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Season of Discovery DPS Feral Druid

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Guest Snapax

Just a thought, how would you get the Parachute Cloak if Phase 1 skills are locked at 150 and that is a 225 Engineering schematic?

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2 minutes ago, Guest Snapax said:

Just a thought, how would you get the Parachute Cloak if Phase 1 skills are locked at 150 and that is a 225 Engineering schematic?

Was a left-over from what we cooked before launch, will be removed on the next time site is updated very soon 🙂

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Guest Snapax
10 hours ago, Seksi said:

Was a left-over from what we cooked before launch, will be removed on the next time site is updated very soon 🙂

Yeah sweet, keen to see the changes! Trying to figure everything out myself

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Guest question

no bfd loot included in this? i was under the impression the 3 piece bonus from bfd will outperform any of the stand-alone feet/chest/leg items listed.

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17 hours ago, Guest question said:

correction on my last post--head/chest/feet (not leg).

Will update with BFD loot soon, possibly today, but current version is mostly from pre-launch before BFD loot was data mined 🙂 

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Guest Frost

The BiS ring is listed as being obtained through a SFK quest. It's actually a BFD quest.

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3 hours ago, Guest Frost said:

The BiS ring is listed as being obtained through a SFK quest. It's actually a BFD quest.

Thanks for spotting this typo, sending a fix 🙂

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Guest Frost

Also mentions "Rune of Duty" from Warsong Gulch. This rune is only equipable by Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, and Rogue unfortunately. This isn't mentioned on the database, but is mentioned on Wowhead.

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1 hour ago, Guest Frost said:

Also mentions "Rune of Duty" from Warsong Gulch. This rune is only equipable by Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, and Rogue unfortunately. This isn't mentioned on the database, but is mentioned on Wowhead.

Good catch, will remove, thanks!

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Guest Lilibunz

Black Whelp Tunic gives more AP than the Westfall Tunic. I feel like it's probably a lot better and should be on the list of BiS.

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14 hours ago, Guest Lilibunz said:

Black Whelp Tunic gives more AP than the Westfall Tunic. I feel like it's probably a lot better and should be on the list of BiS.

True, I mostly put in the Westfall one because its such a common landfall quest, but there are many, many similar power chests for DPS, pretty much any high level green, for example!

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Guest Frost

How important is the crit from Agi atm? Accounting just for AP, lots of better options than even raid gear.
Dervish/Robust Shoulders of the Boar (6 STR = 12AP vs Mantle of Thieves 10 Agi = 10 AP)
'x ' Leggings of Power (+20-22AP vs TBL's  14 Agi = 14 AP)
Robust Leggings of the Gorilla (7 STR = 14 AP + Int for Shifting if you can pass breakpoints for extra shifts, though listed BiS gets you 5 with buffs)
Devish Bracers of Power (+10 AP vs Jurassic's 2 STR + 5 Agi = 9AP)

Obviously some of these are going for raw AP gains, disregarding things like Spirit/Stamina bonuses or the Crit/Armor scaling that comes with Agi, so i'm curious if i'm underestimating those benefits or if things aren't listed because they're just random green drops and aren't prominent as readily available sources of loot.

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On 12/29/2023 at 4:13 AM, Guest Frost said:

How important is the crit from Agi atm? Accounting just for AP, lots of better options than even raid gear.
Dervish/Robust Shoulders of the Boar (6 STR = 12AP vs Mantle of Thieves 10 Agi = 10 AP)
'x ' Leggings of Power (+20-22AP vs TBL's  14 Agi = 14 AP)
Robust Leggings of the Gorilla (7 STR = 14 AP + Int for Shifting if you can pass breakpoints for extra shifts, though listed BiS gets you 5 with buffs)
Devish Bracers of Power (+10 AP vs Jurassic's 2 STR + 5 Agi = 9AP)

Obviously some of these are going for raw AP gains, disregarding things like Spirit/Stamina bonuses or the Crit/Armor scaling that comes with Agi, so i'm curious if i'm underestimating those benefits or if things aren't listed because they're just random green drops and aren't prominent as readily available sources of loot.

You get quite a lot of crit from agility at level 25 since the conversion 1 agi to % crit is higher the lower level you are, so that is the main reasoning for it indeed 🙂

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Guest Brondon

The latest P4 update looks like it is intended for tanking, not for dps... maybe it was posted here in error?

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On 7/18/2024 at 7:28 PM, Guest Brondon said:

The latest P4 update looks like it is intended for tanking, not for dps... maybe it was posted here in error?

I'll give it a review in the next days, thanks for bringing this up!

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