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Question on Elder Charm of Good Fortune

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Apparently I still quite confuse with Elder Charm of Good Fortune . 5 days ago , it was the 1st time I got the achievement spell_misc_emotionangry.jpgSettle Down, Bro Settle Down Bro and I only got inv_misc_lockboxghostiron.jpgCache of Sha-Touched Gold which contain 28g.

So last night after server up (after maintenance) about 3 hours before weekly raid reset ( oceanic realm / it was 1am my local time ), I went to another attempt at Sha of Anger again, but this time I use Elder Charm right after boss been defeated. I roll with it and got another inv_misc_lockboxghostiron.jpgCache of Sha-Touched Gold for the 2nd time of this week. Sadly, I got another 28g. My other friends who join with me, they didn't use Elder charm and didn't got anything.

So here my question, if for example, you fail to get any good loot(only getting free gold) on your first attempt, you can try again for another attempt using Elder of Charm? Perhaps, do several kills/attempt till you win something nice. Is that possible or maybe I only will got gold from the boss if using Elder of Charm after the 1st attempt.

Thanks for your time and Im really sorry for my horrible English.

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Thanks for the reply,

Actually I already read that topic before, but it not really similar to what im asking for.

Short version question; It is possible to win some epic loot from world boss after 1st attempt by using Elder Charm of Good Fortune.

Thanks again =)

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Boradan I did LFR on Wednesday and so was loot saved to all 3 bosses (didnt use any coins on any bosses). I then queued with a friend to help him get in faster and on each boss I was still allowed to use the coin even though I was saved.

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My kills of Sha of Anger so far:

Attempt 1: Got the PvE gloves on the drop. Used coin, got gold.

Attempt 2: Got gold on drop. Used coin, got PvE legs.

The chance isn't 100%, I just got lucky ^_^

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The coins pretty much follow's the LFR loot rolling rule.

As for how they have it set i am not sure, might be the game rolls for you and if it rolls a 70+ you get a random loot from the boss loot table that fits your class. Would make since why so many rolls end up being gold.

Edited by Sneakyferret

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