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Trash Deck.....Not so trashy? The Meek Shall Inherit Deck

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I constructed the pally deck below purely for the purpose of completing "The Meek Shall Inherit" quest (Play 30 minions that cost 2 or less). The goal was to pump out as many minions as I possibly could, concede, then repeat. The results I had couldn't have been further from what I anticipated.


Out of 10 matches, I won 7 of them, completing "The Meek Shall Inherit" and "Total Dominance" in casual play mode. I am curious as to whether I was incredibly lucky or if other people have the same or similar results with this deck.


Try it out and give me your feedback, please.


2x Wisp

2x Blessing of Wisdom

2x Abusive Sergeant

1x Argent Squire

2x Elven Archer

2x Goldshire Footman

2x Shieldbearer

2x Voodoo Doctor

2x Young Priestess

2x Ancient Watcher

2x Argent Protector

2x Ironbeak Owl

2x Knige Juggler

2x Loot Hoarder

1x Nat Pagle

2x Novice Engineer



Edited by Alcanoya

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I constructed the pally deck below purely for the purpose of completing "The Meek Shall Inherit" quest (Play 30 minions that cost 2 or less.). The goal was to pump out as many minions as I possibly could, concede, then repeat. The results I had couldn't have been further from what I anticipated.


Out of 10 matches, I won 7 of them, completing "The Meek Shall Inherit" and "Total Dominance" in casual play mode. I am curious as to whether I was incredibly lucky or if other people have the same or similar results with this deck.


Try it out and give me your feedback, please.


2x Wisp

2x Blessing of Wisdom

2x Abusive Sergeant

1x Argent Squire

2x Elven Archer

2x Goldshire Footman

2x Shieldbearer

2x Voodoo Doctor

2x Young Priestess

2x Ancient Watcher

2x Argent Protector

2x Ironbeak Owl

2x Knige Juggler

2x Loot Hoarder

1x Nat Pagle

2x Novice Engineer



I don't think it would fare very well in rank mode, because you would find yourself out of cards really quickly if you don't draw Nat Pagle or a Novice Engineer.

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I don't think it would fare very well in rank mode, because you would find yourself out of cards really quickly if you don't draw Nat Pagle or a Novice Engineer.


I agree completely. I didn't even bother with ranked play because I knew it wouldn't fare well. I have a couple decks that stomp in casual mode but get stomped in ranked play.


I suppose I would have had better statistics if I had played this deck another 90 times, but I felt the experiment would produce better results if other players participated in the experiment and posted their results. Plus, I have since moved on from this deck and have constructed others in it's place.


It's still a really horrible deck. It's not intended to win, only to pump out as many 1 and 2 mana mintions as fast as you possibly can to complete "The Meek Shall Inherit" quest in as few plays as possible. The fact that I had a win rate at all was purely accidental. Thus the reason I wanted others in on the experiment.

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