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Best DPS now

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I am sorry if this has been talked about I just did not see it, so it seems that with every expansion there is a change in DPS leader. I have been playing my rogue since I can remember with only a change from Gnome to Panda. So now what is the top DPS for PVE ? and with this automatic SnD it is throwing me off. Anyhow any input would be great and thank you and MERRY XMAS 

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Sub single target, combat for cleave/multi target that's going to stick around. You're going to want to change specs for certain fights. Currently assassination is the bottom of the barrel in terms of rogues (except for like twin ogron). However, if you're more familiar with assassination, you're probably going to do better in that spec. That being said, they are all a lot close than in the past, so that's something.

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I started years ago in combat then switched to assassination so I think that I can play either not so much Sub think I tried it before. So combat and Assassination or Sub should I carry 2 sets of weapons? daggers and swords or daggers and mace? and what about gear is that going to stay a lot of the same? never did the switch except for PVP and PVE then kept PVP gear in my bank.


Thanks for the info

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Combat you want any slow weapons (swords, axes & maces).


Assassination you need 2 daggers.


Sub you need at least a dagger in your MH.


As for sets, if you wanna keep up both specs, you'll end up having to carry some gear for each (few pieces will be identical due to stat itemization, but some others will have to be duplicated and held in bag to achieve better performance).

Edited by lipsinch

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