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Season of Discovery Arms Warrior

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Guest Sincerely Horde

This arms build is trash and was no doubt posted by a fury warrior.

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7 minutes ago, Guest Sincerely Horde said:

This arms build is trash and was no doubt posted by a fury warrior.

Can you be more specific? Talents were sorted before launch, now with early launch experience would change some things indeed, and you should find an updated build soon.

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Guest Icy Veins in a Nutsh

lol this guide is so bad. 2/3 runes are wrong this build won't do any damage at all.

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2 hours ago, Guest Icy Veins in a Nutsh said:

lol this guide is so bad. 2/3 runes are wrong this build won't do any damage at all.

Did you try it? Its not as strong as the enrage build (which I'm in the process of updating the site with) but doesn't mean it does no damage, its actually much easier to play without screwing yourself up too 🙂

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Guest Aracy

To give actual feedback other than 'this is bad lolz', though I do agree, there are several issues I have with this build both runes and talents wise. Starting with talents, I actually agree with it over all but I use improved Cleave and Improved Execute. Now, I can see a reason to use Enrage if you were to swap out the pants Rune Frenzied Assault for instead Consumed by Rage. But your reasoning listed is because 'we take Enrage to get Flurry' which ??? you don't have that talent build set up and actively take Mortal Strike. It would also severely cripple Arms in the talent build to just get Flurry even though we get that automatically 100% of the time with Frenzied Assault and WF is keeping us topped on rage all the time in raids.

Which leads me to the Rune selection. Overall, again, I agree with it. Mainly because our runes are pretty straight forward "this fits in square and this fits in circle" with little lee-way. However, we do get to play a bit with your type of build, even if you listed it incorrectly by accident. First looking at Pants, yes Frenzied Assault is the clear choice when you're running my type of build with execute and cleave. However, for your build it'd be better to ignore Frenzied Assault and opt into Consumed by Rage or with Wrist slot Wrecking Crew (objectively much better). However, I don't know if they actually activate Enrage as they both state "(Activating abilities which require Enrage.)" So I don't know if that means it'll activate the talent Enrage or not. I haven't tested it before but if it does than it makes for a great combo.

After that I want to look at the Chest rune and while yes Blood Frenzy is clearly meant for Arms warriors it's honestly garbage. It's only use is for people who want a more laid back rotation without worrying about an additional button. However, for an optimal build, it's just terrible because the damage is so low compared to Raging Blow it's just not worth taking. I do mean that as well by testing it both on PTR before Phase 4 and afterward, the bonuses it gives to Rend is simply not enough to over come the 100% instant damage strike from Raging Blow. Not only that, it simply cannot keep up to Raging Blow due to how low the Cooldown is from using other melee abilities (especially if we're using Quick Strike for rage dump). Comparing me and another warrior who was using Blood Frenzy vs me using Raging Blow and our gear was similiar I was doing 4k+ more damage at the end with Raging blow than his Blood Frenzy and he had more uptime than me.

Next one I want to talk about is Rampage, which while on paper sounds great woohoo it's pretty terrible in practice due to the changes. Going from a 30 sec buff you can just keep up constantly for 10% Attack Power to a 30 sec buff for 10% attack power on a 2 minute cooldown really destroyed this runes usefulness I feel. The burst of Attack Power isn't enough to get over the hurdlethat Wrecking Crew provides now with the constant Enrage it provides and 10% raw damage bonus to Mortal Strike. While I understand wanting to snapshot that 10% attack power with Blood Frenzy it still just doesn't work out because of above, which yes that warrior was also using Rampage and used it 2 times in the fight. Meaning even with 4 Rends increased in damage by Rampage he still did less than me using just Raging Blow. Making Wrecking Crew the far superior option (especially if it activates your Enrage Fury talent.)

I think if you do some more testing with Enrage and Wrecking Crew to see if they work together we might be onto a really solid build! however, with the current talents and runes choices this build is abysmal unfortunately and lacks a lot of damage that can easily be made up with the swapping of some runes. I hope this is more constructive and gets across why people are upset with this Arms talent/rune build.


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Guest Aracy after test

After testing your build (with Enrage Talent) with both Wrecking Crew and Consumed by Rage, I just went outside stormwind and hit critters/bandits. I can confirm 100% that neither Wrecking Crew nor Consumed by Rage proc the talent Enrage for the 25% extra damage. Meaning that the talent Enrage is completely useless for us as a whole for us and taking it is trolling not only yourself but your guild as you're just wasting 5 talent points.

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11 hours ago, Guest Aracy after test said:

After testing your build (with Enrage Talent) with both Wrecking Crew and Consumed by Rage, I just went outside stormwind and hit critters/bandits. I can confirm 100% that neither Wrecking Crew nor Consumed by Rage proc the talent Enrage for the 25% extra damage. Meaning that the talent Enrage is completely useless for us as a whole for us and taking it is trolling not only yourself but your guild as you're just wasting 5 talent points.

Thanks for the feedback, Arms is simmed to be well below Fury once people are geared up so not much theorycrafting went into it in this phase, agree with most of your adjustments and will send an updated version of the guide soon, cheers!

PS: Just finished testing and while most of what you typed checks out, Blood Frenzy is giving out consistently higher results on the wowsims page so I'll keep that one in, as it is also very convenient to use as you pointed out, and the guide is meant for the average user, people at high percentiles of gameplay already know what they are doing 🙂

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