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Sylvanas Loyalist Quest in Patch 10.1.7

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Forsaken players who swore loyalty to Sylvanas during Battle for Azeroth have access to a a special quest taking place after the Forsaken Heritage Armor questline. This post contains spoilers.

During the quest, Sylvanas talks to her loyalists from beyond the veil of Death, as her penance in the Maw continues. Sylvanas explains the Forsaken always meant more to her than just arrows in her quiver.

Sylvanas Windrunner: Greetings, my most loyal ally. I speak to you now from beyond the veil of Death.

Sylvanas Windrunner: Here, in this place of eternal darkness, my work-- my penance -- continues.

Sylvanas Windrunner: Though the Maw is an unlikely place for one to find peace, each soul I rescue helps mine feel a little more... whole.

Sylvanas Windrunner: As I ponder my deeds since being raised into undead, I have many regrets. Things said and choices made that I wish could be taken back.

Sylvanas Windrunner: But there is one thing for which I will always be proud: helping the Forsaken find their place in a world that shunned them.

Sylvanas Windrunner: My time to lead may be over, but I will always stand with you against those who would cast you out and call you monsters.

Sylvanas Windrunner: Under the leadership of the Desolate Council, a new group of voices has arisen to represent all Forsaken.

Sylvanas Windrunner: Stand proud in the Horde. Know that all of you were so much more than arrows in my quiver.

Sylvanas Windrunner: As much as the family I was born into, will always be my people. And one day, I do hope to walk among you once again.

Sylvanas Windrunner: I must go. There are many more souls yet to be freed... among them, one that is most dear to me.

Sylvanas Windrunner: Shorel'aran, my friend.

Video courtesy of Portergauge.


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This just seems like Danuser using Sylvanas to try and justify his half-cooked writing of the Forsaken in recent years. It kinda irks me that the white washing of a fantasy race is continuing. Like the Forsaken aren't ACTUALLY killing people IRL Danuser.

... and how does Calia even fit into this:

"Bound to the iron will of the tyrant Lich King, the vast Undead armies of the Scourge seek to eradicate all life on Azeroth. Led by the Banshee Sylvanas Windrunner, a group of renegades broke away from the Scourge and freed themselves of the Lich King's domination. Known by some as the Forsaken, this group fights a constant battle not only to retain its freedom from the Scourge, but also to slaughter those who would hunt them as monsters. With Sylvanas as their Banshee Queen, the Forsaken have built a dark stronghold beneath the ruins of Lordaeron's former capital city. This hidden Undercity forms a sprawling labyrinth that stretches beneath the haunted woods of Tirisfal Glades.
Though the very land is cursed, the zealous Humans of the Scarlet Crusade still cling to their scattered holdings, obsessed with the eradication of the Undead and retaking their homeland. Convinced that the primitive races of the Horde can help them achieve victory over their enemies, the Forsaken have entered an alliance of convenience. Harboring no true loyalty for their new allies, they go to any lengths to ensure their dark plans come to fruition. As one of the Forsaken, you must massacre any who pose a threat to the new order, Human, Undead, or otherwise."

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"Sylvanas explains the Forsaken always meant more to her than just arrows in her quiver."

Have they forgotten how she abandoned them at the gates of ogrimmar?? saying how everyone its just toys (even the forsaken where stunned ) .....

Oh yeah she no longer has NippleDude to have her back !



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49 minutes ago, zigrifid said:

"Sylvanas explains the Forsaken always meant more to her than just arrows in her quiver."

Have they forgotten how she abandoned them at the gates of ogrimmar?? saying how everyone its just toys (even the forsaken where stunned ) .....

Oh yeah she no longer has NippleDude to have her back !


Forsaken aren't concerned with such nonsense as this. They rail against the living at the expense of all else and using everything and everyone as a means to their end. Their alliance with the horde is one of convenience. Their alliance with any ally they have is one of convenience.

Stop trying to turn them into an emo 13 year old shouting iT's NoT a PhAsE mOoOoOoM!!!

It's cringe. The Forsaken are raw undead and tread on whatever is in their path.

Edited by Prophet001

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1 hour ago, Prophet001 said:


This just seems like Danuser using Sylvanas to try and justify his half-cooked writing of the Forsaken in recent years. It kinda irks me that the white washing of a fantasy race is continuing. Like the Forsaken aren't ACTUALLY killing people IRL Danuser.

... and how does Calia even fit into this:

"Bound to the iron will of the tyrant Lich King, the vast Undead armies of the Scourge seek to eradicate all life on Azeroth. Led by the Banshee Sylvanas Windrunner, a group of renegades broke away from the Scourge and freed themselves of the Lich King's domination. Known by some as the Forsaken, this group fights a constant battle not only to retain its freedom from the Scourge, but also to slaughter those who would hunt them as monsters. With Sylvanas as their Banshee Queen, the Forsaken have built a dark stronghold beneath the ruins of Lordaeron's former capital city. This hidden Undercity forms a sprawling labyrinth that stretches beneath the haunted woods of Tirisfal Glades.
Though the very land is cursed, the zealous Humans of the Scarlet Crusade still cling to their scattered holdings, obsessed with the eradication of the Undead and retaking their homeland. Convinced that the primitive races of the Horde can help them achieve victory over their enemies, the Forsaken have entered an alliance of convenience. Harboring no true loyalty for their new allies, they go to any lengths to ensure their dark plans come to fruition. As one of the Forsaken, you must massacre any who pose a threat to the new order, Human, Undead, or otherwise."

White washing in a fantasy lol

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14 minutes ago, Cham79 said:

White washing in a fantasy lol

Hmm prolly shouldn't have said 'white washing' in the current year lol. Didn't mean it with regards to race meant it with regards to cleaning up their image and turning them into goody two-shoes.

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4 hours ago, Prophet001 said:


Forsaken aren't concerned with such nonsense as this. They rail against the living at the expense of all else and using everything and everyone as a means to their end. Their alliance with the horde is one of convenience. Their alliance with any ally they have is one of convenience.

Except there is some split among the Forsaken, some of them wanted to reunite with their living families. One of books goes into more detail about this. Not everyone wanted to abandon who they were. This could actually be more interesting if they developed more on it in game, but this faction was way too much centered on Sylvanas.


4 hours ago, Prophet001 said:

Stop trying to turn them into an emo 13 year old shouting iT's NoT a PhAsE mOoOoOoM!!!

It's cringe. The Forsaken are raw undead and tread on whatever is in their path.

I think this is actually more cringe, because it turns them into one dimension evil. They are bad for the sake of being bad? Sounds rather boring. They sort of lost their purpose, because originally they wanted to get their vengeance on Arthas and later on Burning Legion (weirdly enough, some of them have sided with Legion - Putress' rebellion). Perhaps in the old lore these threats were never meant to be defeated.

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9 hours ago, Prophet001 said:


This just seems like Danuser using Sylvanas to try and justify his half-cooked writing of the Forsaken in recent years. It kinda irks me that the white washing of a fantasy race is continuing. Like the Forsaken aren't ACTUALLY killing people IRL Danuser.

... and how does Calia even fit into this:


Yeaaaaah do not use "White Washing", like ever. It does not mean what you think it means (Washing something clean). It's just insulting all around... and I am kinda tired of seeing the term personally. 👻
(It has always been used to describe making a colored character white, but nowadays; The opposite is frequent and apparently acceptable in comparison to white.)

Danuser has, for sure, ruined lore forever - especially with his Jailer stuff, but Sylvanas used to be a cool woman who I liked (As a woman myself) for being on the dark side, fighting purely for the undead and against arthas.
Now she is.... idk... just weird.
It's a shame, really... all lore got ruined in the past years thanks to this team, and the DF lore is so far not very interesting either (IMO!).

Edited by TheCake

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My issue with the "more than arrows in my quiver" is that it's categorically false based on their own canon. Sylvanas' soul was severed by Frostmourne just like Uther's was. The noble portion ended up with the Jailer in torment, while the portion with the baser emotions became the Banshee Queen. Sylvanas has to come to terms and repent for what her baser self did of course, but that doesn't retroactively create a sense of care for the Forsaken. The only believable part of this is that she's still looking for Nathanos, because both halves had an emotional connection with him, since that bond existed prior to her soul being severed.

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