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Dps seems a little low, or is it just me?

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Hello, recently came back to wow from a long break and began gearing my destro lock. Sitting at 554 equipped ilevel with the cloak and it seems my dps is lower than it should be. I think some of the issue could be in my opener, sometimes i get unlucky and don't get a PBI proc early on and i can't seem to recover from that later on. I try to pop DSI when I get a PBI proc, although as the fight goes on my PBI procs start to come up before DSI is off cooldown (Probably due to popping DSI too late?). I follow the standard rotation, casting Chaos bolts only if I get a trinket proc or i'm above 3.5 embers but sometimes I go a while without a Toxic Power proc and Incinerate pulls ahead of my Chaos Bolts in total damage. 


Here are some logs from a 10 man Normal SoO I ran tonight, I noticed my Immolate uptime was pretty low on Nazgrim, I'll have to work on that.


Warcraftlogs (last 2 wings)



10 man Norm Sha:



10 man Norm Nazgrim:



10 man Norm Juggernaut:





Edited by Zorenith

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Please try to get some warcraftlogs as it's a long easier to track trinket procs/etc. and we can be a bit more constructive on what you can do to improve.


When do you pop your first DS though? if you are popping it about 1.5 seconds before pull you shouldn't face the problem of expanded mind proccing before DS too often (although it certainly may still happen in some circumstances).

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I have been waiting to pop DS until I get my Expanded Mind proc, to ensure my first couple Chaos Bolts benefit from both. Occasionally I won't get a PBI proc until a good 5-15s into the fight. 

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Try incinerating -3 secs in followed by popping dark soul before your first immolate. You will get more crit chance for said immolate (more embers in your opener) and it's pretty likely your pboi will proc close enough that it isn't a waste of a dark soul. Obviously things can go wrong but you just have to take your chances.

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When I can get home this evening I can take a look if you would like. I'm nobody special but I can say I'm in the 3M CB club with only 563ilvl. I'm also new to the forums so I may not have much credibility yet. That being said, I'd be willing to take a look.

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You're severely limiting us by having Worldoflogs, if you upload to warcraftlogs.com we can help a lot more. 


Gems, enchants, reforge is fine.




Immolate up time is really low, 86% on IJ and 90% of Sha of Pride. IJ can depend on your strat by should still be above 90%, Sha should never be below 98-99%.


CB usage looks okay on both, hard to tell with WoL but ballpark is okay.


Shadowburn usage on Sha is shamefully low, you have a big add every so often that should always be shadowburn sniped for embers and you have a shit load of small adds that spawn during the fight that can be sniped as well. 


Speaking of small adds, I don't see any use of Fire and Brimstone. The total lack of it could be that your raid burned the adds so fast that you didn't have time to use it, but I find that highly unlikely given your raid comp in this fight.


Shadowburn on IJ looks a little low also, but again it's hard to tell for sure without a more useful logging parser like Warcraftlogs.





When I can get home this evening I can take a look if you would like. I'm nobody special but I can say I'm in the 3M CB club with only 563ilvl. I'm also new to the forums so I may not have much credibility yet. That being said, I'd be willing to take a look.



Welcome to the forums and the community. Feel free to help others and let others help you.

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What adds are there to shadowburn on iron jug?



There isn't any. Low SB usage on that fight is tied to the boss, iirc he only had 4 SBs cast that fight. That's low, I would normally want to see at least 6 or 7. Unless the group was killing it REALLY fast and his group isn't.


Like I said, hard to tell on that fight using WoL. It *can* be done, but I'm far to lazy to try and use the asinine query system that WoL has.

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Bad fights for checking DPS, but we work with what we got!


Blackfuse, don't think of Bloodlust as something you want to dump CBs in. Haste doesn't give you bigger damage, just faster. You used two or three CBs in BL right before you got trinket procs.


Looks like you also ignored one KTT proc later in the fight.


83% uptime on immolate, do you have Affdots or a weakaura for Immolate? 83% is real low.


Otherwise usage was okay, 6/10 stars.



Grab some warcraftlogs of Malk and IJ as you work on these issues, good luck!

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