the video was too short for my taste, and even in that shortness there was hardly any "meat" to it.


As for not being able to keep it going for too long on just a card game, as Oltier pointed out, I wouldn't worry about that too much. If it picks up, you can always switch to other games :p

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