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    • By Sparse
      Scepter is a guild with a semi-hardcore mindset, We aim to clear all content on Heroic difficulty. When we can, on top of that we try getting some Mythic kills too. (if enough people)
      Scepter is based on the Horde side of Draenor, there is no obligation to be on the server to raid with us, you can be Alliance or Horde and play on what ever server you feel like and still be able to play with us, you only need to join our Discord and our Community in game.
      About Us
      We’re a group of friends who have been playing together since Legion and picked up new members along the way, and these days we’re more a community of people who play mainly wow raids and push m+ - but also a ton of other games to have fun together outside of wow as well, especially with those of us that no longer play wow but still want to stick around due to the friends made along the way. We generally put IRL as a priority over the game, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take it seriously when neccesary. But we do aim to keep a chill, fun, banter-esque atmosphere since games are meant to be fun.
      Raiding times
      (Progression times may be extended)
      ☩ Thursday 19:30 - 22:30 ST
      ☩ Monday 19:30 - 22:30 ST
      What we are currently looking for
      ☩ RDPS ( Mage,Shaman,Spriest,Boomkin )
      ☩ Healer ( Priest,Druid )
      ☩ All other classes will be considered if you prove to be exceptionally good at the class.
      What to expect?
      ☩ Two organized raids a week
      ☩ Dedicated team of officers who will support the guild as much as possible.
      ☩ A semi-hardcore raiding guild whose aim is to use our limited hours in the best way that we can, maintaining progress with a decent atmosphere.
      ☩ Helpful environment.
      What do we expect?
      ☩ To be on Discord during raids,working mic isn’t a necessity but it will be of great help in the future.
      ☩ Being humble enough to accept that you can always improve and accept criticism if it’s meant well.
      ☩ Able to attend most of the scheduled raids
      ☩ You have to perform to the best of your abilities and know how to optimize your gear.
      ☩ Research the class/spec you play and keeping it up to date.
      ☩ Punctuality - Showing up for raids in good time and being well prepared with Phials, Enchants, gems, etc
      Where to Contact us
    • By Tomseno
      Raid/Class Spots Are Open To Any Applicant If The Player Is The Right Fit
      A guild formed with an ambition for progression and a love for M+ we decided to make the move from Silvermoon Alliance and form a guild to take our focus to the next level, Cutting Edge in 10.1 being the next step.
      We believe in building a guild by recruit players of a similar goal and mentality whether it be for raiding or for push score in Mythic plus. We value loyalty, honesty and a positive attitude towards setbacks. Communication skills are an absolute must.
      Raid Schedule
      Wednesday 20:30-23:00 Sunday 20:30-23:00
      Current Progression
      9/9HC 5/9M
      What are we looking for recruitment wise?
      We're currently open to recruiting DPS classes listed above, as we aim to solidify a stable 25-player roster. We're looking to provide competition to existing members and choose the best 25 players to proceed with for next tier.
      Contact Information:
      Discord; tomsen and lora1506
      Think you'd be a good fit?
      If you believe that you are a player that is looking to achieve the same goals as us then why not contact us and see if we can achieve our goals together!
    • By Zennetta
      About us
      We are a well established and organised Mythic raiding guild that strives to hold its members to a high standard both in skill level as players, and honesty, straightforwardness and good humour as people. This is how we are able to combine mythic progress at a higher level each tier with a pleasant atmosphere and community spirit.
      The goal for the guild is to maintain a vanilla-style close knit community who run all kinds of content together as friends as well as guildmates.
      Currently Recruiting
      Any Ranged DPS (High) DPS Death Knight (High) Any Melee DPS (Med) Any Healer (Low) What we look for
      Seasoned mythic raiders Players with a clear potential to make the step up from HC to Mythic raiding People who come prepared in every regard (tactics, addons, WAs, gear, enchants) Those who always strive to improve their performance, by analysing logs, researching class Discords, guides and collaboration with other members What we offer
      A well structured raiding environment with a solid group of core players An active guild outside of raids for keys, achievement runs, crafting or general chatting A place where you have the opportunity to form long-lasting bonds with your guildmates Progression focused raiding, where we aim to improve with each tier Transparency in how we view you and your performance with continuous feedback where we think it’s productive We keep expressing our frustrations to a minimum and deal with strategic problems in a constructive manner Raid Times 
      Weds & Thurs 2100-0000 Server Time On fresh tiers we run optional Saturday normal clears for tier pieces and other strong items You need Discord and a working microphone. We’re not expecting everyone to be a social butterfly, but if you need to call for a dispel, announce a CD or a mechanic, by voice is best.
      If you're interested
      You can apply directly here: https://apply.wowaudit.com/eu/kazzak/diminishing-returns/   Or chat to Frosty (Officer) on Discord, username: frostnado We would love to see you in the guild exploring Dragonflight with us. Cheers!
    • By Shalla
      Arise - Kazzak EU (7/8M) is currently recruiting for post-raszageth reclears and season 2. We have open spots for all roles as some of our members will be rerolling for the new season.
      About Us
      We're a 2-day mythic raiding guild founded at the start of T25 The Eternal Palace. Our ambition is to become one of the best 2-day guilds out there while maintaining a fun raiding environment and an irl-compatible schedule. We're also social on our guild discord, even outside of raiding hours.
      Raid Times (Server Time)
      Sunday 20:00 - 00:00
      Monday 20:00 - 00:00
      We do not run any extra raids outside of this schedule unless there are exceptional circumstances and the group agrees.
      • We look for progress-oriented players that make an effort to continuously improve their gameplay and characters.
      • We appreciate players that prepare for bosses outside of raiding hours, allowing the guild to progress competitively.
      • We value a friendly guild environment. Our members must be respectful towards each other.
      • All of our raiders must be able to communicate through Discord during raids.
      • We encourage our raiders to identify and own their mistakes so that we can learn from them and move on.
      • Since we only raid for 2 days, we also value very high attendance.
      If you wish to apply, please fill out our application form: https://forms.gle/PaVX3uoAtfhM5Ngt9
      We will get back to you within a maximum of 10 days if we wish to further explore your application.
      For specific questions, you can reach our officer team via Discord:
      Shalla#5159; Alli#0133; Spennie#3387 
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