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Help with Elemental DPS

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There is generally good uptime on flame shock and searing totem. Flameshock should actually be at 100% instead of 98%, and for seating totem, you actually forgot to cast it for 20 seconds between the 1st and second searing totem. 


Basics of a good raider are there: Double potting, use of best enchants. Though I see a missing enchant on Ring of Crystalline Barrage


This is the most important question: Why are you using earthquake on a single target fight? I do not see you going into the stands to AOE the mobs, so this is an unbuffed earthquake right? It's not worthwhile to cast this for single target. It is only worthwhile if you can chainlightning at least 2 adds at once, and drop earthquake. 


My advice to you is to go into LFR, don't cast Earthquake at all, and execute your rotation normally. You should see a nice increase in your dps. 



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Just as a reminder, as I see several posts around these forums containing misinformation:


The Elemental guide on Icy-Veins has not been (seemingly) updated since November 20th, 2014.  Since then, Elemental shammies have received several buffs.  The guide now contains several errors.


Lava burst does significantly more damage.  Lightning bolt also does more damage.  Earthquake used to be a part of the single target rotation because it would do more damage over its duration than the lightning bolts you would be casting instead of it.  That's no longer the case.  Earthquake has no place in single target rotation unless it has received a buff from Chain Lightning.  


Also your number one priority is keeping lava burst on cooldown after flameshocking...not unleash flame as the guide suggests under that talent choice.  


If you are struggling, trying the rotation helper addons Hekili or Elementarist might help as they have been updated from what I can see.  Also you may find an updated guide by Binkenstein on the interwebs that has also been updated.   

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Thanks for the help! My numbers on the mostly stationary, single target fights are much better now. That said, I'm seeing significant drops in my DPS once I move past the first three bosses of instance. I know a part of that is just the nature of the fights, but I'm also dropping significantly within the percentile on warcraft logs.  I have some updated logs with my more recent fights, and I'd be interested in some feedback, with regards to the later fights of the instance.



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Hey I took a look at your Jan 6 logs.  Your numbers seem a little low.  


First thing's first, you should be pre-potting before pull and once during the fight.  With the exception of Brackenspore, it looks like you're only pre-potting.  This makes a huge difference.


Depending on the fight, I would consider postponing using your Shards of Nothing for Ascendance or on periods of high cleave.  If you are using a macro, try marcroing to Ascendance and see if you see bigger numbers.  Depending on the length of the fight, this can be a DPS loss, so try it out in different scenarios.


Liquid Magma and Primal Elementalist come out ahead DPS wise on heavy cleave fights and/or heavy movement fights. You are using UF and EF on every fight.  I would consider testing out different combinations.  Liquid Magma is really good on Tectus and even Twin Ogron.  


I would glyph Spiritwalker's Grace to shorten the duration and use it independently of Ascendance on high movement fights.


That's all I noticed at a quick glance.  

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