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Important Lore Character Dies in the War Within?

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The Internal Alpha for The War Within recently unveiled a potential death of a beloved character lore character. Be warned, this post contains significant lore spoilers, so proceed at your own discretion!

Unlike traditional cutscenes, Alpha relies on text to convey its narrative. The details shared here are extracted from an ART (Animated Real-Time Cutscene), tentatively titled 11.0 [TJR] Thrall and Jaina Leave for Reinforcements, which discloses the following events:

"Thrall, Jaina, Alleria, and Anduin gather in Dornogal to discuss the loss of their joint strike force.

They take a moment for Khadgar."


"Thrall and Jaina say they will return home and work to rally their naval fleets to Khaz Algar, asking Anduin and Alleria to stay behind for the survivors."


It appears Archmage Khadgar dies in the Dalaran crash, but based on 1 line, we can't be 100% certain. However, it's worth noting we didn't see Khadgar at all after this cutscene text.


You can check out all our War Within Alpha preview content in the hub.

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Maybe the line "they take a moment for khadgar" isnt about him dieing ! maybe they are waiting for him ? blizz cant kill him like that ! blizz would never do that ......  

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Alright, I will be "That person", the annoying one, the one peopl will throw potatoes on:
They are POTENTIALLY killing off a super powerful white cis male. (Hopefully Khad gets to stay, he is a cool friendly dude)
I can't say I would be shocked... considering other choices the gaming industry, and blizzard, have made.
And I say that as a woman, just pointing out something shifty from the outside once you've been dipped in the weird ways of gaming etc nowadays... 💫 

Edited by TheCake
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Dev 1 - How do I describe they are waiting for Khadgar?
Dev 2 - Let's use "They take a moment for Khadgar" 
Dev 1 - But that makes it sound like he's dead
Dev 2 - (hunched over, rubbing his hands together) Exactly! Muahahahahaha!


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1 hour ago, TheCake said:

Alright, I will be "That person", the annoying one, the one peopl will throw potatoes on:
They are POTENTIALLY killing off a super powerful white cis male. (Hopefully Khad gets to stay, he is a cool friendly dude)
I can't say I would be shocked... considering other choices the gaming industry, and blizzard, have made.
And I say that as a woman, just pointing out something shifty from the outside once you've been dipped in the weird ways of gaming etc nowadays... 💫 

Same energy with Tirion Fordring in the beginning of the Legion expansion...

But let's hope Khadgar will live, we just guessing here. They take a moment for khadgar setting up a plan etc idk..

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1 hour ago, TheCake said:

Alright, I will be "That person", the annoying one, the one peopl will throw potatoes on:
They are POTENTIALLY killing off a super powerful white cis male. (Hopefully Khad gets to stay, he is a cool friendly dude)
I can't say I would be shocked... considering other choices the gaming industry, and blizzard, have made.
And I say that as a woman, just pointing out something shifty from the outside once you've been dipped in the weird ways of gaming etc nowadays... 💫 

How many main cisgender, ‘characters of colour’ are there available for them to kill off instead? Given the game hasn’t been particularly inclusive until more recently, the cast is mostly white and cisgender - so odds are if they want to kill off a character, they’ll tick those boxes. Nothing sinister about it.

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1 hour ago, zigrifid said:

Maybe the line "they take a moment for khadgar" isnt about him dieing ! maybe they are waiting for him ? blizz cant kill him like that ! blizz would never do that ......  

They rarely kill characters these days. It would be nice though if not all of them had plot armor, villains should feel like a threat, yet in recent expansions no one important died. Only some newly introduced factions leader that we barely knew.

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Maybe they'll simply "Dalaran was merely a setback", and if he's "supposedly" killed, he'll be back later in the expansion.

Sorry, but I'm still sore after them killing off Deckard Cain.

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1 hour ago, jmduk said:

How many main cisgender, ‘characters of colour’ are there available for them to kill off instead? Given the game hasn’t been particularly inclusive until more recently, the cast is mostly white and cisgender - so odds are if they want to kill off a character, they’ll tick those boxes. Nothing sinister about it.

The game has always been inclusive, just because some people can't relate to a character over their skin color or any superficial traits like that doesn't mean the game was ever exclusionary.

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8 hours ago, TheCake said:

Alright, I will be "That person", the annoying one, the one peopl will throw potatoes on:
They are POTENTIALLY killing off a super powerful white cis male. (Hopefully Khad gets to stay, he is a cool friendly dude)
I can't say I would be shocked... considering other choices the gaming industry, and blizzard, have made.
And I say that as a woman, just pointing out something shifty from the outside once you've been dipped in the weird ways of gaming etc nowadays... 💫 

Honestly wouldn't surprise me. They've been grooming Jaina to take his position over for awhile now. Maybe someone is pulling a Danuser and is jealous Khadgar is way more liked than her.

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11 hours ago, jmduk said:

How many main cisgender, ‘characters of colour’ are there available for them to kill off instead? Given the game hasn’t been particularly inclusive until more recently, the cast is mostly white and cisgender - so odds are if they want to kill off a character, they’ll tick those boxes. Nothing sinister about it.

Way to shift the goalpost and sneak in female without the original comment mentioning female 😬

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16 hours ago, jmduk said:

How many main cisgender, ‘characters of colour’ are there available for them to kill off instead? Given the game hasn’t been particularly inclusive until more recently, the cast is mostly white and cisgender - so odds are if they want to kill off a character, they’ll tick those boxes. Nothing sinister about it.

They have replaced quite a lot of White straight characters over the years now.
Some small "unnoticable" ones are walkers and randos in example Stormwind, where we had plenty who are now black and used to be white.
Then we have the entire gay-switch with Matthias Shaw... who used to be head-over-heals focused on a certain red dressed elf lady.
Don't get me started on Chromie.
The list is long.

We really do not need this.
WoW has been very inclusive, as most things ever changed by the Woke-Agenda-spread.

They are now introducing a completely new Lothar to the scene, Faerin Lothar. Lothar was white; But this relative is black, a woman, and with a manly-hairdo of choice.
I am honestly not surprised if she is also on the spectrum of sexuality and that has to be pointed out to us, cause apparently we all need to know what people enjoy in their bedroom nowadays as a Main Trait of a human.... Personality?? Pishposh!! I have the flag!

Basically, no -- We do not need more of this.
It's blatantly obvious what is going on in media world... and plenty of people are tired of it.

We love normal inclusivity, like it used to be; Not when whites get killed and/or replaced/repainted.
Even Faerina would be a nice implementation if we had any story on it that made sense, but Lothar was the last in his line.
Then the entire ball of "Include everything ever in 1 character"-clownfiesta is not helping...
I'd love to see a black woman with womanly features and behaviour who actually is interesting and a nice new addition; Not reduction/replacement.

End of rant.

Edited by TheCake
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15 hours ago, TheCake said:

They have replaced quite a lot of White straight characters over the years now.

Some small "unnoticable" ones are walkers and randos in example Stormwind, where we had plenty who are now black and used to be white.

They only changed some of these random npcs when they introduced more customization options. No one from the main cast was changed.

15 hours ago, TheCake said:

Then we have the entire gay-switch with Matthias Shaw... who used to be head-over-heals focused on a certain red dressed elf lady.
Don't get me started on Chromie.
The list is long.

Matthias might have been bisexual, so this might not be a change. Flynn was confirmed as bi before.

Chromie is most likely a retcon, but her short story also seemed like a one. Dragons simply assumed different forms whenever they needed them, they never had any celebration of just choosing their non-draconic form.

15 hours ago, TheCake said:

WoW has been very inclusive, as most things ever changed by the Woke-Agenda-spread.

Woke has no meaning, because now people use this word for whatever they don't like. Original meaning of woke is to be aware of racial and systemic discrimination, and opposing it. I'm curious, how would you define "woke"? Because it has nothing to do with "turning my video game characters gay".

15 hours ago, TheCake said:

We love normal inclusivity, like it used to be;

When was that? A lot of the older shows have aged badly, for example there used to be a popular stereotype of "funny black friend" just inserted into these movies. Tokenization in media is nothing new, but people today who call almost everything "woke" often are doing so for malicious reasons.

Edited by Arcling

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14 hours ago, Arcling said:

They only changed some of these random npcs when they introduced more customization options. No one from the main cast was changed.

Matthias might have been bisexual, so this might not be a change. Flynn was confirmed as bi before.

Chromie is most likely a retcon, but her short story also seemed like a one. Dragons simply assumed different forms whenever they needed them, they never had any celebration of just choosing their non-draconic form.

Woke has no meaning, because now people use this word for whatever they don't like. Original meaning of woke is to be aware of racial and systemic discrimination, and opposing it. I'm curious, how would you define "woke"? Because it has nothing to do with "turning my video game characters gay".

When was that? A lot of the older shows have aged badly, for example there used to be a popular stereotype of "funny black friend" just inserted into these movies. Tokenization in media is nothing new, but people today who call almost everything "woke" often are doing so for malicious reasons.

Let's just say; Agree to disagree. Because all your points prove nothing and is purely opinion.

As for how I define Woke; People who are "Aware" of racial and systemic discrimination; Eventho it does not exist where it is being applied.
Or worse, they are being racist or sexist; just to the "Wrong" type according to themself.
They simply have a different opinion, and push an agenda.
I have zero care for what people use it for, it is appropriate here.

So, you and I are on completely different seats of this view;
You do not consider replacing a white character with a black character bad, or change a characters sexuality whenever to fit their agenda as something absolutely dumb.

The fact that you call out that people who disagree with this behaviour as Malicious tells me enough that you and I will never agree, so I do not wish to discuss it further.

This is also a WoW focused forum, so this discussion has run its course purely based on that. Please refrain from even answering to save the forum from spam.
This place does not have an ignore function as for what I know, but based on your answers here, I would have placed you on ignore if I could because we simply have nothing good to talk about.

Nevermind, I found the ignore function! 💙

End of that.

Edited by TheCake
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6 hours ago, TheCake said:

Let's just say; Agree to disagree. Because all your points prove nothing and is purely opinion.

Except they did prove a lot. I provided the correct and original definition. You simply remain ignorant.

6 hours ago, TheCake said:

As for how I define Woke; People who are "Aware" of racial and systemic discrimination; Eventho it does not exist where it is being applied.

Way to miss the point. You are using "woke" randomly. You've probably watched way too many of these anti-sjw youtubers, because your posts sound exactly like something they would say. Throwing around a word that has no clear definition makes it entirely pointless, you are literally using it for "anything I don't like".

6 hours ago, TheCake said:

Or worse, they are being racist or sexist; just to the "Wrong" type according to themself.
They simply have a different opinion, and push an agenda.

Who is pushing this agenda? Giving more customization options is wrong? Also the idea that there is some "agenda" is just ridiculous. Companies only care about money, they are giving these options in order to appeal to wider groups of people.

6 hours ago, TheCake said:

You do not consider replacing a white character with a black character bad, or change a characters sexuality whenever to fit their agenda as something absolutely dumb.

No one is being replaced. Everyone from the main cast remains the same, they only changed some random npcs who have no story, just for the world to be more diverse (and to show the new options they added). Also, there are plenty of random npcs in game who change their skin and even species randomly (some guards and event vendors).

6 hours ago, TheCake said:

The fact that you call out that people who disagree with this behaviour as Malicious tells me enough that you and I will never agree, so I do not wish to discuss it further.

Very often this is just a thinly veiled homophobia. You certainly do have issues with black people and gays/bi just being there. And should they remove these customizations then just to please people like you?

6 hours ago, TheCake said:

This is also a WoW focused forum, so this discussion has run its course purely based on that. Please refrain from even answering to save the forum from spam.

This is still related to the game though. Also people respond on forums when not asked. It's always been like that. Congratulations, you just discovered how internet forums work! You won't see this, but at least others will see how wrong you are here. And probably homophobic too.

You are such a coward for blocking someone who simply explained how you are using the term "woke" incorrectly. You've been proved wrong and you decided to run away. Way to go! And you guys are calling the left and liberals snowflakes.

Anyway, if "woke" destroyed your game you can just quit. You won't be missed. "Go woke, go broke!", as your types like to say.

Edited by Arcling

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