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Guest Shirudo

Im not sure if i missed it but you can use hide right before doton activates so in dungeons as long as your not in combat yet you you can drop doton in the middle of enemies then hit hide instantly for 2 katons its only useable in dungeons but might be worth mentioning somewhere. (again sorry if i missed it being mentioned) 

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Hey there! The NIN guide still has several references to Shadow Fang, but the ability was removed in Endwalker. I know the guide is still WIP, but wanted to let someone know. Thanks for the hard work!

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Guest Seppy

There were other abilities added in endwalker such as fleeting raiju that I don’t see reference to not sure if that’s intentional or if it was just nobody noticed

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Guest Persies

This is not up to date for Endwalker 6.08 as it says in the title. 

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On 4/7/2022 at 1:49 PM, Guest Persies said:

This is not up to date for Endwalker 6.08 as it says in the title. 

Apologies, the update just went through today. It is now updated for Endwalker.

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Guest Mike

The 3rd disadvantage should change the skill from Trick Attack to Mug now. (As of 6.1 changes)

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Already been handled, needed time to update our pages for the patch, thanks for the feedback.

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Guest JDS

Using the slider doesn't seem to work as intended. I set it to 50's and it refers to using skills I won't see unlocked until 68 & 80

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On 9/15/2022 at 6:28 PM, Guest JDS said:

Using the slider doesn't seem to work as intended. I set it to 50's and it refers to using skills I won't see unlocked until 68 & 80

Sorry about that, I've gone and fixed it on our end, should be visible to everyone else shortly.

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Guest Silver

Hey I'm noticing that before 50, it says "Suiton is the only way to keep your buff active" but I'm guessing that's erroneous and it's meant to say "huton"

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Guest Blue Masking Tape

I noticed it doesn't have some abilities like Assassinate or Dream WIthin a Dream throughout the leveling process. Is there a reason for that? Maybe they're not in late game rotations (I haven't hit 90 yet), but it seems like they're free oGCDs that would be good to use in down time when nothing else is available.

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Guest Ceasen_Desist

In the event that we can't get our pre-pull in for whatever reason (usually casual content), it would make sense to me to open with Huraijin, then roll right into Suiton. Is this a solid Plan B?

I understand it's less optimal than pre-pull huton+hide+partial suiton, but Huraijin sounds far better to me than blowing GCDs and ninjitsus on huton after the fight's started (if forced into that situation). 


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