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Players on Live Servers in Tender Debt?

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Players on live servers are currently experiencing a bug with negative Tender.

The Trading Post is currently experiencing some issues on live servers with December's updated rotation, as players are reporting negative Tender when checking this month's wares.

I have negative tender! How am I in tendie debt?!
byu/SampleShrimp inwow
While we are not sure what is causing the bug, we've seen many reports of players being rewarded surplus Tender that is removed upon relogging to the game.
byu/SampleShrimp from discussion
byu/SampleShrimp from discussion

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3 hours ago, TheRagingwolf said:

Trader's Tender is so pointless. Yet another currency in a game far too heavy with currencies. Would be nice if they just phased this stupidity out of retail.

and then? are we just giving away all the stuff to everyone?

i like that there is the tender. i need to get what i really want cause i cant get everything its not just here take that crate of free stuff every month

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56 minutes ago, Starseed said:

and then? are we just giving away all the stuff to everyone?

i like that there is the tender. i need to get what i really want cause i cant get everything its not just here take that crate of free stuff every month

I mean, it's all stuff in-game. You can run old raids and dungeons for the t-mog and mounts are farmable. Anything "new" can be added as achievement rewards. Trader's Tender is just an attempt at one more thing to do in retail, but all it really does is take the grind out of getting the items available.

Edited by TheRagingwolf

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8 hours ago, TheRagingwolf said:

I mean, it's all stuff in-game. You can run old raids and dungeons for the t-mog and mounts are farmable. Anything "new" can be added as achievement rewards. Trader's Tender is just an attempt at one more thing to do in retail, but all it really does is take the grind out of getting the items available.

oh yay the joy grinding.

i grind the freaking strat mount since i can wich means atleast since bc and i dont own that mount to this very day.

grinding can kiss me where the sun dont shine sweetheart. there is nothing wrong with tendis infront of the trading post we are all the same it does not matter if you have mythic clear have the highest pvp rank or you jast do pet battles and world stuff. thats what nice about it and tendis make sure its not just a uber simple loot grab. sure its nothing existing you do for them but its for everyone and that was the whole point of the tradingpost

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1 hour ago, Starseed said:

oh yay the joy grinding.

i grind the freaking strat mount since i can wich means atleast since bc and i dont own that mount to this very day.

grinding can kiss me where the sun dont shine sweetheart. there is nothing wrong with tendis infront of the trading post we are all the same it does not matter if you have mythic clear have the highest pvp rank or you jast do pet battles and world stuff. thats what nice about it and tendis make sure its not just a uber simple loot grab. sure its nothing existing you do for them but its for everyone and that was the whole point of the tradingpost

It's a MMO, and at the end of the day, the grind is what these games are about. However, WoW has spent so much time appealing to the "but I don't want to grind for it, I want it NOW!" crowd, that the game is more about quick pleasures. No one has to earn anything anymore, it's just handed to them. And yes, Trader's Tender is essentially a "loot grab". They gift you tender every month and it's stupid easy to acquire more tender. It gives the illusion of working for something when realistically, the "work" is getting to SW or Org and talking to the TT vendor. It's a joke and a pointless exercise, especially considering what is on offer.



grinding can kiss me where the sun dont shine sweetheart.

That's such a condescending and unnecessary thing to say. Grow up.

Edited by TheRagingwolf

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13 hours ago, TheRagingwolf said:

It's a MMO, and at the end of the day, the grind is what these games are about. However, WoW has spent so much time appealing to the "but I don't want to grind for it, I want it NOW!" crowd, that the game is more about quick pleasures. No one has to earn anything anymore, it's just handed to them. And yes, Trader's Tender is essentially a "loot grab". They gift you tender every month and it's stupid easy to acquire more tender. It gives the illusion of working for something when realistically, the "work" is getting to SW or Org and talking to the TT vendor. It's a joke and a pointless exercise, especially considering what is on offer.


That's such a condescending and unnecessary thing to say. Grow up.

so cause its an mmo its cool that i can farm a mount for over a decade and it just dont drop?

thats bs and you know it not liking how the trading post is and the tendis and all thats one thing but defending the insanity that wows loot can be is just crazy.


oh and yes that sentence might be a bit childisch but thats just me i woulnd bet a penny on me growing up anymore i like that i keept a bit of my inner child 


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7 hours ago, Starseed said:

so cause its an mmo its cool that i can farm a mount for over a decade and it just dont drop?

Is it fair that most people who play the lottery will never win?


thats bs and you know it not liking how the trading post is and the tendis and all thats one thing but defending the insanity that wows loot can be is just crazy.

Jc, punctuation exists. It's not "bs", it's chance. Loot drops are not a guarantee, it's all a matter of luck. Just because you're unlucky with a specific mount drop doesn't mean an entire system is needed to ensure you get what you "want". Among other reasons, making all of these rare drops purchasable through something such as Trader's Tender devalues the item. It's no longer rare or hard to get, it's just something you can buy at an in-game shop.


oh and yes that sentence might be a bit childisch but thats just me i woulnd bet a penny on me growing up anymore i like that i keept a bit of my inner child 

Then no one is going to take you seriously.

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34 minutes ago, TheRagingwolf said:

Is it fair that most people who play the lottery will never win?

Jc, punctuation exists. It's not "bs", it's chance. Loot drops are not a guarantee, it's all a matter of luck. Just because you're unlucky with a specific mount drop doesn't mean an entire system is needed to ensure you get what you "want". Among other reasons, making all of these rare drops purchasable through something such as Trader's Tender devalues the item. It's no longer rare or hard to get, it's just something you can buy at an in-game shop.

Then no one is going to take you seriously.

this is not lottery its gaming and thats supposed to be fun and this is not fun.

dont get me wrong some grinding to get what you want is totally okey  and if not absolutly mind numbing boring can be fun but my example case is just crazy and the sole reason i have a deep hate for grinding.

and that whole value thing is just stupid. i absolutly get value when it comes to stuff you need to be good to get it. some hardcore achievments or stuff like that but running an old dungeon/raid is no feat. like you just said its luck and thats hardly something to be proud of cause no one can see if you got it first try or on your 500 try. thats not "oh i want the item to keep its value" when it comes to old raid stuff its just "i want you to suffer as much as i did" and when it comes to unobtaineble stuff its plain and simple "i dont want you to have it so i can feel special"   just to repeat myself i specificly talk about stuff that had/has no feat required to it other then luck or grind till your fingers bleed.


and to the last point.

im now 30 i have good friends and a loving family i can handle if TheRagingwolf some internet stranger does not take me seriosly cause he drowned his inner kid ages ago 



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54 minutes ago, Starseed said:

this is not lottery its gaming and thats supposed to be fun and this is not fun.

dont get me wrong some grinding to get what you want is totally okey  and if not absolutly mind numbing boring can be fun but my example case is just crazy and the sole reason i have a deep hate for grinding.

and that whole value thing is just stupid. i absolutly get value when it comes to stuff you need to be good to get it. some hardcore achievments or stuff like that but running an old dungeon/raid is no feat. like you just said its luck and thats hardly something to be proud of cause no one can see if you got it first try or on your 500 try. thats not "oh i want the item to keep its value" when it comes to old raid stuff its just "i want you to suffer as much as i did" and when it comes to unobtaineble stuff its plain and simple "i dont want you to have it so i can feel special"   just to repeat myself i specificly talk about stuff that had/has no feat required to it other then luck or grind till your fingers bleed.

Let's frame it this way; why are you more special than the people that acquired the, we will say mount, the traditional way? For all you know, those people ran the same raid/dungeon hundreds of times to get that drop. For them, seeing someone else acquire that mount by simply traveling to SW or Org and dropping some Trader's Tender is an insult and slap in the face for all the effort they put in to get that drop. Chance or not, they played and played and played to get that drop. But you just handed over some digital money and got at the snap of your fingers. That's some serious disrespect to those who actually earned it.

And the "value thing" isn't stupid, it's accurate. Everything in the game has value or you wouldn't want it. You wouldn't play to get it if you didn't VALUE it to some extent. But by handing out these previously hard to get things, such as mounts, you devalue them and for some people, you devalue all the effort and time they put in to get them.


im now 30 i have good friends and a loving family i can handle if TheRagingwolf some internet stranger does not take me seriosly cause he drowned his inner kid ages ago 

I'm 43 and have all the things you list and I'd argue my "inner kid" is very much alive and well, I just understand when it makes sense to let it out. When you're having a discussion with others, it pays to not act like a child if you wish them to take you seriously. That's something the majority of adults understand and practice daily, so perhaps you aren't there yet.

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21 minutes ago, TheRagingwolf said:

Let's frame it this way; why are you more special than the people that acquired the, we will say mount, the traditional way? For all you know, those people ran the same raid/dungeon hundreds of times to get that drop. For them, seeing someone else acquire that mount by simply traveling to SW or Org and dropping some Trader's Tender is an insult and slap in the face for all the effort they put in to get that drop. Chance or not, they played and played and played to get that drop. But you just handed over some digital money and got at the snap of your fingers. That's some serious disrespect to those who actually earned it.

And the "value thing" isn't stupid, it's accurate. Everything in the game has value or you wouldn't want it. You wouldn't play to get it if you didn't VALUE it to some extent. But by handing out these previously hard to get things, such as mounts, you devalue them and for some people, you devalue all the effort and time they put in to get them.

I'm 43 and have all the things you list and I'd argue my "inner kid" is very much alive and well, I just understand when it makes sense to let it out. When you're having a discussion with others, it pays to not act like a child if you wish them to take you seriously. That's something the majority of adults understand and practice daily, so perhaps you aren't there yet.

but see thats where our views differ. i dont see hitting the wall till it breaks as earning it. that doesnt give it value cause its either a lets see how long i can endure the torture thing or a luck thing. if we talk about mounts for hitting certain milestones like a high pvp rating clearing mythic raid or something like the pandaria sets i absolutly see that as earned and stuff like that is off the table for me when it comes to the trading post or twitchdrops. 

when its a recolour like the crab or the parrot i dont see any devalue cause its another mount. i really cant get why people put somuch value on the prize the got instead of the journy the had to get said prize. 

as an example i have done the quest for my epic warlock mount back in the days and now every one gets it at lvl 20. that doesnt take away the expirience and the fun i had while doing it. it would hurt no one if it would be easier to get certain stuff especially when its stuff that has no challenge tied to it other then run this trivial one shot content till it drop.



why do i need to be super serious all the time. sure we discusse here but we dont discuss politics or anything even remotely serious its a video game. where is a good place to be silly and let my inner child out if not here?

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1 minute ago, Starseed said:

but see thats where our views differ. i dont see hitting the wall till it breaks as earning it. that doesnt give it value cause its either a lets see how long i can endure the torture thing or a luck thing. if we talk about mounts for hitting certain milestones like a high pvp rating clearing mythic raid or something like the pandaria sets i absolutly see that as earned and stuff like that is off the table for me when it comes to the trading post or twitchdrops. 

when its a recolour like the crab or the parrot i dont see any devalue cause its another mount. i really cant get why people put somuch value on the prize the got instead of the journy the had to get said prize. 

as an example i have done the quest for my epic warlock mount back in the days and now every one gets it at lvl 20. that doesnt take away the expirience and the fun i had while doing it. it would hurt no one if it would be easier to get certain stuff especially when its stuff that has no challenge tied to it other then run this trivial one shot content till it drop.

And we differ. That's perfectly okay. I happen to believe part of the journey you are speaking of is that one-shot grind. Despite it being mindless, it's still part of the journey and carries value, especially once you get that drop. Making the same drop an item you can purchase kills the value of the item because all you are doing is purchasing it with easily acquired currency (most of which is just given, without any effort). You can't say that if you were to get that mount as a drop it would mean the same as purchasing it with Trader's Tender. It's no where near the same feeling, regardless of how the journey to the drop is defined.

Your warlock mount example is not quite the same, but close. That mount is something every lock gets so, while you had to wait twice as long, overall it isn't like the people getting it at 20 were able to skip the questline to get it. They just had access earlier. That said, there were still plenty of warlock players that were absolutely blazing hot over lowering the level requirement for that mount. It's all about how a given person perceives it.


why do i need to be super serious all the time. sure we discusse here but we dont discuss politics or anything even remotely serious its a video game. where is a good place to be silly and let my inner child out if not here?

Never said "super serious all the time". For that matter, let's get to why I said

2 hours ago, TheRagingwolf said:

Then no one is going to take you seriously.

You made the comment

On 12/3/2023 at 12:47 PM, Starseed said:

grinding can kiss me where the sun dont shine sweetheart.

It's that "sweetheart" that I called condescending. It's a way to belittle someone and what they are saying. Insulting would be another way to describe it. So, yeah, if you want others (outside your circle of friends and family) to take what you say seriously, it would behoove you to "grow up" and not use such methods of making your case.

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8 minutes ago, TheRagingwolf said:

And we differ. That's perfectly okay. I happen to believe part of the journey you are speaking of is that one-shot grind. Despite it being mindless, it's still part of the journey and carries value, especially once you get that drop. Making the same drop an item you can purchase kills the value of the item because all you are doing is purchasing it with easily acquired currency (most of which is just given, without any effort). You can't say that if you were to get that mount as a drop it would mean the same as purchasing it with Trader's Tender. It's no where near the same feeling, regardless of how the journey to the drop is defined.

Your warlock mount example is not quite the same, but close. That mount is something every lock gets so, while you had to wait twice as long, overall it isn't like the people getting it at 20 were able to skip the questline to get it. They just had access earlier. That said, there were still plenty of warlock players that were absolutely blazing hot over lowering the level requirement for that mount. It's all about how a given person perceives it.

Never said "super serious all the time". For that matter, let's get to why I said

You made the comment

It's that "sweetheart" that I called condescending. It's a way to belittle someone and what they are saying. Insulting would be another way to describe it. So, yeah, if you want others (outside your circle of friends and family) to take what you say seriously, it would behoove you to "grow up" and not use such methods of making your case.

maybe its just something i cant wrap my head around. i have one of the rarest mounts (according to a list i saw not long ago) the slow brefestram and i couldnt care less if its in the tradingpost next week. i had my fun with that mount cause its rare espacially since im a horde player you dont see many rams. but i had my fun long enough in my mind but you are right its okey to differ.


11 minutes ago, TheRagingwolf said:

It's that "sweetheart" that I called condescending. It's a way to belittle someone and what they are saying. Insulting would be another way to describe it. So, yeah, if you want others (outside your circle of friends and family) to take what you say seriously, it would behoove you to "grow up" and not use such methods of making your case.

(i just learned how to quote nice)

that i can see. that was absolutly not meant to belittle you and im deeply sorry if thats what it did. thats just mee talking and i gues its cause its in writing. i absolutly appolegise. i thought it was the kiss where the sun doesnt shine part. if that come over as belitteling i actually need to "grow" in that sense cause that isnt what i want other people to think

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24 minutes ago, Starseed said:

maybe its just something i cant wrap my head around. i have one of the rarest mounts (according to a list i saw not long ago) the slow brefestram and i couldnt care less if its in the tradingpost next week. i had my fun with that mount cause its rare espacially since im a horde player you dont see many rams. but i had my fun long enough in my mind but you are right its okey to differ.


(i just learned how to quote nice)

that i can see. that was absolutly not meant to belittle you and im deeply sorry if thats what it did. thats just mee talking and i gues its cause its in writing. i absolutly appolegise. i thought it was the kiss where the sun doesnt shine part. if that come over as belitteling i actually need to "grow" in that sense cause that isnt what i want other people to think

It's all good. I appreciate that we were able to discuss this all down to a point where we can agree to disagree on the Trading Post and to where there is understanding on my "grow up" comment. I could have done a better job with that myself. No worries though and it seems realms are coming back up so happy playing for us both!



(i just learned how to quote nice)

Lol. It does make a big difference when having these drawn out discussions. Much easier to show where you are focusing your comments.

Edited by TheRagingwolf

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