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Arena Draft: Is there too much of a good thing?

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Drafting A Paladin in Arena I had the option to take 6 Truesilver champions and 4 consecrations, what would be considered the right amount of each?



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Drafting A Paladin in Arena I had the option to take 6 Truesilver champions and 4 consecrations, what would be considered the right amount of each?



It depends on the other cards in your deck. Usually 2-3 of each sound good. If you're low on 4-drops you could take an extra truesilver, if you're low on low-drops you could use an extra consecrate to clear the board in case you lose the early game... Ofcourse it also depends on the quality of the other cards in the pick. if you have a huge end game and you have to chose between truesilver, ogre or war golem, then truesilver is probably the way to go.


When choosing cards, always keep in mind what your curve looks like, how good the cards are, how many cards you have left to pick... and ofcourse combos. if you have an equality then consecrate or wild pyromancer are amazing picks.


The Arena Starter Guide and the Arena Guide are a nice read and should help you out quite a bit




edit: keep in mind that weapons are special, having 6 truesilver champions in your hand is completely useless since you can only use one of them every 2 turns and the other ones are basically dead cards. On the other hand: having 6 fireballs or 6 yetis in your hand can be pretty good.

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