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Combat Rogue Advice!

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http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/altar-of-storms/Brewdog/advanced- Armory


https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/33020/- Log


This was just a pug heroic butcher fight. I felt pretty good about this fight. I was slow on a few revealing and slice and dice but i felt like i chained everything well. However my dps was still 17k hardly what an 654 item level should do. 


Can you give me some tips on what I can do better to max dps. I know I need to get a non dagger for combat I just havent had anything drop yet. Enchantmens should be changed as well I already know.



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Hi brew. You're definitely right about getting a non-dagger and adjusting enchants, but there are still some areas to your play that will show huge dividends. Especially on a fight like butcher where you don't have any movement mechanics, and where, with the aid of shadowstep, even the knockback should barely impact your dps.


Looking at your uptimes, here are two that show a huge opportunity to improve dps.


Slice and Dice: Your uptime was only 76%, which is actually extremely low, you should be very close to 100%, if not slightly below if it dropped during those brief moments you were getting back in. But honestly, focusing on getting this number to 100% will help your dps alot


Revealing Strike: Better, but you had a few large gaps in uptime right near the end, which is actually when the dps burn is the highest and when you had heroism helping with energy regen. You should be able to keep this at or neat 100% as well. Specifically, around the 4:20 mark you had 3 sinister strikes without the benefit of revealing strike, which could be an entire additional finisher.


Syncing of deep insight: Normally it is not a good idea to hold killing spree for more than a few seconds because getting it on cooldown is paramount. However, you could have held your second KS to sync up with deep insight. Additionally you could have used more ambush or more revealing strike to delay your final full deep insight so that your last killing spree would have occurred during it


Use a second potion. You didn't use potion during the final burn, that will be substantial.


Ambush: You did your first vanish too soon. Should have held it for deep insight when you could have got that overlap. If possible if should have also used your preparation to get a second ambush right then in the first deep insight while you have a potion up. If you have to use it later, you still should sync the double ambush in a deep insight. You used your prep in a period of low insight.


I hope that all helps and good luck on getting something to replace the dagger.

Edited by JamesGrey

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James pretty much nailed it


To get specific for a moment: It's always worth holding on to KS if you'll advance a level of insight in the next 4-5 seconds. If not, use it on cooldown. 


Otherwise, the biggest thing is your uptimes as he said. RvS and SnD should both be 99-100%

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